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UPDATED 7/29/04

Universal home video is releasing the first season of Knightrider on dvd. The date is August 3, 2004 for the first season. It will be a while before Jack's episode appears on dvd. He appeared in season 4.

I did see the episode that Jack.. Jack did a great job with the role. his part was kind of big.  It was really cool to see the episode finally.

The Knight Rider episode that Jack will be airing on April 17, 2003. It will be playing on the Scifi Channel. Please check local listings.

The Scifi Channel is now playing the old reruns of Knight Rider. Click here for more info: The episode should be playing in a month or so.

Jack did an episode of Knightrider back in 1985. He played the bad guy Rawleigh in the episode: Knight Strike. Jack remembers doing this episode. He has fond memories of doing the episode. It was a long time ago when he did it. Click here for more info on Knight Strike

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