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Impending Groom

by AJM and MSC

Note: This directly follows the events of "Disposal Proposal".

Their lips parted. Only for an instant.

Only long enough to utter a few words within a breath...

"So now we have some work to do."

Just for an instant...


"We have a wedding to plan..."




...only for an instant.

"...I asked you to marry me..."


Just long enough to want more...

"You said...'yes’"

"Most definitely."

To need more...

" we need to make some plans."

And more...

"I have a plan."

And more.



They separated slightly.

"So fill me in."

"We get in the car."

"Okay, I follow you so far..."

Long enough to catch a glimpse of the other’s joy...

"And we go get married."

And the desire to taste each other’s laughter.

"I like giggling and kissing. It tickles."

"Yes, but it is difficult."

But, just for an instant.

"Just takes a little concentration...and practice! "

"Lots and lots of practice!!"

Only for an instant.

"I think we’d better discuss this."

"Oh. length."

Although their hands kept wandering...

"At length."

" Mmmm...some other time."

And wandering...



Too far for them to focus on any other subject...

"C’mon...we need to be serious."

"Okay...note to self...make appointment to be serious."

Other than each other.

"How ‘bout Monday?"

"Not exactly what I had in mind--"

"All make the appointment..."

Much, much, much too far.


"What?" she hummed.

"Could we at least move someplace...maybe... more the couch?"

"I don’t know...I’m finding the countertop quite comfy... Ah...Congoleum!"

"It’s um...Formica!"

"Ah...Formica!-- Then what’s Congoleum?’

"Uh...I think...its floor covering.’ He nuzzled against her. " We’ll have to try that too."

"Well, if you’d rather..." Dixie suggested looking at the floor, leaving the option open for consideration.

"Sorry." He nibbled on her ear. "This floor is ceramic. "


"Just don’t drop me." He grinned as she caught a hold of his belt loops with her thumbs while the rest of her fingertips delighted in encouraging his firm frame to hers, latching them together securely.

"Not a chance!" She flashed him a mischievous inviting smile.

"So ...let’s just stay here..." He thought impishly. "...for now."

"Now...what were we talking about...?"

Forget it. There would be time for talk...later...maybe...


"Dearly beloved..."


"Mmh!! --Oh!"

The immediate temperature had risen considerably. "’S okay," she encouraged softly trying to recall when she had ever heard Kel this vocal during previous intensely passionate interludes.

"Oh! Oh wow! Damn!!!"

"‘Mmmm-hmmmmm... " she whispered tenderly thinking maybe the middle-of-nowhere setting was the reason. Maybe, it was the legendary mountain air.

"Damn! I’m on fire!!" He arched his back.

"I’d say so-" Dixie bit her lip rather enjoying the fortified enthusiasm. Then again...maybe I’m the reason.

" Huh-uh...! No! I mean my back’s-hot! !"

"That’s always been my observation-" She was confused by Kel’s grimace.

"Dix! I’m burning skin is--on fire!!!"


"--Ow! I think... I’m against...the ...toaster..."


Dixie pulled her lips away, opened her eyes and peeked over her lover’s bare back. Indeed, behind the squirming, perfect posterior, just beneath the beltline of his jeans, which had leisurely roamed beyond the elastic of his boxers, contact was evident, along with the increasingly pungent smell of burning denim and incinerating flesh.

"Yep. You’re smoldering. Here let me unplug it. I can reach it easier than you can." She stretched. "Okay...uh...alright got it." She pulled the toaster plug from the receptacle and with an exaggerated flick of the wrist, shoved the appliance noisily in the sink. ‘Ouch. That’s hot!"

"You burned your finger?"

"‘A little." She instinctively put it to her mouth as if to suck out the pain.

"Can I help you with that?" he grinned.

"If I can help you with yours...?" she raised a rascally brow.

He chuckled then returned his attention to his charring cheek. Kel doused the dungarees with a quick brushing and determined that his flesh was no longer ablaze, decided that although the discomfort was acutely intense, it wasn’t worth the break in the interaction and continued the path of pursuit. He figured a majority of his blood supply was being shunted away from any pain interpretation centers in his brain. Besides, Dixie’s slightly unbuttoned sweater was an invitation simply beyond his ability to resist. He proficiently undid another button, proud of his accomplishment in such a confined space.

"I wonder." She propped herself up slightly to spot examine the injury as Kel pre-occupied himself in utilizing her position to their utmost advantage.

Another button opened. This time his teeth fished for the clasp while his hands furthered his cause elsewhere. Much more space-efficient. He thought.

Dixie still attempted to address his wound.

And yet another. She tried to make an assessment. "It looks like you really have quite a burn there...I can just do a little first aid-"

Grinning naughtily with his quarry still between his teeth, he lifted his head slightly to determine if Dixie was serious.

Of course she was.

"Later!-" he encouraged with a kiss, as his low voice whispered warmly on her skin.

"-but, I’m serious we’d better take care of that -"

"-Later." Another kiss, this time on her neck, as he gradually worked his way to her lips.

"Kel, I could just get some ice or some lotion and-"

"-Later." The playful cub insisted with yet another...someplace...else...

"But I think we should--"

"-Later!--" His mouth caught any more discussion that may have escaped from her lips, while his exploring hands finalized the persuasion.

Cub?...well...maybe ...more like a full grown tiger.

She sighed. She wasn’t going to win this one. She really didn’t want to win this one. She surrendered, very willingly, as they slowly collapsed in return to their recreation.

The curious little intruder survived dormancy in a winter with record snowfall and cold temperatures, only to bore his way into rather than out of the stone ranch cabin. Figures. Who would have thought anything so seemingly inconsequential could have long reaching repercussions? Regardless of whether he was attracted to sugar or motion, the little intruder found a bounty of both on the busy back brim of Kel Brackett.

"We are gathered here today ...

"Kel. Kel?"


"Kel, there’s a bee on your back-" Dixie turned to swat at the offending voyeur only to chase it beneath his slightly loosened, retreating jeans.

‘Huh?’ He re-oriented quickly.

‘Just hold still."

He rolled around looking for the prowler... "That’s not a bee, it’s a hornet!!"

" Hold still."

"Did you get it yet?"

"Not...quite. Hold still."

"Dix..! Don’t try to capture it...just- Ow!" Kel wiggled and flinched.


"Hold still!!" Dixie tried again.


"Got it!-oh... no. Guess not. Sorry!" The angered little aviator flew off the counter and out through the crevice in the windowsill.

Kel just... flew off the counter----along with the sugar canister.

"Kel...?! She peered over the ledge, her mussed mane spilling over her shoulder. "Are you okay?"

To celebrate one of life’s greatest moments...

He lay flat on his back staring straight ahead in a bit of a dysphoric state.

"Kel?" she grimaced hopefully but not optimistically.

"Yeah. I’m fine. I’m fine," he grunted as his eyes watered. His gaze fixed ahead at the ceiling.

"Here, let me help y-" She hopped off the counter fixing this and fastening that.

"No no no! No. Dix, please! Don’t touch me."

"You’re hurt!?"

"I think..." he gasped. "I think... I dislocated... my shoulder... among other things." He grimaced as his back arched.

"Oh no. But... I thought you said you were fine!?" she argued, running her fingers through his hair in an attempt to comfort him in some way.

"Yeah... well...I meant I was... still alive."

"Kel --your head’s bleeding," she gasped.

"That hurts too," he assessed.

"Stupid bee!"

"It wasn’t a bee. It was a hornet." Kel corrected as the rain of sugar slowed to a trickle.

"I’ll call an ambulance-"

"No...I ...uh..." he sighed.

"Don’t be stubborn... you need medical attention!’

