
Salzburg's traffic lights are similar in design to Germany's but have the flashing green before yellow phase, as in the rest of Austria. The pedestrian signals are white on red/green background.

December 2001

Egger-Lienz Straße, bei Polizeidirektion (southern part of Salzburg)

Salzburg Zentrum / city center

Salzburg Markatsteg / the pedestrian bridge from the old town to the Hotel Sacher


Justizgebäde / Justice building for the State of Salzburg

Gegenüber dem Hotel Sacher / Across the street from the Hotel Sacher

Stay tuned for scenes in January 2002

The best ones are from Maxglan, district of Salzburg.

From June 1998 in Salzburg

From June 1998 in Salzburg

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