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Vasquez vs HCS Stats 12-17-02

Player Points PPG FG FG % FT FT %
Aja AjanwachukuDNP19.25
Bryant Baum21.141/1100%0/00%
Loren Barton662/633.3%2/450%
Aaron Garcia32.30/40%0/00%
Bryan Glass10 5.864/850%2/2100%
Josh Hamilton1916.149/1560%1/520%
Jesse McDonald1414.864/850%6/875%
Danny Marriott211/1100%0/10%
Josh Martinson8 TBD3/1030%2/450%
Steve PappasDNP3.5
Trevor Wagstaffe11 3.291/520%6/1060%
Hesperia Christian
Team Totals74 7125/5843%19/3456%

Player 3 Pointers 3 PT % Reb Asst Stls TO BS
Aja AjanwachukuDNP
Bryant Baum0/20%10030
Loren Barton0/00%92211
Aaron Garcia1/1100%23100
Bryan Glass0/0 0%40320
Josh Hamilton0/20%61470
Jesse McDonald0/00%115140
Danny Marriott0/0 0%11040
Josh Martinson0/00%80040
Steve PappasDNP
Trevor Wagstaffe1/1100%93440
Hesperia Christian
Team Totals2/633.3%511515291

Game Stats

Team First Qtr Second Qtr Third Qtr Fourth Qtr Total

Hesperia Christian jumped out to a comfortable 43-30 first half lead and then squandered that lead in the second half of the fourth quarter but was able to pull out a 74-69 victory over a tenacious Vasquez. Junior Josh Hamilton lead all Patriot scorers with 19 points and senior Jesse McDonald had a double double with 14 points and 11 rebounds. At times this game, HCS looked overwhelming and undefeatable. In the fourth quarter though, HCS had trouble stemming a furious comeback attempt by Vasquez. Vasquez's tough desperation defense combined with poor clock management by the Patriots in the final four minutes made the game closer than it should have been. Open three point shots by Vasquez' Izzi Sandoval and Kyle Jensen helped almost pull off an upset victory in the final quarter where Vasquez outscored HCS 25-13. Both HCS and Vasquez are now 4-3.

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