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Albert...Wannabe Lavitz dude..


Age: Unmentioned, about 20 years or older.

Race: Human

Dragoon forms: The Jade Dragoon Spirit

Role: King of Serdio, Albert is loved highly by his subjects and people. He is first seen in Bale after Lavitz, Shana, and Dart happened to break out of Hellena Prison. He goes into battle using the javelin, which, Lavitz happened to teach him.

My Opinion of Albert: Albert is cool, the fact that he replaces Lavitz came as a shock to me, I never used him. He's cool, but he gets kind of dorky at points. An example would be his excitement over the fact there was a really large library near by.

Pros and Cons in Battle: Albert, like Lavitz, is slower than the usual characters, strong, and can be used offensively and defensively at the same time..



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