Miracles happenWe sang for a lil while that night, cant remember exactly what time it was but it was late!!! Then I saw a miracle.
I don't know if I can call this a miracle or not but abi really sang loud that day. He didnt know the words but he just sang in tongues i guess... For those who dont know abi, this guy dosent talk very much. we can him "mute" (we just make fun of abi, cos hes a real quiet guy, but if u know him, you can understand everything hes sayin by his body language..) |
Philip anna and joe..
Philip anna trying to concentrate and give me a pose, cant. Its because joe is crackin up behind him... |
Philip anna
Back at the conference Mrs Komanapalli (my mom) and Mrs Peddapudi (my "vadhina", cousins wife) take time in between a sermon to pose for a photograph. Click here to go back to the previous page....................................................... Click here to go to the next page. |