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The Luckiest Man

by Lynn James

Kelly Brackett nervously checked his watch for the fifth time in as many minutes. He started pacing back and forth the small room in the church, waiting for the minister to get there.

 "Hey Joe," he said with panic in his voice, "you have the ring, right?"

Joe Early chuckled as he reached in his pocked and pulled out the object in question. "Kel, calm down! I don’t want to have to scramble for a paper bag in case you hyperventilate! Everything is fine."

The gray haired doctor was using his ‘calm the hysterical patient voice’, only this time he was using it on his boss and best friend, who had a classic case of bridegroom nerves.

Kelly nodded and took a deep breath. "Sorry Joe, I’m a bit surprised at the case of nerves myself."

Joe smiled, " Well, if I was marrying the most wonderful woman in the world, I would be nervous too!"

At that, Kelly grinned, "She is that, isn’t she? I feel like the luckiest guy in the world. To think only a month ago I almost lost her in the accident, and now I’m going to marry her!"

Meanwhile, in another part of the church, Dixie McCall was going through the same thing as her mother and her sister fussed over her. "Julie, where’s Kel’s ring?" she asked, looking stricken.

 Julia McCall held up her hand where she had the ring on for safekeeping. She shook her head. "Calm down already, geeze, Dix, are you going to make it?" she asked her twin. " Of course, if you don’t, I could take your place and grab that gorgeous doctor for myself," she teased.

"Over my dead body! Oh Julie, I’m so happy I think I’m going to bust! If I could just get this stomach of mine to settle down, I’ll be set. How do I look?"

 The bride’s father Jim came in and whistled. "You’re beautiful, as always!"

 Dixie and Julie grinned at each other and answered as they always had, "Thanks Dad!" Jim looked over at his wife and shaking his head, "Some things never change, right honey?"

Barbara McCall nodded and checked her watch. She was responsible for pulling this wedding together in a month. They had been delighted when Dixie and Kelly had called them after they had returned from Sacramento and announced that they were finally getting married. It was important to Dixie to get married at the family church in Texas, so she had asked her mother if she could get a simple wedding and reception together in a month. Barbara had happily taken on the challenge and had performed a minor miracle. Dixie had known she would and was happy to turn the reins over to her mother in Texas, while she was recovering from the auto accident in Los Angeles and slowly but surely getting Kelly moved in to her apartment which he spent more time in than in his anyway.

All they had had to do was pick out the rings and fly to Texas. Barbara had even arranged for Kel and Joe to be measured for tuxedos in LA and pick them up when they got to Texas. Dixie’s gown was the one her mother had worn, and Julie had stood in for her to get it altered. Barbara was proud of the job she had done, she just wished Kel and Dix had given her more time. She was lucky that she talked them into waiting a month, but after Dixie had almost died in the accident, they felt like they didn’t want to waste any more time. They had been together for such a long time, it almost seemed to Dixie’s family that they were already married.

 Jim McCall said "OK, ladies, it is time to go." He led his family to the back of the church where the wedding procession would begin.

 The minister had arrived and told Kel and Joe it was time. They put their coats on and went in the side door and headed to the altar. Kelly and Joe faced the back of the church, and their eyes settled on Dixie. Everyone in the church noticed the expression of total love as Kelly gazed at his bride.

In the pews, John Gage leaned over to Roy DeSoto and said, "Look at him, now that’s a man in love."

Roy nodded, "Hard to believe it’s the same guy we see at the hospital all the time."

The men stood as the organist began to play the familiar music. They watched their dear friend escorted by her father down the aisle and both remembered the accident, how shocked they were to find her, and how they and Kelly had broken the law to save her. It was that accident that had finally gotten Kelly to endorse the paramedic bill and gotten the bill passed. While Joe was determining the extent of her injuries, the two paramedics had stayed with Kelly, and he had taken them into his confidence and expressed how much Dixie meant to him. Ever since then, the three men had come into a friendship as well as a good working relationship.

 The ceremony processed. When it was time for the couple to exchange their rings, Kelly gently placed the ring on Dixie’s finger. Her hand still wore the cast from breaking the arm in the accident. The cast was a reminder of just how lucky he was, that he was able to marry his love instead of burying her. Kel had been mildly surprised that Dixie was so insistent on getting married as soon as possible, even before the cast came off. He understood her feelings completely. They had been given a second chance, and they were not about to waste any time.

When the minister said, "I now pronounce you husband and wife," the entire congregation felt the love between the two as they kissed. Most were aware of Dixie’s accident and were very happy for the couple who stood before them.

At the reception, it was time for Joe, as the best man, to give his speech. He was introduced by the disc jockey and stood up. He took the microphone and started, " Ladies and gentlemen, it is my pleasure to offer a toast to Kel and Dix. It is my privilege to work with them every day and to count them as two of my best friends. In our line of work, we see a lot of tragedy everyday, and it is hard to believe that love bloomed in the emergency ward. Kelly and Dixie have been through a lot of good times and bad, and I have seen the incredible love they have for each other see them through more than once." He turned and raised his glass to the couple. "Kel, Dix, I wish you all the happiness in the world." The audience saluted them. Kelly asked for the microphone.

He stood and said, "I want to thank everyone for coming and sharing in our happiness. There are two special friends I want to acknowledge. John Gage and Roy DeSoto, where are you guys?"

Johnny and Roy looked at each other, puzzled. They raised their hands, and Kelly caught sight of them. He smiled and gestured toward them

"These guys are firefighter-paramedics that we work with every day. Because of their efforts, first getting Dixie out of the wreckage and then keeping her alive until they got her to the hospital, she is here today. You guys are my heroes. Thank you." The crowd applauded the pair as they sat and blushed that Kelly would mention them during his wedding.

The disc jockey took the microphone and announced it was time to start the bridal dance. Kel took Dixie’s hand and led her to the middle of the floor. Soon the voice of Anne Murray could be heard singing..."Can I have this dance for the rest of my life..."

Dixie looked into Kel’s eyes and smiled. He smiled back at her and whispered "I love you."

She responded "I love you too."

Neither one of them had ever been as happy as they were then. The next song was for the rest of the bridal party and for Dixie’s parents. They danced to "You’re the Inspiration" by Chicago.

The wedding was a great celebration. It was wonderful for Dixie and Kel to be able to fly back to LA with the wedding over with and all the details wrapped up. Dixie noticed her stomach acting up again, but didn’t think too much about it, figuring once they got settled at home and life got back to normal, her stomach would settle down.



The day Kelly went back to work, he stopped by the hospital personnel department to file his change of address and all the other papers adding Dixie as his spouse. They had purposely not made a big deal about getting married, not wanting to fuel the hospital gossip chain any more than they had to. He hoped this paperwork would be processed with little fuss, but it wasn’t to be. He hadn’t been on duty long when he received a call from the chief of staff, Dr. Michael Harper, requesting a meeting with him as soon as possible.

