A/N: Sorry that I haven't updated in a bit....kinda having some problems at home. WELL, it's official. My kitty cat of 15 years has passed away. I put her to sleep on April 13...so, I'm a little depressed. :-( But I'm trying to deal and to take my mind off of it, I'm writing. ^_^ So, here's the next chapter. BTW, if you have ANY questions at all about the story (i.e. something is confusing and isn't worded quite right...just email me, ok? I WILL answer. Cheerio!) Special Thanks: AngelicMoonDJ - my very first review! and one of my beta readers!! ^_^ Alisa - Who,with her review, made me feel really special. thanks girl! Kit - I'm glad you like it. At least somebody does! ^_^ Dao - I'm sooooo glad you think my story is interesting. Stephiroth - Who I know I confused to no end!!! ^_^ Also one of my beta readers!! Always making me answer the questions. Angel Sweetie - Who told me I could go places. thanks a million! saturn - sorry for confusing you too! I can't help it, I'm a woman of mystery! ^_^ A. Lee - I loved your review!! Just to make me answer that! Here is what is next!!! Crystal - Who loved my original plot! Thanks ever so much. Aylee the Dragon - I'm so glad that I can suck you into the story. That's a great compliment to any author. Disclaimer: I don't own much...except some lint. AND THAT YOU CAN'T HAVE!!! Time After Time The first thing Motoki sensed when he awoke that morning was that he was being watched very carefully. He casually opened one green eye and glared at the azure eyes that belonged to a blonde haired girl leaning on his bed looking up at him. His little sister Usagi was awake. She was always the first one awake lately. 'Never should have bought her the alarm clock,' he thought. Sitting himself up on one arm, he looked at his little sister as she studied his face. She was a funny thing, he mused to himself. Always watching him like a hawk, like she was his protector or something...even when they were children. He would be climbing the cherry tree in the front of the yard and she would always be watching him. More often than not, she would be begging him to come down and play with her. She still begged him to play with her...even at sixteen years old. Even at four years old, he knew she wasn't quite normal, but that was ok with him. When she was born there had been complications. Apparently, she didn't have enough oxygen in the womb and it gave her a developmental disorder. She wasn't mentally retarded or anything, just very slow and very sensitive to things. His parents were going to name her Unazuki, but because she had HOPPED from death to life so quickly they decided to call her Usagi instead. A rabbit... Breaking him from his reverie, she suddenly smiled at him and ran away downstairs to the breakfast that awaited them. Grinning nonchalantly, he threw himself out of his bed and walked very slowly to the COLD tile bathroom. -------- As soon as he entered the kitchen, he could smell the burning sausage in the pan. He also saw the yellow blur that could only be Usagi rushing over to it before it became Periodic Element Number 6. Lately, she was always helping their mother with breakfast and today she had sausage duty. Smiling, Motoki casually walked over to the sausage that was already de-greasing on the paper towel and stole one. "HEY! That's for everybody, 'Toki!" "Yes, little sister, but I am 'Motoki the Great' and may all lesser mortals bow before me," She laughed at him and began to make the breakfast plates for the family. During this whole tirade, their mother appeared from the vegetable garden holding a basket of freshly picked vegetables. As she put the veggies into the hanging baskets she asked her son about his new job. Usagi's head shot up, suddenly fully interested. "'Toki's not going to play with me today?" "Not today, Usa. But later on I will, alright?" "No Toki! You're supposed to go with me to the park!!! You promised!!!" "But Usa--" "NO!!! YOU PROMISED!" Crying at his broken promise, she disappeared from the kitchen. Motoki flinched at the sound of the slamming door. Looking towards his mother for sympathy, she sighed and began to serve the breakfast. "I'll take her to the park this weekend, ok Mom?" "I know you will. She just doesn't understand. Remember?" "I remember. I love Usa to death Mom. She's my best friend in the world, but she's just...I don't know...too much sometimes," "I understand sweetie," she said while giving him a kiss on the top of his head. Motoki silently got up from his spot at the table and walked up the stairs to his sisters room. He knocked on the door gently and waited for her to answer. When she finally did open the door, he could still see the tear stains on her face. "I'm sorry that we can't go to the park today, Usa," "I just want to play with you, Toki," "Oh Usa...how about we go to the park on Saturday? Just the two of us? I'll even pack a picnic lunch!" "You pinkie swear?" Holding out his pinkie to her, he agreed. After locking pinkies, she threw herself at him in a giant bear hug. Finally, releasing her captive, she went back into her room and put on her headphones. Motoki watched for just a few more minutes as the slight sound of "Always Look on the Bright Side of Your Life" came out of the headphones. He smiled at her as she lay on her bed, eyes shut and just listening to her music. Silently, he closed her door. "Alright Mom! I'm off!" "Have a good day dear!" "I'll be home at 4!" Shutting the door behind him, he quickly got into his car and began the long drive. Looking up towards Usagi's window, he bade her a silent farewell. Driving along the freeway, he never even knew that sitting next to him, was Serenity...wondering what the day would bring...and also dreading the events that were soon about to take place. Ok peeps!!!!! Read and review!