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[Linkin Park Web Interview]

With Mike Shinoda


LP Web:What are your feelings about the sudden rise in your popularity? More and more people are learning about and loving your music. And "One Step Closer" is getting some airplay. I'm sure you are excited.

M: We're popular? Does that mean we can get into all the cool parties now? Maybe someone will sign my yearbook this year then. (lol) We're really excited that we're getting such a good response on the songs. We've worked hard on writing and recording them, and it's good to see it paying off.

LP Web: Do you have a personal favorite song that Linkin Park has done? If so, what is it about it that you like?

M: I like "Papercut" because it has a lot of energy and generally sums up our style pretty well. I know that Rob (our drummer) likes "In the End" a lot, thoughhe says that one day he was thinking how much he wanted a song that was really true about some aspect of life. And then, the very next day, I played him the beginnings of what I wrote on that song, which included the piano and the chorus, and Rob said it was exactly what he had been thinking…and he had never even told me he had been thinking it.

LP Web: Your band has gained most its fans through the internet and mp3's and things like this. Obviously you think the internet is a great tool to spread your music to the world through places like mp3.com. But how do you feel about programs like Napster. As of right now, most of your songs are available for download on Napster including unreleased songs. How do you feel about this?

M: SHHH! Don’t tell anyone we’re on Napster! (lol) We met the majority of our very first fans through the internet. It’s a great way to get the music out to people, and let them know about what’s going on with us. People can go to linkinpark.com, take a look, listen to some music, give us feedback on the message board, and find out when to catch a show. Right now, we’re on tour with the Kottonmouth Kings, and we’ll be touring the U.S. – the show dates and venues are posted on our site, linkinpark.com

LP Web: When you are writing songs, is there a set pattern you use (ie, music first then lyrics, etc)??

M: We try not to follow a pattern too much. But I can tell you about a specific song. On "In the End" (since we were talking about it already) I came up with the piano and the chorus music and chorus lyrics. Then Brad came up with the guitar in the verse and we worked on the bassline and composition. From there, I think everybody in the band began chipping in and adding their parts and critiquing each other’s parts. And right before we went into the studio to record it, we scrapped the beat I had originally written for the verse, and had Rob do a new one, which is the one that we recorded.

LP Web: You used to have a singer named Mark (now manager of TapRoot). What happened with him and why did he leave the band??

M: Mark has always been a really good friend of ours. We went to high school together. He was in the band when we used to be called Xero (pre Hybrid Theory) and we parted ways because musically it wasn’t working out. But when everything was said and done, it happened for the best: he found his nitch in management.

LP Web: There are many websites popping up on the internet. Mine of course being www.linkinpark.cjb.net. Assuming that you have visted some of these sites, is there anything that you wish you could see more of out there that just isn't showing up on sites supporting you?

M: I want to see more pictures of Chester naked. Or at least one of him mooning someone, which shouldn’t be a hard picture to find. He likes to show people his butt. By the way, speaking of websites, make sure to check out ours (linkinpark.com)…I just re-designed all the graphics, and it should be up within a couple of days. Let me know what you think…

LP Web: Which of the songs off the new cd was the hardest for you to write, or took the longest? What song are you most proud of?

M: The most difficult song to do might be "Points of Authority". That song didn’t have a chorus for the longest time (months). In the studio, Don (our producer) was putting a lot of pressure on us to write more to it, and it took forever for Brad, Chester, and I to come up with it. Writing a song under pressure is like trying to pee with people watching you.

LP Web: What are some of your favorite sites on the internet?

For music, I regularly check out at Shoutweb, PimpRockPalace, BeStreetwise, and a lot of other group and individual band sites. But outside of music, I really like ecko.com and unitedbread.com. Not to mention this one called sissyfight. And, of course, linkinpark.cjb.net…

LP Web: If I demanded to know you top five favorite cd's what would they be?

M: Now Tom, there’s got to be a more sensitive way to ask what someone is listening to…demanding is so abrasive (hahaha) …Anyway, right now I’m listening to the newest Jurassic 5 album, Taproot, new Spineshank, U2 (War), Deftones, and Portishead, among others.

LP Web: What made you want to get involved in the music industry? I mean sure we all have dreams of playing in a band in front of our fans and jumping around and making people feel the music, but what got you to actually go out and capture that dream?

M: I don’t know what. And if my parents could’ve figured out what makes me want to do this, they would’ve steered me away from it a long time ago. (hahaha) As far as the "dream" goes, Brad (our guitarist) once said: an idea isn’t worth anything if you don’t follow through. And I think that goes for aspirations just as well as ideas.

LP Web: How do you feel before you go up on stage?

M: Before a show, I’m usually pretty excited. But afterwards, I’m always pretty nauseous. I wear myself out up there. But it’s always fun.

LP Web: What do you do in your spare time when you aren't writing or performing your masterpieces?

: "Masterpieces"? You give us too much credit! -lol- Other than music, I’ve always been into graphic art. I majored in illustration in college, and I definitely love to do that. I did the illustration for the cover of our album, and the graphics for our website.

LP Web: Is there anyone that you would be interested in touring with the most? I know that in your guys's official bio from Warner that it says you would tour with anyone because your music touches so many genres. But there has to be someone you'd REALLY like to hook up a tour with.

Mike: I couldn’t tell you who I’d like to tour with the most. But I would probably love to score a movie for Tim Burton …

LP Web: What is the most dedicated thing a fan has done for you guys? HAHA I have a few that me and some other guys have done if you'd like to know later on.

Mike: You should tell us what you did. We don’t have that many stories right now. We occasionally sign some autographs on kids’ foreheads in permanent markers, though. And I wonder if they go to school with our names on their face the next day…

LP Web: Well man thanks a ton for your time. Anything else that you would like to say before we end this?

Mike: Check out our album on October 24th, on Warner Bros. Records. And keep up with our tour dates on the new and improved www.linkinpark.com – we’ll be touring all over the place for the next few months.

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