When the load in the emergency room lightened up, Kelly made his way to Dr. Harper’s office. He went in, curious what was on Mike Harper’s mind. Mike Harper sat at his desk and did not look happy. "Sit down Kel." he instructed.

Kelly sat down and said, "What’s up Mike?"

"Kel, I need you to clear up something."

Kel nodded, "Sure, what do you need?"

The chief of staff said " You filed some paper work this morning claiming you got married, is that right?"

Kel thought to himself, Oh boy, here it comes... He nodded and held up his hand to show the new wedding band. "Yeah, that’s right."

Mark Harper hated to ask the next question. "Do I understand you married Dixie?"

Kelly nodded again, "That’s right."

Harper took a deep breath and slowly let it out before he said, "Have you lost your mind, Kel?"

Kel’s jaw clenched in anger, and he said, "No, I haven’t. What’s the problem?"

"Don’t you know the hospital board frowns on relationships between staff members? Especially when you work with that person on a daily basis?"

Kel crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair. "I’m well aware of it. Why do you think you are just finding out now?"

Mark Harper shook his head and said, "My best emergency room team. Oh brother."

Kel had had just about enough. He stared at the other man and said, "Have there been any complaints on our records for the past two years?"

Harper shook his head. "No, like I said you two are the best doctor and nurse team I have down there."

"Then there is no problem," said Kel. "We have been together for two years now, working side by side. We are quite obviously able to separate work from our private lives."

Harper looked at him and questioned "Two years? You have kept this quiet for two years now?"

Kelly looked at him and said "Two years."

"Wow," the other doctor commented. "The board isn’t going to like this."

Kel stiffened and said, "If the board has a problem with my marriage, then I will go to another hospital. Plain and simple."

"God, Kel, don’t put me in that position."

"That’s how it is Mark. Dixie and I both have clean records and have a history of always putting the job first. If the board can’t see beyond the fact that now we both have the same last name, then I’m out of here. You know I’ve turned down offers before. I can easily get a job anywhere."

"I know" sighed Harper. "That’s what I’m afraid of... Kel, do you think you can pull it off, being married and working together?"

Kel said "Yes I do." He stood up and said "I have to get back to the floor."

Harper smiled and shook his hand and said, "I really hope it works, congratulations to the both of you. Dixie is a great girl, you are one lucky guy."

Kel smiled for the first time in the office and said, "Yes, I am."

When Kel left the office, Mark Harper stood up and looked out the window of his office. The last thing the hospital needed was to lose Kelly Brackett as the Director of Emergency Services. He knew they were lucky to have someone of Kelly’s skill who chose to work at a county hospital where he made less money than he would elsewhere, because he strongly believed that everyone deserved decent medical care, no matter what their income. Mark Harper vowed to fight the board tooth and nail if he had to in order to keep Kelly at Rampart.

While this was going on, Dixie was downstairs getting the cast off her arm and was cleared to start back to work the next day. Kelly went to check on her and told her what had happened. She was a little worried about his threat to quit, but she knew he was right and could easily find a job.

The next morning as they both got ready for work, Dixie noticed her stomach was upset again. She didn’t mention it to Kelly, figuring it was just worry about the hospital situation. She told herself not to worry until there was something to worry about.

The pair went on duty and had a fairly quiet day until midmorning when a girl in her twenties named Jenny Hollister was brought in with flu-like symptoms and a very high fever. The doctors couldn’t identify a cause and everything they tried to treat her with wasn’t working. Both Kelly and Joe were stumped, and they had already tried getting help from outside sources. Dixie had not been in as much contact with Jenny as Kel and Joe, as she was tied up at the base station monitoring the calls from the paramedics. When her replacement came, she asked Kel if he was ready to go home. He told her to go on ahead, Jenny wasn’t stable yet, and he didn’t feel like he could leave her.

Kelly ended up sleeping in his office. When Dixie came in the next morning, Jenny was worse, and Tim Duntley, a fireman who had responded to the call, had come down with it also. Joe and Kelly were really worried about a possible epidemic and were trying to treat the two victims without much success. They finally pinned down the possibility of the carrier being the monkey that Jenny had brought back from a USO tour and the fireman who had played with it while Johnny and Roy began treatment on Jenny.

The doctors called John and Roy to the hospital and insisted on full physicals for both of them. They were particularly worried about John, who remembered petting the monkey on the way out. They advised him to keep them informed if he started feeling ill.

Kel noticed a headache coming on, and while he was updating Jenny’s father on her condition, her father commented on how fatigued he looked. While Kel was rubbing his eyes, Jenny’s father told him he deserved some time off. Kel silently agreed with the man, but he knew the victims weren’t getting better, and it was his job to find out why.

Kelly took some time to have some coffee with his wife, as he described what was going on. He got paged, and when he stood up, he collapsed. Dixie immediately called for help and noticed Kel was running a fever. Alarmed, she called for Joe right away.

While Joe was examining the fallen doctor, Mike Morton poked his head in and said " Joe, John Gage is on his way in with a fever of 104."

Joe closed his eyes and shook his head. Now there were four victims, and he had no idea how to help them. Kelly’s fever was rising, and the fireman who was brought in was getting worse by the hour. Joe ordered Dixie to stay away from Kel; he didn’t want any more victims. She put up a fight but Joe would hear nothing of it. He also ordered blood tests for Dixie, to see if she had picked up the virus. If she had, he was hopeful of starting treatment before the symptoms started.

Dixie was beside herself with worry, but she knew Joe was doing what he had to do. She tried to keep her mind on her work. Tina Duntley, the sick fireman’s wife came up to the desk and asked for an update on her husband.

"I’m sorry, there’s no change yet," Dixie started. "Dr. Early and Dr. Morton are doing their best, but they haven’t had any luck."

"What about Dr. Brackett?" the younger woman asked.

Dixie swallowed hard and said quietly "He has it too."

"Oh no, now the doctors are getting it too?"

Dixie nodded and said "Yeah."

Joe interrupted the conversation, a file folder in his hand "Dix, I need to see you in Kel’s office."

She looked up and said "On my way, Joe."

She excused herself and was glad for the interruption. Tina Duntley had no idea that Dixie was going through the same thing, and Dixie had been close to losing it with her. The tears were close to the surface, and she didn’t want to let her guard down.

Joe sat at Kel’s desk. Dixie came in and sat down across from him.

"What is it, Joe, is Kel worse?" she asked quietly, trying to keep the panic she felt out of her voice.

Joe shook his head thinking, How am I going to tell her this? "No, Dix, it’s not that. How are you feeling?"

"I’m OK, but my stomach is tied up in knots again, It’s really been acting up lately."

Joe smiled weakly. "I have your blood tests. It looks like you’re clear of the virus."

Dixie was visibly relieved.

"There’s something else...." Joe continued. "Dix, how long has your stomach been bothering you?"