"I'm not being stubborn. By the time help arrives we could be half-way to the medi-center. I think I can walk if... you help me sit up...?"

Dixie rolled her eyes. "Kel--"

"Look. If you can just... just get underneath my back, and help me sit up..."

"I think you’ll be more comfortable lying flat."

"Yes, but how else am I gonna get to the car? Just help me sit up..." he begged. "Please.?"

‘You’re the doctor." She knelt by his head, placing her arms under his scapulae. Her sweet cheek smacked against his, while her hair dangled in his face.

to unite this man Kelly David Brackett...

"OW!! Damn! Ow! Oh Damn!"

"I don’t think this is working..." Dixie squinted with the effort.

"No keep... going-ow! Damn it!"

"You know you might want to ease up on the ‘damns’. You’re gonna scare all the help away!!"

‘I’m sorry. I can’t help it. I say ‘damn’ a lot when... I’m in excruciating pain-uh! Damn!" He took a couple of quick shallow breaths. "Ow! Let’s try again."

He gulped.

with this woman Dixie Rae McCall,...

"Stubborn!" ... Thank God!

Their next effort rewarded them with success. She wiped her brow with her sleeve and remained hunkered beside him as he leaned against the lower cupboards.

He sighed-in pain. "Dix, I think there are some Darvon TM... in the medicine cabinet... in your bathroom. Maybe I can take those and ... after they take effect... maybe ...I can move a little better."

"Just... ‘maybe’?’

‘No guarantees.’

Dixie gave a sigh of exasperation. "That’s it! I’m callin’ the paramedi-"

"What paramedics? Not out here. Hopefully, maybe someday. But not anytime within the next couple of months."

in the bonds of holy matrimony...

"Hey wait a minute...I can’t give you the Darvon TM...what if you have a head injury?’

"If I pass out then at least I won’t be in pain!!" He grimaced.

"Okay...guest bathroom...two DarvonTM." Dixie murmured and headed toward her bedroom. "Stupid bee!"

which is an honorable estate.

"It was a hornet. "


"I think they’re expired, Kel." She brought out the vial inspecting it closely. "Yep."

"It’s okay. I usually keep ‘em a couple of years afterward. They just lose their effectiveness. They should be okay to take. See the date in black marker on the side. That’s their true expiration date."


She opened the vial and handed it to him reluctantly, allowing him to ‘prescribe’ as many as he felt necessary. Such violation of protocol normally went against her nursing instincts. However the man she loved was in agony, and he was a she even followed through with the iced tea to wash it down. She watched him take several.

"Thanks," Kel managed.


Who gives this woman...?

Dixie tried to fill the following moments with calm reassurances and quiet TLC, much to Kel’s appreciation.

She smiled as her hand refrained from cupping his face, figuring the less stimulation the better. "You feeling any better yet?"

"A little. I should be able to move better by the time the ambulance gets here." He smiled at his own ability to read her.

"How’d you know?" She happily acknowledged his feat with a loving smile, which required no response. She knew him every bit as well as he knew her. "You think you have me pretty much figured out, huh?"

He gave her a sly grin. "Mm-hm."

"You heard me calling from the guest room , didn’t you."


She smiled in return.

A stabbing pain in his forearm interrupted the moment.

"I think it’s broken, Dix." He quickly frowned at her attention to the area.

She assessed his forearm.

"Does this hur-"

"YES!! I THINK... its broken!"

"Here. Let me look-"

to this man?

"OW! Damn it!"

"Sorry." Dixie sighed aloud in frustration, gently resting his arm on the floor. She realized Kel was probably battling nausea now as well. "So much for the pain pills." It introduced into both their minds the heavier matter of probable surgery.

‘I do...on behalf of our father.’


The time had come. There was no putting it off now. It would no doubt be painful.

"We should probably get them closed before..." she tugged gently at first then encountered the difficulty.

"I can hold ‘em closed just...pull."

Kelly , do you take this woman...?

"I am pulling. It’s stuck." Dixie sat, straddling his legs, she yanking in vain, first with one hand then clumsily with two.


"Sorry! I knew we should have kept you flat."

"It’s okay. How about you hold up here and I’ll pull."

"Okay. But...I’m telling’s really stuck."

With one sorry hand, he feebly jerked, tugged, wrenched, pried, and cursed... "Damn!" ...all to no avail. "Damn. It’s stuck."

"How about a pair of pliers?" Dixie brainstormed.

"To pull up a zipper?" He noticed his headache was a little less and his nausea had subsided.

To be your lawful wedded wife?

"It’s your fly... You want it up or down for the general public?"

"That’s the last thing they’ll notice at the medi-center, believe me."

"You want to take that chance?" Her hands went up in frustration then slapped back down on her knees. ‘Got any other suggestions?’

"Are you sure it’s not just caught?!"

She merely gave him ‘the look’ in response.

"Okay... you’re right. Um...let’s see...pliers...first drawer to the right of--"

Kel listened to Dixie rattling as she rummaged through the drawers. "--of the trash compacter. "Damn. There go the drawers." He knew he would have to re-organize afterwards. "Oh well." was on the to-do list anyway... He fell off asleep feeling some relief from the DarvonTM. They hadn’t expired after all.

Dixie returned with a mammoth pair of industrial pliers.

"Where’d you get those?"

"Out in the barn."

"What happened to the pair in the drawer?"

to live together in the estate of matrimony...?

"Well, you tell me and we’ll both know. There weren’t any... any drawer. You know if you were a real surgeon you’d at least have a pair of old hemostats somewhere..." she teased medicinally. "I think I hear the ambulance."

"Well lets get me closed up..."

‘Right away." She mocked his orders. " hold your pants... and I’ll pull."

"Why don’t you stand over here that way you’ll get more torque for your buck."

"I’m fine right here. Just the way I am."

"You’re sure?"

"Yeah. Sure I’m sure."

"But if you-"

"-- I’m fine. Right. Here."

"Okay. Just... watch what you’re grabbing...please.’ He implored, rolling his eyes.


Diagnosis : Fractured right radius. Fractured right clavicle. Dislocated shoulder. Slight concussion right posterior temporal region. Second degree burn (5cm. x 2cm) of lower right gluteal region, and several bee-stings upper left gluteal region.

Do you promise to love her?

He awoke to Dixie’s tired but encouraging smile. The pain was moderately subdued by the morphine but left him very sleepy.



...honor her?

"You want the good news first?"

"Just straight." As always.

"Well... you’ve got a fractured radius, a dislocated shoulder, a slight concussion...and your butt’s gonna be sore for a while. You’re probably gonna need pins...they can’t do it here."

He nodded and sighed. "Shasta Ville...?"

" hour away." She confirmed. "Might be a pretty bumpy ride."

"No bumpier than the countertop."

"How’s your finger?"

...comfort and keep her..?

"I’ll live." She held up her bandaged trophy.

He winced as a dart of pain shot across his shoulder.

in sickness and in health..?

"I’m sorry... for the way things turned out... for everything." Her eyes began to well with tears accompanied by a brave but dwindling smile.

"I’m not." He objected, managed a smile, and rubbed the new ring on her finger.

forsaking all others , be true to her as long as you both shall live?"

"Well, I think it’s safe to say the morphine has had its desired effect, huh?"

"Probably. But ...narcotic or no narcotic, I hope I would have the presence of mind to tell you...I’d go through it all again if..."

Dixie’s commitment was beyond confirmed. ""

"I mean it, Dix. You’re worth anything I’ve been through...whatever it takes." His hand moving from her ring finger to her chin. "Tell me you believe that."

She was saturated with emotion, biting both her lips, knowing his words were from his heart.

"I believe it, Kel. I really do." She let out a little nervous laugh of relief. "I do."

"You work on that line, huh?"


