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Bryce and Joel at Christmas 2002

Bryce is our oldest and came into our lives on September 23, 1998 & has been a great blessing in our lives ever since. His happy disposition and warm and loving ways continue to amaze us.

Bryce loves to be outside, take walks to the 'Hub', the packing shed a half mile away where his dad works and to Grandma's house, also very nearby. Living down on the farm has definitely worked out well for Bryce. He will sit and play for hours with cars and he also enjoys his Thomas the Tank Engine train set.

Bryce is 4 1/2 years old now and extremely social. He is a talker and will get into long discussions with stockers at the grocery store, the little old ladies at the check out or anyone else willing o listen. He has become a story teller as well.

Bryce was great with his baby sister during her four months of life. He was just 17 months old when she was born. Bryce knew that baby Jenna was all better and in Heaven with Jesus. He has been told over and over that she is happy in Heaven and doesn't have any 'owies' anymore.

Joel came into our life over two years after we said goodbye to our daughter Jenna. He was born on August 2, 2002 and is getting so big already at 8 months old. Both boys have received many a comment on how CUTE they are and we agree...although we may be biased as parents.

Joel is a definite Momma's boy and he is ready to take off crawling or walking......not necessarily in that order though if he has his way. He LOVES Bryce and no one can make him happy like his big brother can. I can't describe how wonderful it is to be blessed with another precious baby.


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