She looked puzzled and said, "It started with the wedding, standard bridal nerves. Why?"

Joe started to grin at that. "Not bridal nerves, Dix, morning sickness."

Dixie looked shocked as she digested the news. "Morn...morning sickness? Are you telling me...." She shook her head and said "You’re kidding me, aren’t you Joe?"

"Congratulations, Mom," Joe smiled.

It was the straw that broke the camel’s back. "Oh my God!" she said and put her head in her hands. The tears came fast and furious.

Joe came around and said "Go ahead Dix, let it out." He wrapped his arms around her and let her release the tension that had built up.

"Oh Joe, I should be the happiest woman in the world, but all I can think of is Kel is so sick and he may not live long enough to know he’s going to be a father."

Joe rubbed her back and sighed. "I know, Dix. I hate to do it, but his room is absolutely off limits. We have got to protect you and the baby."

She sniffed and nodded. "I understand Joe"

"Look at me Dix," the older doctor asked. "I promise you that I will do every thing in my power to bring him back to you. He’s my best friend. This is killing me too. Now I want you to promise me something."

She sniffed and said "What?"

"I want you to go see Dr. Thomas right now. He has already been alerted that you would be coming. You have got to start the prenatal care right now."

She took a deep breath to calm her nerves and said "OK Joe." Dr., Ron Thomas was the head of the O.B. department at Rampart.

Dixie had her exam and got her vitamins from Dr. Thomas. He knew that Kelly had been put on the critical list and understood all the stress that Dix was under. He told her to hang in there and to try to let go of the stress. "I know that is like asking you to move a mountain, Dixie, but you have to try. The last thing you need is to worry about the baby on top of everything else. You are very healthy, and Joe’s blood tests show you are clear of the virus, so you have a good start."

He asked her when her last period was and calculated the due date. When he figured out the conception date for her, she knew it was the week of the accident. Her eyes flew open as she told him of the week’s events.

"I was on pain killers and an IV, the accident was 2 days after the conception"

He noted it on her chart and said, "I’ll check your records, but because it was so early, I don’t anticipate any trouble. See you next month. Oh, Dixie..." he gave a smile. "Congratulations."

She nodded absently "Thanks."

While she was with Dr. Thomas, Joe Early placed a phone call to Dixie’s mother in Texas. Barbara McCall answered the phone.

"Hello Barbara, this is Joe Early from Los Angeles."

Dixie’s mother was surprised but pleased to hear from him "Yes! Hello Joe, what can I do for you?"

"I’m afraid this isn’t a social call. When was the last time you talked to Dixie?"

"Not since the wedding, why? What’s wrong?" Barbara questioned.

"Dixie is OK, it’s Kel." Joe started. "He caught a virus from a patient that so far we are unable to find a cure for. He is in isolation right now with a fever of 104.7 and rising. The original patient is slowly getting better, but two others that came in contact with her are in comas, one of them being Johnny Gage."

"Oh my!" murmured Barbara. "Kel’s not in a coma yet?"

Joe replied, "Not yet but the way his fever is climbing, I would say it is just a matter of time. Barbara, is there any way you can get here and give Dixie some support? She is barely holding together, and she could really use you."

"I’ll be there on the next plane, Joe. Thank you so much for calling." she answered. "Is she at home or at the hospital?"

"She’s here, I don’t imagine she will be leaving any time soon so she can keep an eye on Kel."

"OK, I’ll take a cab straight to the hospital," She paused, "My God, Joe, first the accident and now this. Is there anything else I can do?"

"Yeah," said Joe grimly. "Pray."

Dixie saw Roy DeSoto looking through the window of the room where John and Kel were isolated. He couldn’t tear himself away. It was as if he was willing John to come out of the coma. She walked over to him and said "It stinks, doesn’t it?"


Roy looked up and nodded. Roy perhaps better than anyone else knew how she felt. His long time working partner was lying close to death, while her new husband was fighting for his life too. She looked at Kel, lying there sweat-soaked and so still. She could see that he was fighting to stay conscious, talking to the nurse that was taking his temperature and applying fresh cold packs to try to control the fever. It was driving her crazy wanting to be the one who was comforting him yet knowing now that she couldn’t get near him and keep their baby safe.

The sight was just too much for her. She looked at Roy and said "How about a cup of coffee?"

"Yeah, OK" the paramedic said.

They headed for the lounge. "How are you doing Dix? Some honeymoon for you."

Dixie lowered her head and said, "I’m hanging on by a thread. How about you?"

Roy nodded and said "Same here." He went to get another cup of coffee that he wouldn’t taste. "Dix, are you as angry as I am?"

That brought a small smile to her face. " I hadn’t thought of it that way before, but yeah, I am angry. I’m angry that the man I just married, the one who nursed me back after the accident and who I love more than life itself is lying there so sick and there is nothing I can do to help him. Joe won’t even let me in the room with them."

Roy’s eyebrows shot up. "He won’t? Not even with full scrubs and mask? That’s what I’ve been doing."

"Not even. When Joe did the blood test for the virus like he did for you, he found out something."

Dixie paused. She knew she could trust Roy, and she had to tell somebody. "It seems, that I am six weeks pregnant." She shook her head, "I still can’t believe it. I just found out this morning."

Roy smiled and said "Well that’s great Dix. Congratulations."

"Thanks Roy, Don’t tell any one, please? I really want it to be a secret, hardly anyone realizes we are married, and with Kel so sick I just don’t want it all around town, OK?"

"You can count on me Dix, I understand." the surprised paramedic said.

The phone in the lounge rang and Roy went to answer it. His face fell with what he heard on the other end.

"OK. No, I’ll handle it. Thanks"

Dixie quietly asked "Now what?"

Roy swallowed hard and said "Tim Duntley just died."

"Oh no," she whispered.

Roy looked down and said "I have to go find Tina, I told Dr. Early that I would tell her."

Dixie nodded and said "Sure, go ahead." She had to satisfy herself that Kel was still alive. She headed back toward the isolation ward.

In the isolation ward, Kelly was talking to Joe. "Joe, where’s Dix? I need to talk to her. Why isn’t she here?" he said, barely getting the words out.

"Kel, she can’t treat you because you are a relative, and I don’t want to take the risk of her getting it too." 

Kel nodded, it made sense. "The phone Joe, can I talk on the phone?" He labored, getting the words out.

Joe could see how much it meant to Kelly, and he wasn’t about to deny him. It may do him and Dixie some good. "OK, pal, just keep it short. I’ll have her call from your office. Hang in there buddy."

Joe paged Dixie and explained the plan. She jumped at the chance to talk to her husband. She went in his office and smiled at the picture of the two of them on his desk. It had been in his desk drawer, but now that they were married he had brought it out, no longer having to hide it. She called the extension. Joe answered and then held the phone so Kel could talk.