"I do."

"Just think of the story we can tell our grand kids?"

They both pondered and laughed. ‘Well we’ll think of something to tell ‘em." Her subdued smile radiated more comfort than words ever could.

"We’re gonna have plenty of opportunity to rehearse. That’s for sure." Dixie said thinking of the curious crew that would form back home.

Before he drifted back to sleep he could remember thinking aloud to Dixie...

"All I can say is...thank God we’re ten hours from Rampart."


"No, Joe. It isn’t a sucker bite on my butt it was a bee sting...on my back!"

"Wait a minute ...I thought he said you had ..."

"That was a burn-"

"I still don’t understand...How did you burn your butt-" The physician finished fastening the sling.

"From the toaster-!!" Kel rolled his eyes upset with himself for revealing anything.

"The toaster?! What toaster?!" He squinted in confusion. " Why were you sitting on a toaster?"

"-- I wasn’t sitting on the toaster. Look, you don’t want to know-"

"Of course I wanna know. I’m a concerned physician." Joe debated as he folded his arms across his chest and did his best to limit his reaction to merely a very wide grin.

"--with an overactive imagination..." Kel hopped off the exam table, wincing in pain.

"Based on what you and Dixie have told me so far...there’s not much left for the imagination, Kel. Besides, she pretty much filled me in."

"She did?!!"

"Don’t worry! It wasn’t anything Pete hadn’t already told me."

"Pete?!!!" How the...?

"Oh. The nurse that took care of you at the medi-centre...? Rachel... somebody...Rachel..." He snapped his fingers to assist his recollection.


"Right. Well, she’s Pete’s sister-in-law’s cousin. Something like that. Imagine."

"Yeh. Imagine!" Figures! Kel rolled his eyes and looked to the ceiling then winced in pain. "So you know about the...?"

"The...?" Joe smiled in revelation. "Oh...sure! " Always reveling in a chance to offer comfort to his colleague.

Kel looked suspicious at his friend’s unusual outpouring of empathy.

"You don’t have to be embarrassed about it, Kel. So you fell off...that’s nothing to be ashamed of."

Kel waited following closely with just his eyes the movements of his friend, suspicious of Joe’s angle.

Joe placed an understanding hand on his friend’s aligned shoulder. "Sounds like you lucked out..."

"Lucked out?!"

"I know your ego’s a little bruised. But, we’ve both seen similar incidences where guys come in... kicked and maybe even dragged around."

Kel offered nothing. This was either a high score set up or a case of misinformation on a colossal scale.

"The important thing is that you climb back on."

Climb back on...? Kel felt his eyebrows arching higher than they had ever bowed before in his life.

"The sooner the better."


"You don’t want to lose your confidence." Joe leaned over the sink to wash his hands. " I just have one question..."

Here it comes.

"If you burnt your butt on a toaster... why would you be stupid enough to get on a horse?"

"Horse?" Kel inquired.

"The one Dixie swears you were thrown off of?"


"And do you , Dixie ...?

"Whoa. Doc. Rough ride, huh?" Johnny asked as Dixie snapped her head around quickly from the medicine cabinet.

Kel was momentarily mortified as he approached the nurse’s station, but realized the comment was spoken in empathy and innocence.

"You could say that."

"You gonna be laid up for a while?"

take this man...?

"Maybe a couple of weeks or so...I’ll be back in the office by then. Of course I’ll be back tomorrow for my surgery."

"Surgery?" Roy prompted.

"Surgery?!" Dixie fired.

"Dr’s Givons and Early don’t think I have enough hardware in my arm so...’

"You’re kidding." Dixie presented to be minimally upset.

"Oh. Sorry to hear that, Doc." Roy empathized.

"I’m just glad they could fit me on the schedule so soon. ‘No big deal."

"No big deal?" Dixie worried but let the issue drop. They could discuss it more privately later when she got home from work. She’d stop by and check up on him. Right now she needed to set up Room four for an impending R/O myocardial infarction. She collected some vials of nitroglycerin from the medicine case.

"You look pretty... rough." Johnny sympathized, as he tried to picture the physician being thrown from his horse.

to be your lawful wedded husband?"

"I feel pretty rough. I think I’m just gonna grab a few things out of my office and go on home."

"Need a ride? I’ll be leaving in about forty-five minutes barring any disasters."

"No. Thanks, Joe. I’ll just take a cab."

Dixie glared at his reflection in the window of the med cabinet as she closed the door. Stubborn.

to live together in the estate of matrimony?"

He walked down the hall. Dixie followed curiously with her hands full of cardiac drugs and iv paraphernalia as inquiring eyes looked on inconspicuously.


"When were you gonna brief me on the ‘horse story’?!" Kel inquired.

"Well I wanted to, but you slept the whole way home. I offered to bring you in this morning but you were hell-bent on taking a cab." She responded, politely, just above a shouted whisper.

"Do you promise to love him...and honor him...?

"Well, I think we’d better get our story straight before the inevitable inquest...?"

"Sorry, that’s the best I could do...on short notice!!"

comfort and keep him...?

"Oh? Fell off a horse...?" He retorted in embarrassment. " I’ve never fallen off a horse! Not even as a kid."

"Forgive me, Hoss! I thought it was a little less humiliating than rolling your pitiful toasted buns off a countertop half naked in the middle of-"

"Will you please keep your voice down?!"

Her eyes narrowed. "Yes! Yes! I will keep my voice down! ...and you can just ambulate your ungrateful, sorry, miserable, sugar-coated--"

in sickness and in health...?

He knew what was coming and he needed to protect the general public from her Irish temper. To the best of his debility, he guided her behind a room divider, --it wasn’t much but it was something-while quickly placing his fingers over her lips.

Whether it was their softness or the lexis flowing from them that caused him to drop the indignity and reassess the situation from his fiancée’s perspective, Kel was unsure. However he was certain of their alleviating effect.


forsaking all others, be true to long as you both shall live?"

"Okay. Okay. I’m sorry." His voice stayed strong but dropped the defensive edge. "I’m really sorry. I just got caught a little off guard I guess." He realized he was interfering with her performing an important task. "But can we talk later? Please?" Reluctantly dropping his fingers away from her lips, he added, as his eyes interceded for him.

Her determination thawed as well.

"I do."

She nodded in forgiveness. "I better get these to room four before the patient gets here. By the way..." She mentioned quickly. "There really is nothing pitiful about your buns... toasted or otherwise."

He smiled ignoring the shards of pain in his arm as they proceeded again down the hall together.


"I have a question." Pete asked, scratching his head. "If they were toasting come...?"

"Toasting marshmallows? That’s not what I heard. Who toasts marshmallows at ten o’clock in the morning?"

"--In the pouring rain for that matter?"

"Maybe they were roasting marshmallow inside the cabin... doesn’t he have a fire place?"

"Then how did the horse throw him into the fire...?"

"I’m telling you. I heard it from the horse’s mouth-pardon the pun--he burnt his butt on the toaster!!" Dr. Early enlightened those collected.

"Well, what was he doin’ with a toaster on a horse?"

"Wait! He sat on the toaster...before he got on the horse." Johnny puzzled together.

"But, who sits on a toaster, burns their butt and then rides a horse?" Joe argued.

"Who sits on a toaster?!!"

"Only a surgeon." Pete promoted, of course to Joe Early’ s chagrin.

"Come on, Pete. Let’s be serious!" Joe scolded.

"Where did it throw him?" Roy tried to sort facts.

"I don’t know...someplace solid."

"The only thing solid in northern California this last week has been the rain." Pete reminded everyone.

"Well what were they doin’ ridin’ horses in the rain?’ His curious partner scratched his head.

"And how did he hit his head in the front?"

