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Welcome to Meg on the Web!

Hi! Welcome to my Home on the Web! I hope you enjoy this visit.
If this isn't your first time to this site (Good to see you again!) Then you may have noticed it has been FOREVER since I updated the site, and I am sorry you hav had to look at the same thing for so long. I am working on updating, so please be patient with me. We have had some Internet issues.

Vote for my Site!

As I stated on my main page, I am now in the process of joining The Site Fights. I would really appreciate your votes!

My Spirit Stick

NEWS: I have this AWESOME font all over my site, called Pooh, PLEASE download it if you don't have it. My site looks worse w/o it. It downloads real quick and you will love it!
I have been extremely busy the last few months, since this is my senior year and I graduate in six months. I think I might actually have some time to log on and update now, so be sure you check back every so often!

If you applied for an award within the last 6 months or so, I haven't been able to get to your form, but I will be starting up soon. Go ahead and fill out the form if you want, but it may be a while.

Also, I have a new system I am trying out to surf my Pages. Just down aways, there is a purple button that says Index of all My Pages, or something like that. Click on it, and it will take you to a page that lists all my pages. That button will be on the bottom of all my pages.

I have gotten a new guestbook. Please be sure and sign it! I promise to visit your site if you sign it and leave your url.

I have also gotten this new thing from Bravenet that is a little like a guestbook. Just click on the image below to sign it. Feel free to sign both!

Check out my new Riddles and Jokes page!

Index Page

Click on the banner below to get your email address!

Click here to Sign Up!!

Please sign my guest book, I love seeing your entries!

Sign Email Me View

If you are a Wee One who has come to dust my site, PLEASE use my Spirit Book!

Sign My Spiritbook Guestbook by The Site Fights View My Spiritbook

Click here to get a FREE guestbookHave a Smile!DilbertMeg's PlaceCandy Now!The Legends @ The Site Fights!
The Site Fights Paint Shop Pro This place is too cool! FREE Email!Meg on the WebThe Legends @ The Site Fights!

Made With Love

Last updated 12.05.02