"Dix?" he asked weakly.

"Hi Kel, I’m sorry I can’t be there with you."

"It’s OK sweetheart. Just be there when I kick this thing."

Dixie could hear what a struggle it was for him to talk, and it brought tears to her eyes.

"I promise," she responded.

"Dix, I love you so much."

"I love you too Kel. Come back to me soon."

"Promise," he said and then closed his eyes to rest.

Joe got back on the phone and said, "That’s all he could handle, Dix. He’s got to rest."

She sighed and said, "OK, Joe, thanks."

Dixie half-heartedly sat at her desk at the base station, trying to concentrate on paperwork until the replacement for her reported in. Her mind was moving in a million directions. She tried to concentrate on the positive. Kel was the strongest of the three that had come down with the virus, and Jenny was getting stronger all the time. Her hand traveled to her mid section and she smiled. A baby! She wondered what Kel’s reaction would be when she was able to tell him he was going to be a father, if she would be able to tell him. She shook her head, trying to clear her head of the bad thoughts.

A very weary Joe Early came up to the base station. Without a word Dixie poured him a cup of coffee and handed it to him.

"Thanks Dix," he said

She nodded then asked, "Any change?"

Joe shook his head and said, "I wish I had better news for you. He’s slipped into a coma too."

Dixie closed her eyes and exhaled heavily. She felt Joe’s hand rubbing her back, trying to comfort her. Joe quietly said, "I know, I know."

Dixie whispered "Did you tell him about the baby?"

Joe replied, "No, that’s your job. Besides, I didn’t want to put any added stress on him. He was already torturing himself for coming down with it and for not being able to come up with a cure."

Dixie sighed and said, "That sounds like my Kel, always trying to be Superman."

Joe nodded in agreement.

When Joe finished his coffee, he went to go check on Jenny to try to see if she could give any insight into how this virus was being passed. Carol Andrews came to relieve Dixie. Carol asked how Kel was doing. Dixie shook her head and lowered her eyes. That told Carol all she needed to know. It was going to be a long shift.

Dixie went back to the isolation ward and loOKed at the man she loved fighting for his life. She ignored the tears slipping down her cheeks. Fight it, Kel, fight it. You have a baby here who needs its father. A baby, Kel, do you believe it? I can’t wait to tell you. I hope it has your eyes. I know we never talked about kids once we were married, but it loOKs like God has some other plans. Once you are well, I will be the happiest girl in the world.

Her hand slipped down to he abdomen again. Hello baby, how are you doing in there? You sure surprised us! Do you see that handsome man in there? That’s your daddy. He’s very sick and doesn’t know about you yet. We have to keep thinking good thoughts to help him get better. Do you see the other man, that’s Johnny, he’s a good friend that saved us. He’s sick too, we have to hope for him to get better too. Dixie was lost in her thoughts and was surprised to feel a hand on her shoulder. She turned around and saw her mother.

"Oh Mom!" she cried as she hugged her. "How did you know?"

Barbara McCall answered "Joe called me this morning honey, he asked me to come and give you some moral support. How are things?"

Dixie turned toward the window and Barbara saw her new son-in-law laying still, covered in sweat. She put her hand to her mouth and said "Oh."

Dixie said, "They are both in comas, but that may be what their bodies need, to shut down and get some strength to fight it." The older woman nodded.

"I’m so glad you are here, Mom. I’ve been going crazy with worry and not really having anyone to talk to. Poor Joe is running himself ragged, and I’m not allowed in the isolation ward." 

Dixie paused, "Let’s go sit someplace. I can only take so much of seeing him like this"

The pair went into the family waiting area. Barbara said "Joe told me it looks like you escaped the virus, does he know for sure?"

Dixie nodded. "He did a blood test and I turned up clean.... Mom, he found something else out when he looked at the results."

Barbara’s face fell. "Oh honey, don’t tell me you have something wrong too!"

Dixie smiled and said "No, actually something right. Looks like you are going to be a grandma."

Barbara McCall’s face lit up. She hugged Dixie and said "Oh honey, that’s wonderful! How exciting! When?"

Dixie filled her mother on the details she learned from Dr. Thomas. Her mother asked, "How are you feeling?"

Dix answered " Well, I guess I have been having morning sickness but blamed it on nerves. Other than that, and being sick with worry, I feel fine."

Barbara asked, "Does Kel know?"

At that question, Dixie’s looked down. "No, Mom, he doesn’t. Joe just got the blood test this morning. I only got to talk to Kel for two minutes over the phone, and I’m not even sure he would have understood. He was fighting to stay awake and talk. I just hope I get the chance to tell him, that somehow Joe and the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta can figure it out before it is too late. Joe has banned me from the room because of the baby, he doesn’t want to take any unnecessary risks. Oh Mom, I’m so afraid!" she finished with a sob.

Barbara took her daughter in her arms and held her as she cried.

Joe Early came looking for the two women. He looked happy for the first time since Jenny had been brought in. "Dix, we have a lead. Jenny said that her choreographer for the USO troupe was with her when she bought the monkey. This guy had a mild case but recovered quickly. I just talked with him, and he is on his way to the airport to get here. We can use the antibodies his blood built up to fight the infection in the other three."

Dixie hugged Joe and said "That’s great but do John and Kel have enough time to wait?"

"Well, their fevers have stopped climbing, hopefully that is a good sign."

Joe tried to sound positive for Dixie, but he had the same fears that the sick men wouldn’t hold out until the treatment could be started. He continued "Dix, he won’t be here for at least 3 hours. Why don’t you two get some dinner and get out of here for a while. I’ll call if there is any change."

"I can’t Joe, I can’t leave him." Dixie shook her head. "Doctor’s orders, Dix. Now you have someone else counting on you to take care of yourself."

Barbara said "She’ll go Joe, I’ll make sure of it."

Joe nodded and said "Good. I’m going to try to grab an empty bed and get some rest myself. We are pretty much at a standstill until Roger gets here."


Barbara and Dixie left the hospital and went out for a light supper. Dixie had no appetite but forced her self to eat. They went back to the apartment. Dixie settled in on the couch as they watched a movie on the television. Her body finally gave in to the fatigue and the stress. She fell fast asleep. Barbara nodded her approval and covered Dixie up with a blanket. Sleep is the best thing for you, honey. Hopefully Joe will have some good news soon. Don’t worry, I’ll be here for you no matter what happens. Barbara looked at her sleeping daughter and wondered how much more a person should be expected to take. A near fatal car accident, a wedding, a gravely ill husband and finding out a baby is on the way all in a matter of six weeks. It was enough to make anyone crack.

It was almost 11:30 at night when the phone rang. Barbara jumped up to answer it, hoping Dixie wouldn’t hear it. It was Joe Early.

"Barbara? It’s Joe. Roger got here and we got the transfusion from him. I’m just starting the treatment now. How’s she doing?"

