Hello peoples! Sorry for the LONG delay...but I've had events happening in my life. None so great, but alot. I was thrown into a pool, fully clothed thank you, and called a derogatory name which I dare not repeat. The scum! Anywho, please enjoy my story. Special Thanks: x-Dark Serenity-x, Stepheroth, Devil Grrl, Kit, Angels Exist, Anne, Michelle, Sailor_Sista, Mystic9, Nikitsuki, Clover, and ChibiJ. THanks guys for reviewing and your emails. Sorry, no note for each of you in this chapter, but I'm under stress. Next chapter. Note for each of you plus for the reviewers. Please nejoy!!!!!!! Disclaimer: I don't own anything except the story idea. Please enjoy. "Meeting" Serenity could feel him. She could feel him in her hair, in her skin...hell, she even felt him in her feathers. Her silver eyes scanned the familiar surroundings, barely taking notice of the multitude of teenagers being cheered on by their own guardians. Barely taking notice of anything, until her gaze landed on a very very familiar dark head. There he was! The bastard was leaning casually against the wall, his charge running about trying to take orders and such. He seemed very relaxed as opposed to the young girl he was supposed to be watching. His arms were crossed lazily and his head was lolling back and forth across the green tile. His dark bangs were falling into his eyes and he didn't seem to mind blinking them away from time to time. Only when his head lolled in Serenity's direction did he take notice of her presence. A wry smirk appeared on his face as he straightened himself against the wall and placed his hands behind his back in a mocking form of a bow. She glared at him then, and shrugging to herself made her way over to the wall to join him. "Endymion." "Serenity." "Aren't you supposed to be watching that young lady over there?" He turned his head to see that indeed there was a young lady, frantically moving from table to table picking up dishes, collecting tips, and exchanging tokens for lost quarters. Turning back to his earlier position, he said, "Nah, Reika's fine." She certainly didn't look fine but Serenity was not one to pry into another angel's business. IF something went wrong for his charge, it was on his head and not her own. That was her philosophy and she was sticking to it. However... "You should still help her," "Maybe I will..." he smirked. Almost as soon as the words left his mouth, did the young Reika slam into Motoki with her arms overloaded with dishes. The said dishes were now on the floor, some broken and almost all of them covered with dried food and other indistinguishable colours. Serenity only glared out of the corner of her eye at Endymion and watched Motoki help Reika to her feet. "I am sooo sorry about this sir. I promise I'll-- oh! ew! Your shirt! Um, hold on!" Reika said, running into the back room. "No, that's ok. I'm fine..." Motoki's words fell on deaf ears. No less than ten seconds was she back with a rag in her hands and patted at his shirt with a motherly tone, trying to make the multitude of colours disappear from his shirt...the same shirt that she was wearing. THe realisation hit her like lightning. "Are you--are you the new employee?" "Actually, yes! Yes I am. I'm Motoki Fu--" "Hi! I'm Reika..."she cut him off cheerfully, "I'm really sorry about all this...but it's afternoon shift and the kids just got off from school and I'm REALLY REALLY sorry." "No, it's ok. I should have let you known I was here before now anyway," They both shared a nervous laugh, as she pointed to the back room so he could get washed up. Heading towards the tiny room, his thoughts turned towards Usagi. 'Maybe I should have stayed home afterall....'he thought. Turning back to look at Reika, he noted that her back was turned to him and she was crouching down amongst the destroyed dishes with an old rag, attempting not to get cut up. He also noted that she was very very beautiful. 'Then again....' ------- A/N: Ok peeps.....this is probably my worst chapter of the lot. BUT, this is kinda a transition point..so it's a hard chapter. Sorry for it being so short....I'll have a longer chapter out next week. THAT's right! You heard me. Next week there will be some sort of writing presented to one and all. After that........um. I'm in college and studying to be a doctor. SO, not a whole lot of time on my hands. Love to all!!!!! *SMOOCHIES**