A/N: Ok peoples. Here is the next chapter in the story! Hopefully no one will kill me for killing off a certain character. Thanks soooo much to myreviewers AngelicMoonDJ,Alisa, Kit, Dao, and Stephiroth. I love you guys!!!! ^_^ On with the story Disclaimer: I don't own much....besides the idea. Time After Time The hospital was such a sickeningly shade of sterile white, which was accented by a horrid electric lime green. The floor amplified every noise, including the steps of Serenity as she walked. As she moved swiftly through the children's ward, they took no notice of her. She was simply a very beautiful mother, they assumed, visiting a child. The children knew. They watched her in awe as she moved throughout the floor. To them she was one of the "shining people" who took kids to Heaven. They were not afraid. They waved and smiled to her, and were delighted when she did the same. She was not here for them. Her prize lay just ahead of her. She stopped in front of the delivery room doors and listened. Waiting to hear that cry in her ear that would ensure her charge's protection. She was waiting....and then she saw him. She turned her head in his direction watching him. Looking at the man with the sad, lonely face as he moved throughout the delivery room. It was a sad job for him. She watched as he stopped in front of a small young mother having her first child. It had been a difficult birth and there were complications. He looked at her.....and she looked at him. She opened her mouth to speak, but he waved his hand, as if to say 'it's not necessary'. The mother looked towards her baby as he was being cleaned and weighed. She was waiting for that one last moment. Finally, a nurse brought her baby to her and he was laid upon her chest. "Hi...I'm your mommy," Her child looked at her with blue eyes and held his arms out for her. She brought her finger close to him so he could touch her. He clutched it in his tiny hands and suckled on it. She laughed slightly and then let her head fall back on her pillow. So tired...and then there was a white light. And she was gone. Serenity watched the doctors and nurses scramble over the young mother, trying to revive her, but it was too late. The sad man looked towards Serenity and made his way over towards her. "Hello, Serenity," "Hello...how have you been?" He said nothing and continued to watch as the doctor finally gave up and called the time of the woman's death. He looked back at her. "Has she arrived yet?" *sigh* "I'm not sure yet. I'm waiting for the woman," He chuckled slightly and then patted her shoulder. "All in good time, Serenity. All in good time," They noticed a man running into the hospital screaming that his wife was in labor. His small son trailing behind him. This was the family Serenity was waiting for. "Your charge is here Serenity," "I know," "Why weren't you with him?" "Because his little sister was," Nobody saw a little girl with the family, but nestled inside the mother's stomach there was a tiny life. It was flickering, almost like a tiny candle. The child would not survive the birth...Serenity was to take her place. Serenity said nothing more and the sad man left her once again. As Serenity stood there watching, she noticed that she too was being watched. It was Motoki. He looked upset. "Is my sister going to be ok?" Serenity smiled softly and looked into his eyes as she knelt down. "Your sister is going to be just like your guardian angel," After saying this, she walked away from him and into the delivery room heading towards the yet un- born Furuhata Unazuki.