"She’s sound asleep right now, Joe."

"Good. She needs that rest. It will be pointless for her to come back tonight. Try to keep her asleep as long as you can. I’ll call you as soon as I know anything, probably not until early morning."

"OK, we’ll be here. Thanks for calling Joe."

Barbara hung up the phone and checked on Dixie. She hadn’t stirred at all. She debated trying to get her in bed, but decided against disturbing her. She settled in on the recliner that had been in Kel’s old apartment, wanting to know the minute Dixie woke up.

The phone rang at six in the morning. Barbara answered it again. "It’s Joe, I have some good news. Kel’s fever is down to 102 and he is conscious again. John seems to be responding too."

"Thank God," Barbara responded. "Thanks Joe, I’ll let her know."

Dixie sat up and said "Let me know what?"

Barbara hung up the phone and said, "That was Joe. The treatment seems to have worked, using the blood from the choreographer. Kel’s fever is down to 102 and he’s awake." Dixie breathed a sigh of relief. Her mother continued, "He said John was starting to respond too."

"Thank God" Dixie said. "Did he say if I could see him?"

Barbara shook her head and said "No, honey, he didn’t."

 "Oh" said Dixie, somewhat disappointed.

The women both took showers and ate breakfast. Knowing Kel was OK helped Dixie’s appetite, and she finally ate a decent meal. She dressed for work, not knowing if she would put any time in or not. Barbara went with her to the hospital. Joe was waiting for them when they arrived.

"Joe, how is he doing?" Dixie asked.

"Well, the fever is down to 101. He’s conscious but very weak."

"Can I see him?" Dixie asked hopefully.

Joe shook his head. "Not until the fever is gone, and I’m sure he’s not going to relapse."

"Joe, I’ll wear scrubs and a mask if you want me too, please?"

"I’m sorry Dix, you just can’t take the chance yet. For now you can wave to him at the window, and call him. I know it stinks, Dix, but you have to be patient, OK?"

"Yeah, OK, but I want to see him now."

The tone in her voice was familiar to Joe, she normally used it with difficult patients.

"OK, come on."

The trio headed to the isolation area. Joe entered the room and checked both John and Kelly. Dixie could see him say something to Kel and waited to see how he would respond.

In the room, as Joe checked Kel’s chart for the latest vitals, he said "Morning, Kel. How are you feeling?"

"Like I’ve been hit by a Mack truck." Kel answered. "What happened?"

"Well, your fever spiked at 105.5 and you were comatose for a while. We found someone who was with Jenny that had a mild case of the flu. We got him here and were able to use the antibodies from his blood. That’s what kicked it. John seems to be on the mend too."

Kel nodded and said "Good. What about Dix?"

Joe smiled and said, "She’s fine. She is waiting to see you. Kel, I don’t want her near you until we are sure we are done with this thing. Can you turn your head and look out the window?"

Kel looked over and saw Dixie smiling. Their eyes locked and Dixie mouthed "I love you" Kel smiled and mouthed it back to her.

"That was the best medicine you could have given me, Joe. Thanks," said Kel. "When are you going to let her in?"

"When the fever is gone," answered Joe as he went to check on John.

"Let me talk to her on the phone?" Kel asked hopefully.

"When you have a little more rest and some more fluids in you," was Joe’s reply.

Dixie and Barbara waited for the exhausted doctor to come out of the isolation room. When he came out he said "The fever is down a little more, but he’s pretty weak. I told him after he got some more rest and some more fluids you could talk to him on the phone." 

"OK, thanks Joe. Get some rest."

Joe nodded and said "I’m getting too old for this!" He made his way down the hall and could only think the hot shower and warm bed he longed for.

Dixie turned to her mother and said, "I finally feel like there is hope. Things seem to be looking up. Thanks for coming Mom, I don’t think I would have kept on to my sanity without you."

Barbara hugged her daughter and said "That’s OK honey, I’m glad he’s on the mend." She paused for a minute and said, "Since things are looking up, do you mind if I head back home?"

"No, I don’t mind. I know how things are this time of year, I appreciate you coming at all. Why don’t you drive my car back to the apartment, and I’ll take Kel’s car home?"

She handed her mother the keys and gave another hug.

"Thanks so much Mom. Or should I say Grandma?"

Barbara grinned and asked if it was all right if she told Julie and Jim.

"Go ahead," Dixie smiled. "I can’t wait to tell Kel." She laughed and said "Oh boy, we are going to be starring on the Rampart Gossip chain, most people don’t know we got married, much less with a baby on the way. I’m so happy now that he’s on the mend that I don’t care about the gossip!"

Barbara looked at her daughter and said, "It is so good to see you back to normal. I was watching you last night and wondering how much more stress you could take. Now I’ve got to get going if I’m going to try to make the first flight home. You take care of that husband and that baby and call me soon, deal?" 

Dixie hugged her mother one last time and said, "Deal. Thanks for everything Mom"

Dixie reported for duty, her mental state much improved now that she knew Kel was on the mend. It wasn’t until the afternoon when Joe had her call Kel’s room. Kel was able to hold the phone on his own this time. He answered the phone and Dixie said "Kel?"

He smiled and said "Hi sweetheart. How are you?"

"Much better now that you are able to talk to me. How are you feeling?"

He answered "Pretty weak, but the headache is gone and I don’t feel feverish any more. I’m also hungry."

Dixie smiled and said " Oh Kel, that’s great. Maybe Joe will let me in to see you."

He could hear the relief in her voice. "How’s Johnny doing?"

Kel looked over and said "He’s sleeping right now, he’s just starting to feel better."

He heard Dixie exhale and she said "Thank God, maybe it is over. Well, Doc, I’ll be in to see you as soon as Joe gives the OK. I love you."

"I love you too, sweetheart. See you soon."

Dixie had never been happier to hear those words. She was ecstatic as she hung up the phone. She knew Kel was going to make it, and she could tell him about the baby. Now she just had to get in to see him. Roy DeSoto came around the corner and saw her happy expression

"Please tell me that you have some good news, Dix." the paramedic pleaded.

Dixie hugged him, "I just talked to Kel. He’s hungry! He said he doesn’t feel feverish any more. Oh yeah, he said John is starting to feel better too. He’s sleeping now but he’s not in the coma anymore."

Relief washed over Roy, and he said " That’s great! I’ll tell the guys at the station. Maybe I’ll be able to see him after our next run."

Dixie added, " The best thing is that there have been no new cases. Keep your fingers crossed, but I think we have it beat."

"Speaking of beat..." Roy commented as Joe stopped by the base station. The doctor was clearly exhausted, trying to cover Kelly’s shift and treat John and Kel. He rotated his neck and shrugged his shoulders to relieve his tired muscles.

Dixie looked at him and said, "Joe, take a break."