"The gate...swung open and hit him right in the forehead. That’s how he got that little...mark on his nose."

"Well now come to think of it, Rachel Forrester said he was the cleanest cowboy to take a tumble she’s ever seen-unless he took a shower before they arrived at the medi-center," Pete contributed.

‘You mean he was clean?"

"As a whistle."

"Maybe he did shower---" Johnny defended.

"We all know our ‘Good Doctor is anal’...but nobody fractures their clavicle, their radius, not to mention suffers a concussion, ...then takes a shower...? Pete postulated. "Oh. And did I mention the five pounds of sugar they dumped out of his shorts... ?"

Every eyebrow rose with Pete’s comment.

"-and off his back."

Every head turned.

"-and brushed out of his hair...?"

The jaws dropped.

"Yep," Pete nodded. "Now I realized Kel could jump in a pile of horse manure and come out smelling like a rose...but this is just a little too much magic -even for our esteemed Kel Brackett to pull off."

"Allow me to inject."

"Dr. Early."

"Too many inconsistencies..."

"I agree..."

"Somethin’s mighty fishy."

"I think this warrants some investigation..."

"I don’t have to be a cop to tell you that..." Johnny added.

"’s your opportunity. Here she comes." Roy knew they had stayed too long, although he was curious.

"Dix, we have some questions..."

"I’m sorry for breaking up this little quilting bee... know...I have work to do... I bet you ladies do too! Bye!" Dixie flashed a proud smile while she scolded the flock, grabbed a chart, and then marched down the corridor with her lush low ponytail chasing after her.

They watched. "Are we going to let her get away that easily?" Pete inquired.

They re-assessed the determined woman as she strode down the hall.

"Yep." Joe surmised. "I’m not up to the task of cornering those hormones today. One disabled doctor per department is enough."

"I agree." Roy instructed from obvious experience. "I’ve been a fireman and a husband too long. I recognize a ‘danger’ sign when I see one."

"I don’t think we want to pin her down just yet. I’ve seen that look before." Jim added.

Pete nodded wondering in amazement. Women!

Johnny took mental notes.

Nobody even noticed the ring on her finger.

"Wedding rings are an outward and visible sign of an inward spiritual grace and the unbroken circle of love, signifying to all the union of this man and this woman in marriage..."


She shoved the chart she was carrying into a surprised Dr. Mike Morton’s chest. With only a "‘Here!" she did an abrupt about face and marched back to the crowd she just left.

‘Thanks... Dix." Mike offered.

"Uh-oh." Roy warned.

"Oh no. She’s comin’ back!" Joe announced the obvious.

"Here she comes. Well I guess we’ll be goi-" Johnny attempted ready to flee.

"Gentlemen?" She gave a ‘follow me’ wave. "Mike?!"

He played it safe and pretended not to hear her.

"Come on! You might as well come along too...!"

He closed the chart as he caved in to curiosity.

They fell in line like schoolboys at a fire drill as she led them to Kel’s office, much to his surprise and dismay.

"Please join hands and repeat after me..."

"Okay. Take notes if you want to. This is the story." She announced after everybody entered. She closed the door and stood behind Kel, placing her hands gently on his shoulders.

"We were enjoying an ‘outing’ up at the ranch. Kel got something stuck in the disposal. He couldn’t reach it because his hand didn’t fit in the drain. Mine did. I got it out. IT was a ring." She held up her hand wiggling her fingers then used them to assist her in explaining the sequence of events. "He asked me to marry him. I said ‘yes!’"

"I, Kelly..

"We sort of got things ‘cookin’ on the counter-top -" she continued.

--Sort of? Just...‘sort of’? Kel raised an eyebrow in alarm at her choice of words deciding against moving any other muscles, as Dixie continued uninterrupted. Her hands conducted and pointed as she explained.

Take thee, Dixie,


"-- He pressed up against the toaster and burned his butt...I knocked the hot toaster in the sink..." She raised her other hand as exhibit B.

to be my lawful wedded wife...

" A bee -excuse me, a hornettttt-- flew in and stung him, I knocked the hornet and Kel off the counter-top along with the sugar-he sustained major and minor injuries. His zipper was stuck--probably because it was full of sugar. I grabbed the first pair of pliers I found; they slipped because they were too big AND... I didn’t listen to Kel’s advice-got an incidental DarvonTM-enhanced lecture about torque-anyway they slipped. Didn’t quite knock him out but succeeded in lacerating his nose. Shortly thereafter, the ambulance arrived and we went to the medi-center. Now I’ll address any questions."

To have and to hold from this day forward...

By now, her hands had both found their way to her hips. She folded her arms across her chest in challenge.

The dumbfounded audience was speechless. Silent, as if they had just finished having their first lecture about the ‘birds and the bees’. Their faces were billboards of disbelief and confusion. Roy cracked a smile. Then a few others followed.

Joe bravely raised a hand after an extended period of silence. "Dix?"

Dixie shot her attention over to him as everybody awaited the scarecrow’s question to the wizard.

"Did Kel burn his ass before or after he got thrown off the horse?"

"I thought somebody said he was sitting on a toaster?!" Mike was frustrated that he had only been able to extract dangerous little information from passing conversations.

"That’s what I want to know," agreed Pete as the cacophony began again.

"But Dix said they were toasting marshmallows," Mike argued with himself.

"Maybe he had marshmallows in his underwear!" Johnny postulated in frustration as he threw up his hand.

"Oh...good one, Sherlock." Roy placated his partner with a pat on the shoulder. "Good one."

"Makes about as much sense as anything I’ve heard the last couple of hours. It’s obvious we’re not going to get a straight answer from either of them..."

Pete headed for the door and turned. "Hm...if it ever gets out that I’ve lost a girl to someone who’s got marshmallows in his briefs-I’ll never live it down."

For better of for worse...

Dixie and Kel just looked at each other and shrugged. Kel immediately regretted that action, grimacing in pain.

"How could she say all that and keep a straight face?" Roy was watching closely for telltale facial expressions...anything that would blow the whistle on the ‘joke’.

"Yeah. Nice try, Dix," Jim added, convinced as well, following his partner.

"April fool’s...right?" Roy asked looking at his watch deciding they too had spent enough time in the gaiety.

For richer or for poorer...

"Very funny.’ Johnny smiled widely appreciating the humor and proud that they had caught on early. "I can’t believe she actually thought we’d fall for that... what does she take us for anyway...I mean the ring is obviously fake..." He rambled out into the hallway.

"Joe!" Mike chased after his colleague. "Did he really sit on a toaster?"

"Who knows?" Said Joe in exasperation headed for some more coffee. "I wouldn’t be surprised."

"That would explain a lot. I figure...the sugar shorted out the toaster...electrical burns could mimic..." Mike chewed Joe’s ear upon leaving and closing the door behind him.

"Well, Mike. Why don’t you go dump a five pound bag of sugar in your shorts and see if you can duplicate the experiment..." The senior physician could be heard encouraging the well-meaning doctor through the door.

in sickness and in health...

Kel with limited range of motion, looked up to Dix from his chair as she leaned back on his desk in disbelief and shrugged. He returned with a sigh and a smile.

to love and to cherish...

Dixie gave him her hand and gently squeezed.

till death do us part."

"So, Dix. Did I burn my ass before or after I got thrown off the horse.?!"


Part Two

Now You’re Speculating...


"On the COUNTER???!!" Chet marveled.

‘I know!" Johnny giggled. "Can you believe it?"

‘Yeah of course, I believe it!"

"You’re kidding?!"

"In fact, I’m jealous. But I believe it."

The two brothers chuckled. "You can’t be serious.’" Johnny was astounded.

"’re blushing!" Chester looked at his friends in disbelief. "You’re both blushing! What? You don’t?!"

