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Apply For My Award!

This is where you can apply for my award. Please do not take it! I made this award, and you will not be added to my winner's list if you just take it. I have a form at the bottom of the page to apply. Please fill out all the questions asked. Here are the rules:
The following are things that you can not have to win my award:
  • Bad language
  • Racism
  • Adult Material
  • Tons of broken links/images (a few are ok)
  • Site must be updated every now and then

That's it! Just e-mail me your name, your site's URL and Title, and your e-mail, or fill out the form. Your e-mail must support e-mail attachments. I also ask that you link your award back to my site at You also must sign my guestbook. I will be checking to nake sure you do! I have had a couple people apply, saying they signed my guestbook, when they hadn't!:( Only on certain sites will I make exceptions to this rule, for really good sites, that I think deserve the award)

Here is award #1 and #2:
#1 #2

And here is my newest award, Award #3, and #4
#3 #4

And here is the SITE OF THE WEEK Award!

Be sure and tell me the award you want! If you don't, I will decide which one you get!

What is your name?

What is your Email?

What is your URL?

What is the # of the award(s) you want?

Did ya sign my

How would you rate my site (1=low/10=high)?

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