Joe nodded wearily and acknowledged " I’m too old to be pulling these kinds of shifts. I’ll be going home as soon as Dr. Stevens gets here. Mike Morton is here, I told him he’s got the shift, only call me if he really gets into a jam." He looked at the other two and said, "I suppose you want updates on that hose jockey and that doctor I have in isolation?"

They nodded.

Joe smiled and said, "I moved Kel to a regular room, John will be moved by tonight. I’m declaring them both free of the infection."

Roy grinned and shook Joe’s hand. "Thanks Doc! Can I see him for a minute?"

Joe nodded and Roy took off.

Dixie hugged Joe and said "Thanks Joe, for bringing him back to me. You’re the best."

"No I’m not," he answered. "Do you want to see him?"

"Do you even have to ask?" grinned Dixie. "Can I go now?"

"Go on, room 414"

Dixie took off toward the elevator. Joe saw Bill Stevens coming down the hall. He took off his lab coat and said "Hi Bill, thanks for helping out. I’m going home and sleep for two days."

"That’s OK Joe, how is the schedule?"

"I think we are OK. look it over for me and if you see anything I messed up on, let me know. Kel won’t be back to work for a few days, he’s still pretty weak. I think I have everything covered, but I’m so tired I can’t think straight."

Bill Stevens said, "We’ll handle it. Get out of here!"

A grateful Joe Early left the hospital and headed straight for his bed.

Dixie knocked on the door of room 414.

"Come in" Kel called out.

She entered and said "Hey stranger,"

Kel’s face lit up with a smile, and he said "Hey yourself."

She came and sat on his bed. He wrapped his arms around her and said, "You feel so good."

She said, "So do you. I was so afraid I was going to lose you. You really scared us!"

Kel ran his fingers through her hair and said "No, you are stuck with me for a long, long time."

She smiled through the tears she felt forming. "You promise?"

He grinned and said, "Yeah, I promise."

Dixie ran her fingers lightly over the stubble of beard that had formed on Kel’s face. "New look?"

He stroked his chin and said, "What do you think, should I keep it?"

"Absolutely not!" his wife cried out. "This is the first time I’ve ever seen you need a shave so badly, and I’m glad I don’t have to see it on a regular basis!"

Kelly laughed at that and agreed with her. "Man, I can’t wait for a shower and a shave!"

"Did Joe say when you can come home?" Dixie asked.

Kel shook his head and said, "No, he’ll check me when he comes in tomorrow."

"If he comes in," added Dixie. "He went home and said he was so tired he said he was going to sleep for two days. He was really burned out by all of this."

Kel nodded in agreement. "I know, I could tell. By the way, how is John doing?"

Dixie replied, "Joe said he would be moved to a regular room by tonight. I assume he will be your roommate."

Kel stroked her cheek. "I’d rather have you."

She smiled and said, "You are feeling better, aren’t you?" She was glad to see the sparkle that was back in his eyes. "Hopefully you will be home soon."

 "Hey Dix," Kel asked, "Why was Joe so adamant that you weren’t allowed to come in the room? I saw Roy with mask and gown a couple of times."

Dixie got a funny smile on her face. "He had a special reason. When he tested my blood for the virus, he found something else."

Kel’s expression turned to one of concern "What’s wrong, Dix, what did he find?" His hand took hers as he waited for Dixie to answer.

She smiled and said "Nothing’s wrong...Daddy."

Kelly Brackett’s mouth fell open in surprise. "Daddy?" he questioned. "Are you telling me.... we... I mean you.... I mean...."

Dixie was amused at the good doctor being at a total loss for words. She nodded. "That’s exactly what I’m telling you. Looks like I’m six weeks pregnant."

She watched as he absorbed the news. The smile that spread over his face was one of pure joy.

"Oh sweetheart! A baby! Wow!"

He pulled her close and wrapped his arms around her. She was glad of his reaction, because the subject of children had never come up, and she really wasn’t sure how happy he would be.

"Six weeks, huh? Good thing I made an honest woman out of you!" he chuckled. "Six weeks," he paused, mentally doing the calculations. "That was the week of your accident!" 

It was her turn to grin. "Two days before, to be exact. You fell asleep on the couch, and I sent you to bed, in the morning you were showing me how much better you felt...."

Kelly raised his eyebrows and said, "I guess I really felt good!"

They both laughed.

Kel turned serious and said "that means you had conceived by the accident...."

Dixie could read his mind and said, "Everything is OK. I’ve already seen Ron Thomas. He said because it was so early that the medication shouldn’t have had any effect. He has all the records and is aware of it and said I can look forward to a healthy pregnancy."

Kel was visibly relieved. "Good, Ron Thomas is the best." He smiled and Shoko his head. "I just can’t believe it. A baby! Who else knows?"

Dixie counted off on her fingers. "Joe, of course, and my mother. Did you know she came when you were in the coma? Joe called her and asked her to come because he didn’t know if you were going to make it or not, and he had just gotten my test results back. I really needed her. I was slightly nuts not knowing if you were going to be around long enough to even hear the news, much less see the baby."

Kel heard the catch in his wife’s voice, and he realized what a strain the past few days had been on her. He nodded and said " I thought I saw your mom with you at the window, but I wasn’t sure. I’m glad she’s here."

Dix shook her head and said, "Was here. When Joe said you were out of the woods, she went back home. You know how things are at the ranch this time of year."

Kel nodded. "Yeah. Does any one else know?"

"Just Roy. I didn’t mean to tell him, but he and I were so afraid that you and John weren’t going to make it, that I had to release it all to someone. He promised he wouldn’t say anything until I said it was OK." Dixie replied.

Kel embraced Dixie for another hug. "That’s OK. You sure have been through the wringer haven’t you?"

She nodded, her head still nestled against his shoulder. He reached and placed the palm of his hand on her abdomen. "Do you think we need to keep this quiet for a while?"

She giggled. "Yeah. That’s all we need is the Rampart gossip chain to get hold of that one. I can hear it now, you knocked me up and we had to get married. We are going to cause enough scandal now that we are married, can we keep the baby part quiet for a while?"

Kel frowned and nodded. "Boy you’re tough! You tell me I’m going to be a father and then tell me I can’t tell anyone?" He teased her. "No, you are right, the news we are married will be enough gossip for a while." He patted her abdomen and said, " Besides they will find out about this soon enough, as soon as you start to show."

"Don’t remind me!" Dixie grinned as she patted the hand on her belly.

Just then they were interrupted by the door opening and a nurse wheeling John Gage in a wheelchair. The young paramedic loOKed weak and tired but his trademark lopsided grin told Kel and Dix that he was back among the living.

"Hi Doc, I guess I’m bunking in here tonight. Hey Dix, how are you?"

Dixie smiled, "Now that I have my two favorite guys back in action, I’m great! How about you?"

John gingerly got into the empty bed and said, "I’m still beat, but at least I’m awake, and no more fever."