They weren’t commenting. "You really don’t!" Kelly assessed. "Look...its not like they’re your parents or's okay to discuss it. They’re obviously okay with discussing-"

"-Oh, Come on, Chet! You can’t possibly sit there and tell me you buy a cockamamie, idea of two grown, mature adults... having... doing...’ He waved his hand to complete his sentence. "...up on ...a countertop like a couple of ..."

"A stud like Doc Brackett and a chick like Dix--?"

"Now wait a minute!" Johnny reprimanded. "Dix may be a ...a ...a"

"A Babe?"

"No. Chet." Johnny scolded. ‘Dixie is not a ‘chick’. She is not a ‘babe’."

Roy continued the chastising. "She may be gorgeous, and attractive, and smart... and a...a woman...." He looked to his younger partner for conformation.

Johnny nodded unknowingly in agreement. "But-"

"We call them ‘Babes, ’ gentlemen. " Chet explained and repeated with emphasis. "We call them Babes!!"

Cap walked in and filled a glass with milk. Chet turned to him for support. ‘‘Cap... would you say Dixie’s a Babe?"

"Without hesitation." He raised his glass in agreement. "Dixie’s a Babe." He took a swallow, toasting his comment.

"Thanks Cap."

"Glad I could be of assistance." He wiped the white moustache from his lip with the back of his hand and pulled up a chair.

"We may call ‘them’ ‘Babes’...but we don’t refer to Dixie as a ...a ‘chic’ or a...’Babe’. That’s... disrespectful!"

"Whatever, Gage. All I’m saying is if you put a gorgeous, attractive woman alone with a stud like-"

"Brackett is not a stud!!!! He’s...he’s...he’s...---and I don’t buy the part about him askin’ her to marry him either!!"

"This may be none of my business, but since you invited my comment...why were we evaluating Dixie on the ‘babe-scale’?"

"We weren’t really ranking her, Cap...however, it seems as though she’s obviously scored pretty high on the scale of a certain physician and... as the song goes... another one bites the dust," Chet informed as John and Roy’s nodded in rebuttal.

"You’re kidding! That dog! Brackett finally proposed, huh?" He spoke through his returning moustache.

"Sure sounds like it!" Chet answered.

"Hold on a come you’re doin all of the answering?" Cap nodded to Chet.

"Because these two are in denial."

"Oh? How so...?"

Chet pushed a paper towel across to his concerned captain and began to tell him his perspective on the real story.


"I’ve got it!" Joe talked to Pete over the phone.

"Got what?!"

"It has to do with the DarvonTM..." Joe hypothesized.

Pete looked at the receiver as if it had just bit his ear.

"He was thrown off the horse...breaks his collar bone and arm-"

"--Gets a concussion...?" Pete included slowly and calmly.

"Right! He takes the DarvonTM for pain, because he isn’t thinking straight..., even though he may have a head injury, which he does..."


"Between the head injury and the DarvonTM, he goes out of his mind and sits on a toaster!"

"And pours five pounds of sugar in his shorts!" Pete thought he had underlined the ridiculous.

"BINGO!!" Dr. Early exclaimed.

Pete rolled his eyes. I should have at least given medical school a shot...


"Wow!! On the counter?!" Cap chimed enthusiastically as he slapped the tabletop. At last, the day held more promise. The paperwork could wait.

"Yep! " Chet agreed enthusiastically.

"The counter!" Cap repeated with a smile of discovery. "And you guys don’t believe it?" He looked to John and Roy.

"We know them...Dixie’s just pulling our leg." Johnny explained calmly and confidently.

"Well then if they’re just pulling your leg...they’ve certainly gone to a lot of come Dr. Brackett’s in the shape he’s in?" He placed his milk on the table and rested his chin on his hand, listening intently, awaiting this explanation.

Johnny couldn’t wait to inform the Cap of the pieces of evidence they had been assembling and raised up in his seat. "They were riding horses in the rain-!" He underscored with a couple waves of his hand, certain that the conclusion would evidence itself. When Cap’s face reflected that it obviously hadn’t, Roy added further explanation.

"Yeah-- up at his ranch in Northern California-" he supported. "It’s been solid rain there for the last week so it was pretty slippery-"

"Okay Roy...let me tell him. I was doin’ fine."

"Yeah, but you missed the slippery part-you needed the slippery part."

"Anyway-he gets thrown off a horse into the fire-"

"What fire?" Cap asked lifting his head off his hand.

"Aha!" Johnny encouraged.

"Well," Roy looked to John. "We didn’t figure out whether that happened when he got on the horse or whether he was thrown into the fire." Roy commented throwing a sheepish grin to Cap.

"--After what happened? What fire?!!" Cap pleaded for clarification.

"Dix said they were toasting marshmallows-"

"Outside? In the rain? In the middle of the morning ?!" Cap, now raised in his seat.

"Exactly!!" John shouted, pointing to Hank’s comment. "Proving my point that he sat on the toaster before he got on the horse."

Cap pensively, leaned forward in an attempt to better follow and sift through the facts. He was just glad he didn’t have to fill out this report.

"Wait! Hold the phone!- I must have missed something! I could have sworn you just said that Dr. Brackett, thoracic surgeon, and chief of Emergency Services at Rampart General Hospital was... sitting on a toaster?" Cap shook his head and rubbed his face in dismay.

"Right!!!. Sounds a little suspicious!! ...BUT it makes more sense than having a toaster on a horse!" Roy announced proudly.

"Gotta give him that one." Cap sliced sarcastically, as he looked into his palm then massaging his forehead.

"But they could have been roasting marshmallows inside. I guess he has a fire place inside!" Johnny argued.

"Well how did the horse throw him into the fire. Dix said they were roasting marshmallows outside." Roy debated as his voice elevated.

"Then how did he burn his butt--nobody sits on a toaster then gets up and rides a horse!!..." Johnny disputed.

"Nobody sits on a toaster!! Not even my brother-in-law and he’s the dumbest creature God ever put on this earth!! My money’s on the...the counter--story." Cap finished his milk, got up, pushed in his chair, set his glass in the sink and returned to his office to tackle the quarterly reports. "Wow!!...On the counter!!"

"Why not?! They’ve been an item now for years...right?" Chet debated. "You’ve seen ‘em together at places like the picnic... a little wink here, an occasional peck there?"

"That’s a big stretch. " Roy cautioned.

"You know I’m right."

"No, now you’re speculating--" Roy intervened although both he and John witnessed suggestions of discreet demonstrations of limited affection out in public.

"Well. You said she has a ring right? She does have a ring?" Chet questioned.

"Yeah. But anybody could tell it was...fake...I mean... it had two or three good-sized rocks..."

"And that’s impossible because..." Chet pursued his point.

"That’s not their style!" Roy defended, chortling with his sibling in disbelief. "You just don’t know them like we know them, Chet."

"Right! They...they’re just never gonna get married."

"How come?"

"They’re not the marrying kind, Chet. They’re both stubborn as the day is long, very set in their ways, very independent...they’re stubborn as the day is long..--"

"You already said that."

"--And they’ve been single all their lives."

"Most married people were at some point," Kelly was shaking his head. "You two always go on about how they were cut from the same they deserve each other...I think you’ve even used the term, made for each other... at one time or another."

"Yeah, but-"

"Sounds to me like maybe they just saw the light."

"Oh. Right.’

"Sounds to me like maybe you two are in denial."

The two partners, even now brothers searched each other’s expression for a logical retort barely noticing the telephone ringing.

Mike Stoker came running in winded from on top of the engine eyeing the leisurely three seated around the table. "It’s okay guys, they can’t see how ugly you are if you just pick up the receiver and talk into it...!!" He jabbed his colleagues shaking his head as he grabbed the telephone with a rag. "Hello. Station Fifty-One. This is Mike."

