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Food Not Bombs, Fresno


Mike Rhodes

Can they do that? Can the Fresno Police department arrest someone for the crime of being poor? Apparently they can!

The drama unfolding in downtown Fresno started after the new baseball stadium was built and has intensified since the city announced its plans to revitalize the area. Homeless people are being harassed and arrested when they enter downtown. They are told by the police that if they stay on the other side (West) of the railroad tracks they will not be arrested. What is that about? Out of sight, out of mind?

I personally witnessed an incident in which a bicycle officer verbally assaulted a homeless person in the alley behind my print shop. The homeless man was called a "worthless piece of shit," repeatedly told to "get a job," and that he "stinks." The officer was unprofessional, demeaning and appeared to be provoking an incident that would lead to the man’s arrest. A citizens complaint has been filed with the Fresno Police Department and we are waiting to hear how Police Chief Dyer will use this incident to confront and condemn the culture within the downtown police force that would allow such an incident to happen.

Attacking the poor and arresting the homeless is no way for our great city to address this serious social problem. You can’t just try to hide poverty and homelessness by moving the problem to less desirable areas of the city. What happens when re-development moves to the West side of the railroad tracks? Will the homeless be moved further South? Are plans being developed to move them to the toxic waste dump in Calwa?

Come on Fresno! We can do better than that. Let us address the root causes of poverty in this community and treat the poor with dignity and respect. We need more jobs, a living wage for all workers, and universal health care. Not a police state that arrests its citizens for the crime of being poor.

June 16, 2002
Fresno Police Department
Internal Affairs
P.O. Box 1271
Fresno Ca 93715-1271

I am filing a citizen complaint against Officer Mike Smith. The complaint stems from an incident I personally witnessed on June 6, 2002. The incident was also witnessed by Richard Gillaspy and occurred at Hume Printing, 2115 Mono Street, Fresno, California.

Mr. Gillaspy and myself were at the back of the shop when we heard shouting.

A homeless man, who I later found out to be Dave Ritter, was walking down the alley and a Fresno Police Department Officer was circling him on his bicycle. The officer was saying (numerous times) "Get a job Dave!" . Mr. Ritter tried to ignore him and attempted to explain to the officer that he "is not causing any problems." The Officer became more aggressive calling Mr. Ritter a "worthless piece of shit" and "good for nothing."

Gillaspy and myself witnessed these statements less than 10 feet away from the officer and Ritter. Mr. Ritter appeared to be trying to get away but he could not evade the officer on a bike. The officer called him a "human cockroach", got off of his bike and got right into Mr. Ritter’s face. It appeared the officer was trying to provoke Mr. Ritter.

The incident continued for about 3 to 5 minutes. I then invited Mr. Ritter into the print shop and offered him a job sorting paper for recycling. I was afraid that if someone did not intervene, the situation would escalate into violence.

After giving Mr. Ritter some work to do, I then approached the officer, who was still outside in the alley. The officer stated to me that Dave is a worthless drain on society and that he intended to arrest him for an alleged incident that had taken place earlier at the market on Ventura and Van Ness. The officer said he was just waiting for an employee of the market to return to work so he could get a statement, which would lead to Mr. Ritter’s arrest. Before the officer left he identified himself as Mike Smith.

This incident concerns me for the following reasons:

• I believe that the behavior exhibited by Officer Smith was unprofessional and demeaning.

• The officer appeared to be provoking a confrontation.

• Police officers have a duty to protect the public, not harass the public.

Our citizens are currently going through agonizing times regarding alleged misconduct by police officers. Officer involved shootings have been on the rise and the public is wondering what is really going on. Incidents such as this one, which was witnessed by two people, do not help the reputation of the Fresno Police Department.

I believe that your department has the duty to investigate this incident and take any appropriate action against Officer Smith.

I would also like a written response from your department informing me of the results of your investigation and what, if any action will be taken against Officer Smith.  


Mike Rhodes
Address witheld
Fresno Ca 937XX
(559) XXX-XXXX