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Courses for Men #14

14. "Those Blue Jeans Gotta Go!"

by AJM

“No way!”

‘Be realistic.” His babe in her Baby Blue Bikini and flowing sheer cover, followed along beside him as he headed from the kitchen through the French doors, to the patio and down the garden path that lead to the pool.

“Okay, realistically…I can’t!” There were few things about which Dr. Kelly Brackett was so sentimental. However, those items held dear by him were so very fervently a part of him that he clung to them as if his life depended on them. One was holding his hand, the other was on his adorning his derrière. Although Dixie felt fortunate to be among those on ‘the list’, she was becoming weary of seeing the latter. “I can’t, Dix!”

Stubborn! If you don’t…I can and I will! Giving him a commanding look, she dropped his hand and folded her arms across her chest -cleavage, from Kel’s perspective, her platinum wedding band sparkled against her bare arms--and cleavage, while her regal dark blondeness cascaded over her shoulders-and… cleavage.

Cleavage. What were we talking about? Cleavage? No… He heaved a sigh while he regrouped.

Catching his little glance to her chest and sheepish grin, Dixie hid a smile as she bit her lips, satisfied that her ‘attire’ had him slightly... flustered.

Right, right… the blue jeans! “You just don’t understand.” He busily collected the empty bottles and cans from the little party that had formed last night after the Paramedic Advisory Committee meeting held at their poolside.

‘I understand that those poor things you have barely covering your backside have lived a very full and happy life-- way beyond anyone’s expectations! But, it’s time to put them to rest. ’ Her hands went to his hips.

“They still fit.” With his attempt at being practical, he turned into her embrace.

“They’re up to your shins, Kel.’ Tearing her gaze from his, she eyed his adorable tan ankles and feet that supported his powerful physique. She too had to re-direct her focus.

His glance left her only momentarily to check. ‘Better study your Anatomy, Nurse. Those are my ankles.

“I’d rather study your anatomy, Doctor….” She reached two fingers beyond the ravelings and pinched the firm flesh beneath.

Huh--? For another dose of that…I’d burn these babies. Be a man, Kel… He squinted and shook his head. Kel then, appealed to her sentiment--cleavage--sentiment The jeans, Kel. The jeans. “Besides, these jeans are sacred.”

‘They’re full of holes.” Dixie argued and then had an idea. “I suppose we could just cut them off at the butt-"


“Okay, okay…at the knees then!”

‘Absolutely not.” He had to look away from her five-star figure if he was to gain any momentum in this argument. Hmmm…better play the ‘sensitive but not overly-sensitive’ card. It was even more effective than his knuckle ball and she was a sucker for it every time--almost. "You don’t remember the significance…?”

“I know. I know. That hole in your knee happened when you were saving someone’s life on the street and that tear was compliments of Holly, your golden retriever that died three years ago-the strip of paint was from…hmmm….?” She tapped her forehead lightly to stimulate the memory to surface. Oh yeah…the paint splotch….

Kel had just finished some white washing of the inside of the pool house when he realized the overhead light fixture and fan needed some attention. While he was involved in home improvement projects he decided to install a shower message showerhead in there as well. Dixie chuckled upon remembering him balancing with gymnast-like concentration as he climbed the ladder, holding a power drill in one hand and an entire arsenal of mollie screws and drill bits between his lips. She remembered how difficult it was to suppress her laughter while sneaking upon him, listening to his carefully chosen profanity (no ‘p’ or ‘f’ words) so as not to shoot shrapnel across the cluttered room.

“Can I hold something for you?”

He turned, startled not so much at her presence but by her presentation. With that he spit out every piece of hardware viced between his pursed lips.

Falling from the structure of the ladder, he caught himself against the corner of the freshly painted wall. ‘Now…how am I supposed to concentrate on…my showerhead …when you’re wearing that-?”

‘I won’t stay if you can concentrate on your showerhead…’

Damn. No work today….

‘What about this one?” He quizzed in reference to the bleached out fray sported on his right cheek.

She could feel herself softening to Kel’s argument as one corner of her mouth turned up transforming into a devilish grin.

‘How could I forget?” That was the little’ badge of honor’ from the counter-top experience the day you proposed. * Dixie patted his posterior prize following him down as he stooped to place the cardboard case full of clanging empties by the doorway.

“Hey! Be careful.” Kel teased. ‘The butt goes with the blue jeans.”

As she had done numerous times before, Dixie took advantage of his crouched position, wrapping her arms tightly around his firm shoulders and mounted her stallion’s bare back. Her hair happily hung down in his face as he stood with her cheek pressed against his. His arms instinctively wrapped around her thighs supporting their already adequate grip as she posted.

“So…now that I have you where I want you…’ She murmured.

‘Mmm-hmmm…?” He blew at a lock of her hair as he enjoyed her arms clinging to him with their gentle massage. Conceding his debate as the curves of her body pressed against his back, Kel mosied over to the pool. “Okay, okay. Next trip to Good Will…they go.”

Maybe…. Allowing the tender persuasion of Kel’s strong muscular back to rub against her and somehow, assuage her determination, she kissed him on the cheek then squirmed in an attempt to dismount. His grip tightened, thwarting her efforts.

He welcomed her nuzzling with his best efforts in return and said, “Care to make a few more memories first?” His tan toes wiggled over the waters edge.

“Mmmmmm…. you bet your belt-loops, Baby!” She exclaimed, and then held her breath as they plunged into the pool. Both contentedly lost the battle, but considered themselves victorious that Saturday afternoon. As if an answer to prayer, the jeans, which spent the remainder of the afternoon at the bottom of the pool, eventually dried, and sadly shrank several sizes, never again to fit the fine form of the physician. But then again, they never quite made it to Good Will either.

Later, he would learn that Dixie had placed them in a special chest that held several other items of importance; the box that had at one time contained her engagement ring and their wedding bands, their boarding pass stubs to their honeymoon in the Caymans, her photo albums, and scrap books, a cathedral window child’s quilt to match the one on their bed made by her mother and grandmother’s hands, and her Dad’s war metals…etc.

Besides, who else would want them anyway…?

Any bidders?

** The End**

Dedicated to the Doc with one of the finest’ endings’ this side of Gone With the Wind. Many thanks to my patient pal’s who read alteration after tedious alteration. To tMc…the ripped inseam just inside his left thigh…have at it! To LL… the ‘Leather Levi’s’ tag hanging onto his waste by a thread (probably still holds a whiff of his cologne)…all yours! And to Audrey… the faded silk laundry label with the initials ’KB +DM’ once mischievously penned with permanent marker by Dixie herself…you’re too young for anything else-just kidding!! LOL!! And finally, to my husband Dean who is ever in a continual state of … ‘regrouping’…the Baby Blue Bikini.

* From Impending Groom.

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