"One moment please." Mike sang out covering the receiver with his palm. "Roy or John?"

They exchanged quizzical glances and shrugs.

"Can one of you actually make it over here to the phone?" Mike coaxed. "If not I can always tell HER you’re on the--"

Johnny grabbed the receiver.

"Sort of a grandmother type." Mike coached and smiled.


‘Hello. Can you hold please, Dr. Early is on the other line"

"Sure I’ll hold." Johnny agreed.


Johnny leaned against the wall with Roy close by, both wearing disbelief, as they talked to Dr. Early over the phone. "Well. I get the part about-"

"But what about..?" He shook his head.

"But...but..." He nodded and listened.

He listened some more and shook his head.


"I don’t believe it. I still don’t believe it."

"You really think...--but on the COUNTER?"

"STATION FIFTY-ONE unknown type rescue...woman down.

Seventeen-sixteen Wiltshire. Time-out: Fifteen twenty-five."

"Hey...yeah thanks! I gotta go!!" Johnny quickly and politely dismissed himself and returned the receiver to its cradle.

"Huh-uh. ... the Counter?!" he grimaced and blushed as he hurried out to the squad.

"Station Fifty-one KMG-365."


Dixie had arrived at work early, delivering Kel to the admitting area. She did a few hours of administrative detail in anticipation of leaving her shift early and planned on doing paperwork during the waiting hours. Seeing her mom in the waiting area gave her welcome relief.

Returning from the cafeteria to the surgical waiting room, Dixie and Verna passed through the corridor of the Emergency Room. They spotted Johnny carrying a little companion to the waiting area. He sat him down in a chair and was trying to keep him calm. Curiosity pulled her closer to the situation.

"Hey John." she greeted. "New partner?"

"Hey, Dix...well...maybe someday."

"Who’s your friend here?"

"This is Wesley. He is a very brave and smart young man. He called the fire department to help his mommy. Even helped us get in the house." He rubbed the little boy’s tear stained cheeks.

"Well Wesley. It’s nice to meet you." She looked to John for further cues on the situation.

Johnny responded. "Wesley’s mom fell on one of his toys. Got a pretty bad gash on her head but she’s coming around."

"That’s good."

"I guess she gave Roy the rest of the story in the ambulance."


"Apparently Wesley here was using his remote control four wheeling GI Jack to chase his mother around the house. Let’s just hope she doesn’t get a hold of the thing... Seems she mentioned something about shoving GI Jack and the vehicle in one of the child’s orifice’s and threatened revenge with the remote..." He offered regarding the small child’s ears.

Dixie chuckled at the wiggling little lad on the chair imagining the scenario.

"We’re just waiting for Miss Dara to get here. She’s gonna help us locate a relative..." Johnny looked around for the social worker to pop her always-cheery personality into the situation.

"Miss Dara, huh?" Dixie asked eyeing the youngster.

"Yea. I think you’re gonna like her Wesley. She’s a real knockout." Johnny tried to elicit some conversation from the bashful little boy.

"That seems to be the consensus." Dixie encouraged alluding to a certain smitten physician.

"How’s Doc Brackett doin?"

"Okay, I guess. He’s still in surgery..." She said, obviously exhausted. Johnny sighed deeply as well collecting his diplomacy.

"By the way, Congratulations."

Dixie responded happily. "Thank-you Johnny."

"Isn’t it wonderful?" Verna chimed.

"Yes, indeed." Johnny grinned in return. "I…um...apologize for the way we acted...I’m not sure why..." he looked down humbly. "I guess...its not that I don’t want you two to be’re both. ...well like family and... I guess I just don’t want things to change. I kinda like them the way they are you know?"

"Nothing has to change." Dixie assured him putting her hand to his cheek and nodded. "Given the circumstances...I would have been ...confused myself."

"I’m sorry-"

"No need."

"I’m really very happy for you. For both of you. Roy is too. But ...uh...I"ll let him tell you that. Doc Brackett is a very lucky man," Johnny presented his classic grin. "And so are you!-of course you’re not a lucky man..."

"Thanks Johnny." She looked up at him curiously, "Hey what finally convinced you."

"Doctor Early called. Said he bumped into Neil Brackett. Told him the good news."

"Ah," Dixie smiled radiantly.

"You know the most humiliating part of the entire cartoon is?"

Dixie nodded in bewilderment.

"Chet Kelly put it together before either Roy or me. We’re going to have to digest a big serving of humble pie when we get back."

Dixie laughed once more then looked at her watch and sighed. "Guess we’d better head on back to the waiting room. They...should be done soon. Hey listen, if you’d want to walk Mom back to the waiting area she can wait there with Kel’s dad, I’ll stay here with Wesley if you want to make yourself available..."

"‘Oh." He glanced at Verna. "I’d be honored. Verna?" He offered her his arm.

"I’d be delighted young man," Verna accepted.

"Oh...uh Roy’s picking up some normal saline..."

"I’ll tell him."



"I Dixie..."

"Need a ride?" Dixie said softly, as she looked up from the book in which she had been trying to regain interest. She had been strong; she was used to seeing people sick and in pain. Or so she thought. Kel was a textbook post-op orthopedic case. He had been in a lot of pain and threw up couple of times from the pain medication. Nothing out of the ordinary. But she was weary, and a little worried.

"No. I’ll just grab a cab." The elder Brackett gentleman placed a comforting hand on Dixie’s shoulder, which she accepted gratefully.

"Don’t be silly," she said hoarsely. "Kel’s gonna be asleep for most of the night, I’ll take you home."

"You have to work tomorrow?"

"As far as I know. But...let me take you back to his place. At least I could do this much for him ...I can’t take his pain away, I can’t make the nausea go away..." Her head went down. "In fact, I don’t know what he told you but...he wouldn’t be in this shape if it weren’t for me..."

"Kel told me..." he answered with a knowing smile, his hand moving to her chin to bring her complete attention to his comfort. "I don’t think he has any regrets."

She looked up at him, returning the expression in appreciation.

"And I certainly can’t fault him for losing his sense of balance over such a woman." He placed his hands on her shoulders. She fell into the relief of his embrace. "Why don’t you stay here, maybe get some rest yourself...I’ll get back to Kel’s okay."

Dixie nodded stubbornly but offered gently. "I’d be doing more for Kel if I took you home than if I was here holding his hand."

"You’re one mighty fine know that?"

Dixie smiled. "Please. Let me do this much for him?"

He sighed and relinquished. ‘My son is one lucky man...hell, I’m a lucky man..." They broke the embrace but he maintained an arm around her shoulder. "You know, I’ve been waiting for the day I could introduce you as my daughter-in-law."

Her smile yielded to make room for frustration. "You know that’s what I want more than anything?"

"I know. And I think I can speak for that stubborn one laying in the bed over there...I’m sure he agrees. I think Kel’s mother might even have approved..."

"Based on what Kel has told me, that’s a pretty tall assumption."

"Based on what I know, it’s a pretty sound one."

Dixie caught herself in the charm of a pair of piercing gray eyes, the family trait evident. Her mind even drifted toward possible characteristics of potential future generations. She refocused and walked over to the bed. "I’m just gonna ...say ...good-night to him."

"I’ll let you have a few moments alone. I’ll be outside. Tell him, I said good night," he said as the door closed behind him.

She kissed Kel’s forehead. "Good-night, Sleepyhead."

Take thee, Kelly ,

He opened his eyes and gave a smile bathed in pain.

"You goin’ home?"



"After I drop your dad off at your place."

To be my lawful wedded husband...

"Thanks, Dix. I love you."

