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Glory & Honor Fellowship

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    To join The Glory & Honor Fellowship you must:
  • Be a devoted Christian. We take our representation of Christ very seriously. This is what we believe. *We are not affiliated with any church or denomination. Our interdenominational group accepts anyone who holds the same truths we hold to be true.*
  • Be into any aspect of the 50s culture, (be it the music, cars, style, etc), and aren't compromising your faith for the love of the music. You can like other types of genres of music as well, but this is our secondary reason for existence. If you don't like these and you are applying, please reevaluate your reasons for applying.
    To apply, just copy and paste the text below, fill it out, and email it to us! We ask you for a photo also, but if you do not wish to have your photo or other information given in your profile, that's alright too. Thank you!
  1. First Name:
  2. Gender:
  3. Age:
  4. Current Location:
  5. Previous Locations:
  6. Marital Status:
  7. Hair:
  8. Eyes:
  9. Hieght:
  10. Tattoos:
  11. What makes you stand out:
  12. Job:
  13. COllege:
  14. Dream Job:
  15. Dream Car:
  16. People I Admire:
  17. Last Book Read:
  18. Favorite Food:
  19. Favorite Beverage:
  20. Favorite Sport:
  21. Favorite Movie:
  22. Favorite Place to Travel:
  23. Music Genres You Love:
  24. Most Recent Movie Purchases:
  25. Most Recent Music Purchases:
  26. Favorite Colors:
  27. Favorite Bible Verse:
  28. Favorite Musicians:
  29. Things You Like to Do:
  30. Favorite Celebrity:
  31. Favorite Song Quote:
  32. Favorite Movie Quote:
  33. Your Quirks: (things about you in your personality/mannerisms that are different that make you unique)
  34. My URL:
  35. My Email:
  36. Instant Messenger Names:


  1. Birthday:
  2. What does God mean to you and how does he affect your daily life?:
  3. Why do you wnat to join?:
  4. Anything else we should know about you?:
  5. Denomination: (We are interdenominational, but this helps us get a feel for your spiritual background)
  6. Phone Number and Address: (We ask this info for sending newsletters, informing you on get-togethers and meets, but this is optional.)

Forward your application to Thanks!

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