Kel nodded in sympathy. "You should be feeling better by tomorrow. I’m much better that even a few hours ago. All you can do is wait it out."

John nodded and closed his eyes. "Yeah, I’m gonna go back to sleep. I’m hoping when I wake up this nightmare will be over. G’night"

"Good night" Kel and Dix said together.

Dixie stroked Kelly’s cheek and said, "I better get going. I’ll see you tomorrow." She kissed him and whispered. "I love you."

He whispered back "I love you."

She left the room feeling happier than she had in days.


The next few months went smoothly for the newlyweds. The news of their marriage had been a big surprise but had quickly blown over. The gossip chain had featured the couple for a while but then found other subjects to talk about. The hospital board was watching the couple and finally agreed with Mark Harper that they were both professionals enough to work together even though they were married.

Kelly Brackett was enchanted with the idea of impending fatherhood. He loved watching Dixie blossom with the pregnancy. He found the changes in her body enthralling and enjoyed caressing her belly any chance he could. She found the whole thing amusing. No one at the hospital would have believed tough Dr. Brackett got tears in his eyes the first time he felt the baby kick.

When Dixie was about seven months pregnant, the nurses threw her a surprise baby shower. Kel arranged for Julie and Barbara to come in for the event. When it was over and they had brought the gifts to the apartment, Dixie made a joke that with all the stuff, she wouldn’t fit in the apartment if she got any bigger. When Dixie saw Julie’s face at how large Dixie had gotten, she had to laugh. "Just wait until it is your turn, Julie, this is how you will look."

Julie shook her head. "No way! No kids for me!"

Dixie laughed again. "Never say never, look at me!"

Julie said, "Yeah, and a doctor and a nurse should know better!"

Dixie tried to ignore the sarcasm from her twin. It was the first time anyone close to them had hinted that the pregnancy was an "accident". Although it wasn’t planned and the timing was a bit odd, they were both overjoyed with the baby and couldn’t wait for its arrival. Kel had told her he thought Julie was acting funny about the pregnancy, but she hadn’t believed him. Maybe it was like he said, and she was bothered by it. Either way the remark hurt, but she tried not to let it show. Kelly had been in the kitchen and had overheard the remark. He almost lost it and let Julie know exactly what he thought, but he saw in Dixie’s eyes how it had upset her and instead called her into the kitchen.

Barbara was surprised at Julie’s outburst and called her over to the side. She frowned at her and said "What was that crack for?"

Julie said, "What do you mean?"

Barbara said, "A doctor and a nurse should know better? Come on, Julie, don’t you think that was a bit cruel?"

Julie shrugged her shoulders. "Well, it is no secret now that she was pregnant when they got married, and they are both old enough to know about birth control. Really Mom, aren’t you embarrassed by the whole thing? I mean she wore your wedding dress, got married in the family church and the whole bit, and she was already knocked up. It’s really not something you would expect from people their age. Yeah, she got her handsome doctor, but would she have if they hadn’t screwed up?"

Barbara McCall was shocked to hear what her daughter had said. "Julie, what is with you? You know as well as I do that they didn’t know she was pregnant until Kel got sick. Kel had picked up the engagement ring the day before Dixie had the car accident. The baby is a happy surprise, they were going to get married all along. It isn’t like you to make a crack like that." 

Julia knew she was out of line. She had just had another relationship break up, and she was very jealous of her twin not only marrying a handsome doctor who was very much in love with her but also ready to have a baby with him. Julia was very much aware of her own biological clock ticking and her failure with men. The sarcasm was her way of dealing with the frustration.

"I know Mom, I was out of line. I guess the green-eyed monster was at it again. I really envy Dix and her 'perfect life', while I always seem to make a mess of mine." Julie replied. "I’ll make up with her as soon as she comes back."

Barbara nodded and said "You better, I think you really hit a nerve."

In the kitchen Kel took Dixie in his arms and whispered "Are you OK?"

She nodded, not quite trusting herself to speak. "Don’t let her get to you. No matter what she says, you and I know the truth. No, we didn’t plan it, but baby Brackett is a very special part of this family, and I love you both very much."

She smiled at that, "And we love you too. Thanks."

He winked at her. "OK, time to show Dad what all this stuff is." They returned to the living room.

Julie wasted no time. She really did feel bad about what she had said and wanted to clear the air. " Dix, Kel, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to imply anything. I know you are both very happy about the baby. I guess I was striking out at you because I’m upset with my own life, so I had to sound off about yours. I’m really looking forward to being Aunt Julie and to spoiling this kid rotten. Forgive me?"

Kel looked at Dix and waited for her answer. "Of course we do." she said smiling. She never had been able to stay mad at her sister for any length of time. "Now let’s check out all this stuff!" Kel thought to himself that Julie was getting off pretty lucky, he would have given it to her with both barrels.


The time for the baby’s arrival got closer and closer. The nursery was completed, and Kel had decided they really needed to start looking for a house, the spacious apartment suddenly seemed small with all the things they had accumulated for a little person who hadn’t even arrived yet. Dixie had stopped working, the strain of being on her feet all day had gotten to be too much. The suitcase was packed and in the trunk of Kel’s car, right next to his medical bag just in case he ended up in a strange situation and had to deliver his own child.

Dixie’s due date was quickly approaching. She was tired of being housebound and was glad when Kel asked her if she felt like going to the annual Fireman’s picnic. She and Kel and Joe had always gone as a threesome. She looked forward to seeing the guys from the fire department, especially John and Roy. She also looked forward to socializing with the wives of the men. She had always enjoyed talking to Joanne DeSoto and Beth Stoker.

The day of the picnic arrived, and Dixie was in a great mood. She was trying to ignore the backache that had been her constant companion for the past few days. They arrived at the picnic and were greeted all around. Dixie’s swollen belly created quite a stir, especially among the wives who hadn’t seen her for a while. Kelly enjoyed the ribbing the guys were giving him.

"Hey Doc, good thing we have paramedics here. Dix looks like she’s gonna pop right here!" Chet Kelly grinned at his own joke.

John predictably said, "Shut up Chet!"

Kel just laughed and shook his head. "There’s certain things I can always count on with you guys. One, that if there is a fire or a medical emergency, you guys are the best. Two, John and Chet will be at each other until the end of time." Mike Stoker and Marco Lopez agreed with him.

After the food was served, Dixie and the wives found some shade and moved their chairs together to watch the annual softball game between the stations. Kel was talked into playing for the station 51 team, and Joe served as their third base coach. Dixie began to feel some twinges but didn’t say anything. Joanne returned from getting them some cold drinks, and noticed Dixie’s face and saw her shift positions.  

"Dixie, are you OK?" she asked.

Kel was up to bat and she was watching him intently. She absentmindedly said, "Yeah, the baby is just giving me some good kicks."

She cheered as Kel got a single. Beth and Joanne looked at each other with knowing looks. Beth casually looked at her watch as the two experienced mothers began timing the "kicks".