"I love you too. Get some sleep." She kissed him again.

He followed the advice of his new fiancée and drifted off asleep.

To have and to hold from this day forward...

Dixie left the room, as the door closed behind her she quietly began to cry.

"What’s really wrong Dixie?" Neil asked placing a loving hand on her shoulder.

"Do you think this is really supposed to happen?"

"What --you and Kel? Oh... Dixie," he sympathized.

She sniffed. "I mean we were both cruising along fine minding our own business, in our own our own worlds. Neither of us intended to fall in love... but BAM...all of the sudden there he was... I never stood a chance...neither of us did. We tried anything and everything to avoid a relationship..."

She sniffed. "So then we both admit ‘I love you’... and ...and catastrophes strike right and left. Rumors run rampant. We make a decision to get married and...nobody believes it! And this happens. It’s like we’re being challenged or attacked." She sniffed angrily.

"Challenged...I suppose. You’re always going to be challenged. I think you know that. Attacked? Primarily by yourselves. You two have been your own worst enemies...and...your biggest support," he contemplated fairly. "You and’ve fought hard to get this love each other. That’s what’s under everything. That’s why he’s laying there in the bed...and ...not just because he’s got the hormones of a raging stallion." He allowed a smile play across his face.

Dixie chuckled over her tears. "By the way, I’m not sure what version of the story you got...but I’m gonna tell you the right one...and to put your mind at ease. We both had our clothes on. Well most of them...well, Kel had his shirt off...and-"

"--I don’t need details," he grinned and put his hand up slightly. His eyes were sparkling again with that classic characteristic. "By the way, that’s the version I got from Kel too! Well maybe slightly embellished."

Dixie sniffed as he reached for his hanky and blotted her tears after which he handed it to her. She blew. "Mind if I hang on to this a while? I promise I’ll wash it before I give it back to you."

"No rush. In fact, you just keep that in case you need something borrowed anytime soon."

She took his arm enjoying the feeling of security.

"It’s been a long time since I’ve had such a lovely lady on my arm."


"Mm-hm. You know...years back when his mother and I would be walking together ...we’d talk about how we hoped one day Kel would know the same happiness."

He looked to Dixie, squeezed her hand and smiled. "I had no idea..." His voice trailed off as she reached up and gently stroked his cheek. "She would be very pleased."

They headed out to her car.


"They gonna discharge him before the party?" Officer Reed asked.

"I hope so. It would be nice if the guest of honor could attend his own engagement party."

"They’re really gettin’ married, huh?" Jim asked.

"Yep." Joe informed.

"I’ll believe it when I see it," Pete announced.

"Why Officer Malloy, you sound skeptical." Joe chided as he raised an eyebrow.

"Care to make a wager?" The officer forwarded lifting his brows in intrigue.

"Get in line...there’s a ‘pool’ in the lounge here." Joe instructed Pete and Jim. "When they make it down the aisle, I stand to make quite a tidy purse!" Dara Davis gave him a scolding look over the rim of her coffee mug. Over the past few months they too had become an increasingly discussed topic among co-workers. Her case work often originated in the emergency room, much to the pleasure of everyone for she was bright...and as Dr. Early once noted...’stacked’."

"The secret sign-up ballot sheet is right in the magazine rack in the November Field and Stream..."

‘This I gotta see..." Jim pulled the sheet of paper from the issue with a confused look on his face. "Potato salad?...clam chowder? Baked be-"

"That’s the secret sign-up sheet for the engagement party-next sheet, right behind it--that reminds me I have to call Hank Stanley and remind him that he’s bringing the clam chowder."

"Then we have to get going," Dara suggested.

"Wouldn’t want to keep the mooses waiting...?" Joe teased picking up the receiver of the phone. "What is the plural of moose anyway?"

"Moose," Dara informed him.

"Moose?" Pete looked confused at his partner then to the physician for an answer.

"Yeah...just like the plural of deer is deer-"

"I know...I mean--and I’m afraid to ask this--but what are you two doing with a moose?"

"Dara’s anthropology class is measuring their horns -"

"Antlers," Dara corrected in amusement. I’m sure there’s a song in there somewhere. She could hear him tinkering at the piano. ‘That moose may have antlers the size of a oak...but your rack is sweeter by far, that’s no joke...‘ She laughed out loud.

"--Antlers as some sort of project," Joe looked at the ceiling trying to recall station-fifty one’s phone number.

"Oh." Pete marveled rinsing out his mug. "Sounds painful."

"It’s okay...they’re dead." Joe enlightened the officers with his hand over the receiver. "Yes, Captain Stanley, please?"


"So it’s all set." Joe Early was confirming final details to Captain Stanley over the phone . "You sure you don’t need any help transporting twenty gallons of clam chowder?"

"Nope, between the guys Ursie and myself--we have it covered, Doc."

"If you want to just run over things with Roy and John."

"Well, they should be here any second... if you want to wait.’

"No, I can’t. Dara and I are measuring moose horns-"

"Antlers!!" Dara corrected giggling, remembering the song they had yet to write.

"-- this afternoon and we have to get to the museum by one o’clock."

"Moosehorns." Hank repeated for clarification.

"Its’ okay they’re stuffed," Dr. Early corrected himself quickly shaking his head in attempt to explain things for the man on the other end of the receiver. "Not the horns. The horns aren’t stuffed. The moose...’es’ are stuffed."

"I see. Okay, I’ll deliver the message," Hank stated in bewilderment.

"Thanks. Bye, Hank."

"Bye." Measuing moose horns?? Countertops and toasters... "Doesn’t anybody just ...go to the drive-in anymore?" Cap mumbled shaking his head, much to Mike, Marco and Chet’s entertainment.


‘Six weeks?" Resounded through the hospital room and hallway.

"Limited activity until then." Kel was repeating orders with which Dixie was too familiar.

Dixie scowled. "You’re still being discharged tomorrow, though. I hope."

"Yeah. I hope so...I should be able to at least do the administrative stuff-"

"I don’t care about your job performance."

He was obviously in pain.

for better or for worse...

She began to tear and her voice began to break. "I just want to marry you ...and get on with things."

"I know. Me too."

"Well if its what we both want..." her voice trailed off knowing there was more to think about than just their wishes. There were family and friends feelings to consider. Her chin was quivering as she leaned into his unaffected side... that ...somehow hurt. He wasn’t going to tell her that. He held her with what strength he could generate. "We’ve fooled around long enough."

He saw hurt in her eyes, and for that he felt deep regret.

Kel tried to console her. "This gives us a chance to help get things organized..."

for richer or for poorer...

"All you can think about is work?"

"Yep. And the church, the reception hall, a minister, a caterer, car, flowers...that"

"I just can’t see where all that party stuff is necessary," she sighed.

"What else is churning in that beautiful head of yours," he probed.

in sickness and in health...

"I’m just ...impatient I guess. I don’t want to wait any longer..."

"If that’s what you really want...?"

"I don’t know lately. It seems we’re --well do you really think we’re supposed to be together? Do you think someone is trying to tell us something?"

"No, Dix. But it does sound like maybe you’re afraid?"


"Afraid that if we take too much’ll rethink things? That if you have to think about really don’t want to go through with it and lose your-"

"Have to think about it--?! If you knew how much I forced myself not to think about I blocked thoughts of kissing you good night at the door, wanting to make you coffee in the morning, imagining your eyes lighting up when I walked down the aisle...!" Her voice trailed off to a whisper. "I always thought ideas like that were silly or a sign of weakness, that I really didn’t need somebody else in my life." She smiled at the irony. "Well, I didn’t need somebody else at all...but ...I want you. I need you." She pulled out the hanky Kel’s father had loaned her. "It’s not something I can explain...I’m not sure I understand it myself." Her tearing eyes melted into his gaze, "I just know it’s true.’

to love…

Although she witnessed Kel’s confirmation in his eyes she awaited his verbal response. He could think of none other than the most simple. "I love you, Dixie McCall."

