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Food Not Bombs, Fresno

In Fresno there's a lot of negative stigma surrounding downtown. A photographer once stated that a good photo was impossible to take in Fresno. Maybe it's all the smog. Our air is as bad as L.A. I'm not trying to prove anything about downtown, all though I happen to love it. Personally I think it's one of the best places to take photographs. Though I'm not very good with cameras I decided to load a some of my landscapes of downtown Fresno on this website in an attempt to show people that even though it's run down it's not that awful.

People of Fresno, please venture into downtown Fresno. Please visit the coffee shops and see a game at the stadium. We swear your precious SUV wont get stolen. It's okay to talk to people if you get lost. It's okay to venture outside of your comfort zone and explore. Stop shopping at the GAP and shop the Botanica and swap mall.

Sunday Food Not Bombs has been serving in downtown Fresno since 2001. (From 1998 to 2000 we were in Roeding Park.) It's always a peaceful place to be under the trees around the courthouse. What I haven't included yet are photos of all the great statues of political (Martin Luther King) and historical leaders. Maybe that's my next photo project. In the meantime enjoy what I've got.

Lauren |contact me|

| street signs | train bridge | second train bridge | trade center | trade center, second photo | trade center, third photo | looking down van ness avenue |