This is where I will tell you a bit of codes of HTML. A really good site to go to for more is HTML Goodies, they have tons of codes.

Here are some codes:

To Make a Hyperlink:

This code, will create an active link. When clicked on, it will take you to another part of the page, or another page/site. Always remember this: when making the link, ALWAYS start the URL with http://
Here is the code:

<a href="URL Here">Text Here</a>

Where it says "URL Here", that is where you put the link you want to go to when the link is clicked on. Where it says "Text Here", you put what you want the link to say. Here are some examples:

<a href="">Back to Meg on the Web</a>

It will look like this when viewing the page:

Back to Meg on the Web

Now, if you are like me, you hate that line underneath the link. To get rid of this, just do this to the code:

<a href="" STYLE="text-decoration: NONE">Back to Meg on the Web</a>

It will do this to the link:

Back to Meg on the Web

To make an Email Link:

This is almost Indentical to the above Hyperlink code, except for a slight change. Just take a look:

<a href="mailto:EMAIL ADDRESS HERE" STYLE="text-decoration: NONE">Text Here</a>

Here is what it will look like:

Email Meg

The following are really easy, basic codes. Enjoy!


Believe it or not, this will center your image, text, etc. Whatever it is that follows this code, will be centered. Just paste this code on your page:

<center>Text or Images here</center>

Line Breaks:

This code is sooo simple, I won't even show an example. Just put this on your page to put spaces between images, text, whatever. You may need a couple to make a decent space.


Horizontal Lines:

Another incredibly simple one. Just put the following code on your page, and you will get a spiffy little bar going across your page!


Changing Font:

As you may notice, I have several differant fonts on my page. I will show you how to change your font, just copy the following code:


I will give an example using one of my favorite fonts, Pooh

<FONT FACE="Pooh">This font is called Pooh</FONT>

It will look like this when done:

This font is called Pooh

Changing Font Color:

This is another simple code, you can either change it by entering the color name, (blue, pink, green, etc.) or color number. Go here for TONS of color codes. Here is the code:


I will give an example, changing the text color to Crimson:

<FONT COLOR="DC143C">This color is Crimson</FONT>

Here is what it will look like when done:

This color is Crimson

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