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Angel Grrl's Little Spot of Heaven.....or is it?

Hey there! *wink* Welcome to my little spot of Heaven....or is it? :-) Everything on this page will either deal with Art, Anime, Harry Potter, Funny Quotes, and other such nonsense! So, enjoy your stay and don't worry about messing up the carpet! *Floats up towards the ceiling* Toodles! *vanishes* .........*creepy laughter comes from the ceiling*

PAGE UPDATED on February 7, 2004
Added a page dedicated to my music vids and the vid bitches who help me out.

Meet Swift Heart Rabbit,
He was adopted on
May 25, 2003

Adopt your own Care Bear at:

  • OMG y'all!!!!!! One of my frineds (Usagi) has given me such a nice giftie! ooh! I just love her to oodles. Anyways...she made two pics for me. ^_^ Go see 'em. and keep a lookout on the head angel to go bye-bye. More than likely one of these pics will take it's place. ENJOY these beautiful pics Pics from Usa (first) and Pics from Usa (second)
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    MEET MY Webpage guardian.......isn't she cute???