Beth asked her "So Dixie, what names do you have picked out?"

Dixie smiled, "Amanda for a girl, after Kel’s mother, and James for a boy after my dad"

She grimaced again as the women nodded their approval over the names. The women soon established that Dixie was having the "kicks" about every 10 minutes. Dixie moaned after a particularly severe pain. "Dixie, I hate to tell you this, but I would bet money you are in labor," grinned Joanne.

"I’m starting to wonder about that myself," the nurse said.

"Oh!" she exclaimed with a grimace.

"That’s it," said Joanne.

She rose and headed toward the softball game. "Guys, I have to call an official time out" she called out.

The men all looked at her. "Dr. Brackett, I think you better get Dixie to the hospital. Looks like the baby on the way."

Kelly ran off the field towards Dixie. "Dix?" he questioned.

She nodded and said, "I hate to interrupt your game, but..." She winced as another contraction hit.

He led her towards the car, taking the shortest path, which happened to be straight through the softball field. They had all the firemen wishing them well on the way. "Good luck." "Take care of our girl , Doc." "Hope it looks like you, Dix." "We’ll see you soon."

She waved to the crowd and they took off. "Nothing like a grand exit scene!" She commented as she saw them all waving.

"Yeah, especially with those jokers," Kel agreed.

He began asking her questions to establish how far along the labor was, sounding like the ER specialist he was. No, her water hadn’t broken, and the pains were about five minutes apart. He knew Beth had said ten minutes at the ball field, so the fact that they were so close now meant the baby was in a hurry. He estimated they had a good half-hour drive to Rampart and hoped they would get there in time. He concentrated on driving and tried not to get into an accident, thinking that’s the last thing they needed.

By the time he got Dixie to the hospital, the pains were, at the most, two minutes apart. Dixie sat down in a wheel chair and Kel grabbed the phone at the nurses’ station. He paged Ron Thomas who just happened to be in the hospital and had just finished another delivery. "Ron, it’s Kel Brackett. I’m down in Emergency with Dix, she’s in stage two labor, pains are two minutes apart."

Ron Thomas said, "Bring her on up, I’ll meet you in room three"

Kel took off with the wheelchair towards the elevator. "Hey Mike" he called, "Get her admitted, would you?"

Mike Morton answered "No problem". He was amused at the sight of Kel in shorts and a baseball hat with the station 51 emblem on it. He turned around so his boss didn’t see him grinning. He called admitting and took care of all the details of getting Dixie admitted.

Ron Thomas was also amused by Kel’s picnic clothes but wisely kept to the business at hand. He waited while Kel helped Dixie into a hospital gown and got her into the birthing bed. Kelly put on a surgical gown while Dr. Thomas examined Dixie. A nurse brought in the instruments he would need. Dixie groaned as a pain hit her hard.

"This baby is in a hurry. Dixie, you are ready to push anytime." Dr. Thomas said from the end of the bed.

Kel grabbed her hand and she squeezed it hard as she began the process of bringing their baby into the world. As Kelly watched, he was like any other first time father, forgetting how many babies he had helped been born. He was caught up in the magic of it all. Dixie squeezed his hand in an iron grip and gave a mighty push.

"That’s great Dix, one more push should do it," Thomas said.

Kelly Brackett watched in wonder as he saw his daughter born. "It’s a girl!" both doctors announced at the same time. Kel reached over and kissed an exhausted Dixie. "It’s a girl" he repeated. Dixie nodded and smiled.

"Kel, would you like to do the honors?"

Ron Thomas asked as he handed Kel the scissors to cut the umbilical cord. Kel grinned and nodded. He performed the task as he had many times before. The nurse took the baby and began the procedures that had to be done immediately after the birth. Dr. Thomas finished with Dixie and offered his congratulations to the happy couple. "Does this beautiful little girl have a name yet?" he asked

Kelly proudly said "Amanda Lynn Brackett". Ron Thomas noted it on Dixie’s chart.

Ron continued, "Dix, you did great! Especially since we didn’t get a chance for any kind of painkiller for you. You came through like a champ!" Just then he was paged. "It must be a full moon, there are lots of babies wanting to make their appearance today. I’ll see you guys later! Congratulations!"

The nurse finished and handed the baby to Dixie. She told them she would be right back. She returned with an instant camera and took a picture of the new family. She then left them alone for a while.


Dixie held the baby and said "Hello Amanda!" as she stroked her daughter’s cheek. She looked over at Kel and said "Well Dad, look what we did!"

Kelly nodded. "How about that! She’s beautiful, just like her mom."

Dixie smiled and looked at the baby. "Amanda, it’s time to meet your daddy."

She handed the small bundle to Kel. As he looked into his daughter’s face, he fell head over heels in love with the newest female in his life. "Hello sweetheart" he said softly, his eyes filling with tears of pure joy and love. "Oh Dix, she’s perfect!"

Dixie would cherish the memory of that moment for the rest of her life. She smiled as she watched Kelly bond with Amanda. Suddenly she remembered the camera that was packed in her suitcase, still in the trunk of Kel’s car. "Kel, the suitcase! We forgot it in the mad rush to get up here. I hate to interrupt you but could you go get it? The camera is in there."

Kel nodded and said "Yeah" with resignation in his voice. He didn’t want to break the magic spell Amanda had put him under. He gently kissed her forehead as he gave her back to Dixie.

He headed back out through the emergency ward since that was where he'd parked. He was caught off guard when it seemed like the entire staff crowded around him. Mike Morton asked the question, "Well Dad, what’s the word?"

The staff saw Kelly Brackett’s face break out in the biggest smile they had ever seen. "It’s a girl! A perfect, beautiful girl!"

"What’s her name?" Carol called out.

"Amanda Lynn Brackett," the happy father announced. The staff let out a small cheer. "Mom and baby are doing fine. I’m on my way to get the suitcase. I’ll bring a picture down later."

When Kel went back up to the maternity ward, he was surprised to see almost the entire A Shift of Station 51 waiting in the lounge for word on the baby. "Hey Doc," grinned Johnny, "Any news?"

Kel grinned again. "It’s a girl!"

The men all congratulated him and told him it was a heck of a way to interrupt the ball game. He laughed and said "And we were winning too!" He excused himself and returned to Dixie and Amanda.

He got the camera out and took several pictures of his beautiful wife and daughter. Dixie took some of the proud dad and his daughter. The nurse came in to see if Dixie was ready to take a shower. She was and handed Amanda back to Kelly. Before the shower, they asked the nurse to take a couple of shots of the three of them. While Dixie was showering, Kelly held Amanda and thought about what a year it had been. They had been truly blessed, with Dixie and Amanda surviving the car wreck, Kel getting to marry the love of his life, then surviving the mystery virus, and now getting this reward of a beautiful baby girl. He decided he was a very lucky man indeed.

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