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What's New!

Well, well, what's been added since you last swung by? Let's see...


5/1/04-- I know, it's been way too long. And I really am sorry. But life has been INSANE--my only excuse. Nursing school was sucking me dry--but guess what?! I graduate next week! Great, huh? I had this story for awhile, but never found time to get it up among the million other things I was doing....sorry it's so short but the contributors to this site have all had crazy lives, too. Haven't had anything to post. Though, if you will look on the LionHeart Distribution website,, Superman by AJM is available in a printed fanzine form for your purchase. It's in the "Emergency!" section. It'll be up on this site come October, a year from its print date, but you can have it now. All ads aside, "Double Trouble" by MSC is available on the fanfic page--enjoy it!

9/23/03-- Hello, gang. No new stories THIS time, just adding one of those "about me" pages (see the main page, it's called "Audrey's Corner"), and changing the MIDI file for the main page. Do have a new fic in the editing stages--will be posted ASAP. Sorry for the delays, RL has been so crazy. And, yes, we came through Isabel just fine...thanks to those who asked! Also, I am editing a zine...check it out at :)

6/16/03-- Hey, check it out. Six more of Joan's stories available on the fanfic page! I'm back :-D

4/26/03-- Hi, guys.

First--MAJOR apologies for the delay in updates! Really. RL has been beyond kicking my butt lately, and THEN my computer crashed. All my stories waiting to be posted got lost, and I've been contacting the authors to get them resent. Finals are next week, so hopefully something soon...

Letting you know I'm alive, basically :)


1/13/03-- My major apologies for the delay...*SIGH* College is kicking up, with other RL issues. But two new stories for you!! Happy New Year!

10/22/02-- Real life is a pain. But here's a quick snippet for y'all! Is This Seat Taken?, now available!

5/16/02-- Wow, I actually have time to update! :) MSC's "Freeway of Love" is now up and running on the fanfic page...also changed the song on the main page.

2/24/02-- All I have to say is this. It's been a long, strange week. I really meant to update on Tuesday, but I hope this is worth the wait. Three new stories--one from MSC, and one collaboration by a group only calling themselves Kel's Belles. *grin* Set aside some time--it's a long one, but I think you'll like it. Third is a story AJM and myself wrote, one of our more serious attempts. More soon, hopefully.

2/3/02-- A new, short story up...more coming as soon as I can get it ready... :) And just in time for Valentine's Day, LaraLee's newest story is available!

1/5/02-- MSC's new story is up--short and sweet and really first update of 2002! Also, you've been waiting for Stephanie White's latest--wait no more!

10/18/01-- Wow, it's hard to believe it's been one year since we lost Julie tribute, I've put up a photo gallery...more pictures will be added soon, I hope--but enjoy what I've got for now! :) (Thanks to Joan for most of the pictures, too!)

8/18/01-- Happy birthday to the site! *G* A whole year, and look how far it's come! :)

4/19/01-- Okay, so it's the anniversary of Oklahoma City and Waco...and the federal government is worried someone somewhere might plan some attack...(I live on a military base, I know these things...)*sigh*. I figured I might as well add a bright spot to the day..."Prey" has finally been updated! Enjoy Chapter 7, whilst I head off to get 8 ready...

4/13/01-- Real life really is crazy sometimes, ya know? I know this update was supposed to be here yesterday...but it's a big one, and I hope it's worth the long wait! :) Four new stories for you--Lynn James has "Beginnings" and "The Luckiest Man" now available on the fanfic page. Prey's updating is taking a bit, due to the fact that AJM's computer and mine like to fight and her punctuation gets messed up...I hope to have the next part up this weekend. In the meantime, take a look at "Save It!" Also posted is my own story, "RN, Heal Thyself". In addition, Robin R. Neher's "The New Nurse" has been updated. So enjoy!!!

12/31/00--New caption contest entry! Contest ends at midnight, so get those entries in! Anything found in my inbox tomorrow morning is fair game. :) A new fic is up on the Christmas page--it's called "Memories of Christmases Past". Sorry about the delay; I'd hoped to get it up before I left, but... :) Better late than never, huh? *g*

10/19/00-- Added the Julie London tribute page. The link is either on the main page or you can go here.

10/18/00-- New caption contest entry. Also, a sad day for E! fans everywhere...Julie London died today at the age of 74.

10/2/00-- Another caption contest entry! Two of 'em, actually! And, wow! We reached 1500 hits today! Thanks, everyone!

9/26/00-- New caption contest entry. And happy birthday to Julie London!

9/25/00-- 1,000 hits today! Yay!

9/23/00--Yay! Stephanie White and I just finished our first co-writing effort, and it's up on Further Endeavors (the fanfic page). Go check out "Unexpected"! Yeah, it's shameless self-promotion, but I'm really pretty proud of this one. :-)

8/26/00-- Added another Stephanie White story to Further Endeavors--"Buried Hearts". I think she's got a monopoly on the market. *grin* Well, I'll find some more stuff, too. Sooner or later. 8/19/00--More pictures added--thanks, Tig! Another captioned pic on "Can Ya Feel the Luv?"

8/18/00--Site created! Yay! *grin*