She smiled. "I love you, Kelly Brackett."


"I know what you mean about not understanding things completely. I thought I was pretty safe behind the wall I had built. I had myself convinced that I couldn’t afford the ‘handicap’ of loving someone or needing someone. I confused dependence with interference and even incompetence," he admitted sorrowfully. " But... there you were...with the most gorgeous set of hoot--I mean, blue eyes I’d ever seen!"

Dixie blushed, grinned, and slapped him gently, knowing he was still in pain. He winced but enjoyed her happiness.

and cherish...

"You have no idea what you’ve done to me..." he corrected. "What you do to me."

"Well, if the cast and sling are any indication...I’d say you’d better run fast and far."

He let a few seconds of silence pass as she nuzzled her head into his neck and sniffed, he reached out of his comfort zone and placed a kiss on her head.

Till death us do part."

Although he couldn’t see her smile, he knew she was and that made him glad. "I’m not certain how I ever let it happen...but I sure need you." He squeezed even further beyond his level of ease. "I need to know you want to make me coffee in the mornings and. ...that you want me to see you walk down the me. I must have pictured that at least a thousand times..."

Dixie smiled a little in pleasant surprise. "...and what kind of gown was I wearing?" she followed curiously.


She laughed again. "You’re incorrigible!! "

"I never got beyond your smile."

"With this ring, I thee wed. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Whatever tears she had held back poured forth as she chuckled in response to his sweetness.

"Okay. You’ve got a point. Let’s have a wedding," she sniffed.

‘Just for the record, I’ve had all the wedding I need," he beamed. "But I think the long run we’ll be happy we did things this way."

"But let’s not go to too much trouble, okay?"

"Okay, I--we won’t," he smiled receiving a tearful kiss on the cheek." Kel returned the smile somehow more able to ignore the pain.

"That reminds me... what about the kiss?" She placed another on the lines by his smiling eyes.

"Ooh. That’s right," he played a little. "I just hope I can maintain the presence of mind to keep things... tactful."

"Tactful?!...yuck." She pressed another one onto the corner of his lips.


Dixie shook her head from side to side... "Not very romantic."

"How bout... ‘polite’ then?" Kel feigned contemplation with his eyes fixed ahead, while his head turned to receive her confection on his lips and tongue.


"Sounds like something we’d better investigate thoroughly..."

"Mm-hmm." She gently nibbled at his lips, gaining his full attention.

"Mmmm. Maybe we’d better practice." He softly suggested in spicy, growling tones discernable to only those close enough to lick them from his lips.

"... With rigorous rehearsals...' she added, "...paying meticulous attention to details."

"Meticulous attention..."

Their lips parted.

"Maybe even research...and experimentation...!"

but only for an instant.

"We owe it to our guests..."

Just long enough to utter a few words within a breath...

"I love you." Her laughter rippled onto his lips, tickling them, while she smiled radiantly.

"...Love endures and is kind. Love is not envious or jealous. Love wants not itself, is not puffed up, does not behave itself unseemly, seeks not its own, it is not easily provoked, and thinks no evil. Love does not rejoice in unrighteousness-but in truth.".

"I love you too." He overextended slightly and grimaced but laughed a little too.

Forget it. ...there would be time for talk...later...maybe...


"For as much as Dixie and Kel have consented together in wedlock, and have witnessed the same before God and this company of friends and family, and have given and pledged their promises to each other, and have declared the same by giving a and receiving a ring and by joining hands...

By the authority vested in me by the State of California, I now pronounce you husband and wife.

You may kiss the bride..."

Roy still looking ahead, gently elbowed Johnny who cleared his neck from the tuxedo collar and glanced inconspicuously at the second hand on his watch.

Five seconds...and counting.

Verna was on her second handkerchief remembering stubborn Dixie and wishing for her maybe someday...

Ten seconds...and counting.

Charlie eyed the cast when the Uncle Kel lost track and brought both hands up to cup the bride’s face.

"He rolled off the counter, Honey." Immediately frowned at her choice of words, hoping the ceremony would end before the child’s curiosity provoked more inquiry. She was encouraged when he said "YUCK!!", covered his eyes and buried his face in his mother’s shoulder. He’d get there rest of the story....well...Maybe someday...

Fifteen seconds ...and counting...

"I don’t know,’s a wedding...probably stuffed chicken breast, like every other wedding," Chet whispered to Marco then looked on the happy couple’s display of affection...thinking...better them than me. Glad I came stag...there are a couple pews full of gorgeous girls right in front of us...

Marco sat thinking... better them than Chet... hoping the chicken wasn’t as bland as the last wedding they had been those girls in front of us are going to the reception...Chet was right. I’m glad we came stag.

Hank squeezed Ursie’s hand in return, wishing Chet and Marco would shut up so he could resume his sequence of thought...on the counter?!...maybe someday...

Mike couldn’t suppress a yawn...thinking... the couple looked pretty happy... In fact... perhaps having an out of body experience... maybe someday.

Twenty seconds...and counting.

And in the pew in front of them...programs were fanning rapidly as the girls were speculating if, at the reception, Kel would loosen up enough to shake his groove thing(or groove sling) like he did at the engagement party. Although another fine specimen was being taken out of eligibility...the reception held some promise for Judi, Gennie, Jessi, JT, Audrey, Maria, LaraLee, Amy, Carmen, Reggie, Lia, Stephanie, Linda, Lorna, Katie, Jill, Morgan, Julie, Dyan, Jaina, Vandalin, Cindy, R.K., Connie, Caitlyn, Susan, Kelly, Shan, DeAnn, Poohbear, Ripley, Lynn, and Jodi...where’s the nearest bag of ice?

Thirty seconds...and counting.

Joanne DeSoto was confident in her vocal performance and hoped it would be remembered affectionately by the obviously happy couple. The kiss pulled her back to when she and Roy began their life together.

Roy was proud of Joanne and also reminiscent of their own wedding.

Forty-five seconds...and counting.

Jaws were dropping, programs continued to fan wildly, as the no-nonsense couple lost all concept of space and time, obviously aware of little else than one another. Maybe someday...

Mike Morton looked on wondering the dimensions of the counter top and what antiseptic spray they used before and after.

Jim Reed sat quietly with his wife thinking...if they keep this up ...I think I may have the pool. His wife squeezed his hand also reminiscent of their life together.

Dara gave a quick glance connecting with Joe. Both smiled. Maybe someday...

Joe took advantage of the lengthy matrimonial kiss to discreetly calculate his bounty from the wedding pool in the lounge.

One minute and five seconds!

Johnny, although happy, politely suppressed a yawn and almost silently, almost in his head, calculated Officer Reed’s booty. "Wow. One hundred fifty bucks?!"

Roy looked wide-eyed, in disbelief at his younger partner. He’ll grow up. Maybe someday.

Mr. K. Neil Brackett looked on happily, proud of his son and new daughter-in-law...who after they regained consciousness, looked intent on finding someplace removed sometime soon. Eventually they tore their gaze from the other long enough to see their family and friend’s joy. A quick assessment told them the widest smiles were on Joe Early, Jim Reed, and Captain Stanley.

"Ladies and gentlemen...I present to you for the first time in God’s eternity Doctor and Mrs. Kelly David Brackett."

Joe discreetly rubbed his hands together, leaned over to Pete and whispered "That’ll be ten bucks, my friend..."

"But Mom...Mom...Mommy... how come Uncle Kel WAS ROLLING ON THE COUNTER?!"

The End.

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