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Links and Expositions of the Christian Faith

I decided to put my thoughts on God (as in the Trinity) in this page, and I shall be adding a few hymns, graphics and musings about Him. Also, I decided to put some great links to Lutheran and Reformed pages.

Confessional Lutheran Links
So far, I have a few links, but these are good places to look for articles concerning Confessional Lutheranism.(Use discretion when looking through these sites. Many of these Lutheran sites are confessional and/or "conservative" and this sampling carries a variety of opinions of what Confessional Lutheranism is. For example, several sites disagree on the method of church polity. The theology, opinions and philosophies of pages beyond this website are those of their creators and not necessarily those of the webmaster, Concordia Theological Seminary, or the Lutheran Church -- Missouri Synod.)

The Lutheran Church -Missouri Synod -This is the denomination that the Prediger and I belong to, and has fine churches, especially ours.
The Indiana District of the LCMS -Check out the churches in my area.
The English District of the LCMS -Wayne (my Prediger) is rostered under this non-geographical district in the Synod. Bishop Roger Pittelko oversaw this district several years back.
Redeemer Lutheran Church -Fort Wayne, IN -Known for its liturgical and doctrinal integrity. Wayne and I are members there.
St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church (Bingen)-Decatur, IN -This was the church where I used to attend before I got engaged and I was also the webmaster of this church site. The people there are nice and they are confessional.
Logia -This is the journal to read about orthodox Lutheran Theology. With articles from professors from both seminaries, pastors, and translated sections from classic Lutheran theologians. Check out the books offered for sale. Highly recommended.
The Confessional Lutheranism Website -Minnesota based group.
Concordia Historical Institute -The Synod's archive of Lutheran History. Don't miss it!
Concordia The[o]logical Seminary-Fort Wayne Indiana -Please note that I italicized the "O" in "Theological." If you take away the "O", you'd get Concordia The Logical Seminary... and with great reason!
Concordia Seminary-St.Louis -Several of my buddies are attending there.
Issues Etc. -A Christian radio show with a Confessional point of view (unlike those silly shows spouting off the latest conspiracy theory or begging to "accept" an anemic Christ that will demand good works to keep you on His good side.)
Gottesdienst -A magazine with a focus on liturgy in the Lutheran Church. Has a very good "Why?" section answering questions about the Liturgy. Another highly recommended magazine to subscribe.
Concord -Edited by the Rev A.J. Loeschmann WD5IQR, this has a whole bunch of good articles from all sides of Lutheranism. Supports the "Voter Supermacy" mode of church polity.
Texas Confessional Lutherans -Texas-based organization that is affiliated with Concord.
Lutheran Hymmal Page -"Gimme Some of that Old Time Religion" won't hold a candle to these treasures. Includes MIDI files.
Project Wittenberg -Read great Lutheran works...without bugging your Religion Professor to let him lend you his copy. ("If you don't return this to me, I'll hunt you down like the animal you are." -The Rev. Dr. Rod Rosenbladt)
The Lutheran Church of Australia -They have a very beautifully written section called "Can We Help". There, at its Personal Questions FAQ section, they have responses to "Will God really forgive someone as bad as me?" and my personal favorite about failure. Please stop by just to see it.
Xrystostom-The Golden Mouth -Rev. Walter Snyder (aka Krystostom) has a great page covering Lutheranism, humor, and a "Ask the Pastor" section. Great list of links, possibly the most comprehensive grouping of Lutheran links, ranging from liberal to orthodox.
Confess and Teach for Unity -promoting Confessional Lutheranism in parishes and various synods. Home of the Table Talk discussion list. Holds a high view of the Office of the Holy Ministry (as opposed to the "functional" model of church polity).
Christian Cyclopedia -You may have know it as the Lutheran Cyclopedia, published by CPH. Now online and accessible to anyone, this compendium covers Christian figures and events, with more detail covering Lutheranism.

Other Links of Interest

The Throne of Grace

This is from Catherine of Cleves' Book of Hours. It depicts the Holy Trinity so beautifully: The Father upholding His Son Jesus in the hour of pain while the Holy Spirit hovers between them. It shows me that nobody can go to the Father except through the Son.
If you want to see more variants of the Throne of Grace, the Bibliothèque Nationale de France has great pictures to look at.

I made this watercoloring about two years ago and it is partly inspired by the Throne of Grace pictures. This depicts the suffering of man before the face of God. When Job was asking the question, God appeared before him and give an "non-answer" of sorts. Did God weasel out of the question? C.S. Lewis in his allegory Till We Have Faces replies:

I ended my first book with the words no answer. I know now, Lord, why you utter no answer. You are yourself the answer. Before your face questions die away. What other answer would suffice?

Stay tuned for further additions!

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