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My Virtual Photo Album

This picture was taken when Jenna was at UCSF ICN and off the ventilator. She was recovering from her second surgery, a PDA ligation. She was three weeks old and doing so great that day. We draped a little preemie outfit over her for this picture which went out with her birth announcement. A few days later, Jenna 'coded'and ended up back on the ventilator.

Jenna with mommy on March 25th at UCSF ICN

This picture was taken the same day as the above picture. It has become a favorite of many family members.
Jenna with Bryce in our home in May 2000

This picture is really the only one I have of my two beautiful children together. Jenna was never home for very long & this picture has been blown up into an 8x10 and sits on a chest of drawers in Bryce's room. I want him to always realize that even though his memories of her may fade, he will always have proof of those days they spent together in our home.

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