Time After Time Dedicated to my own Guardian Angel The nights of New Orleans were always somehow hotter than the days. Maybe it was the active nightlife or it could have the frying of the fresh craw daddies from the Gulf. However, on this particular night, the moon was full and the night was boiling hot. Mardi Gras was upon the land, and everyone was celebrating. The schools were closed and not one body had been at work that day. All of whom were much more interested in attaining several hundred strands of brightly coloured beads and challenging their own bodies to a drinking contest. Serenity had always enjoyed Mardi Gras. It was a time of celebration for her, almost like a rebirth. Instead of joining in the festivities, she was much more content to simply stand against the crowd and observe. If any passers-by were to have seen her, carefully shrouded in shadow against the old church, it would have appeared that she was waiting for someone. A long lost love perhaps, they mused to themselves. Nothing could be further from the truth. She had no desire to be in love, nor to participate in the acts of love. She saw them as pointless and as a waste of perfectly good body heat. Many would disagree with her, but she usually paid them no heed. If they didn't want her opinion, then they never should have included her in the conversation. So, she simply sat and watched the party- goers. Watching and waiting... It was at this time that a shadow began to approach her. Peering at it from the corner of her silver eye, she noticed it was in the shape of a man. As he drew nearer, her eyes narrowed in hate and annoyance. It was only Endymion. Nothing to worry about. Turning back to the party at hand she pointedly ignored him. Of course, it wasn't helping that he was standing so close to her. ''Nice night, isn't it Serenity?" She never looked at him, but merely nodded her head and kept her eyes focused on the fireworks that now lit the musky sky. Neither talked again, until the fireworks ceased and only then was it a brief pause. She turned to him slowly. "What do you want Endymion? They have not been born yet and I have no business with you," "Ahh, but you do Serenity. You do," "How so?" Their conversation was interrupted by a loud bang and the sound of a motorcycle roaring away, carrying some young drunk youth yelling wildly into the night. His girlfriend clutching madly to his back for safety. The two stared after them until they could no longer be seen, both feeling relief from the brief interruption. "Why do you hate me so? I have not wronged you," Her silver eyes flashed in anger. "I despise you for being you. Isn't that enough?" She turned away from him, seeking refuge in the trunk of the tree. "I do not believe that that wood is more interesting than me..." "You're right. It's not that much more interesting...but it is a lot more charming than a --" Serenity was cut off by a tinkling in her ear. The same tinkling that she had come to know and fear for 600 years. Her charge was being born. She looked over at Endymion who also heard the tinkling of his charge. She nodded her head curtly to him, and (as if they had been there all along) unfolded two huge white wings from behind her back. Stretching momentarily, she flew into the night sky, leaving her partner behind. Yes, she and Endymion were partners. They had to be. For 600 years, they had had the "pleasure" of being together. They were the Guardians. The one being that protects that one certain human until the end of its days. The Guardian must also make sure that its charge finds its soulmate. Serenity's charge had just been born and his name was Motoki. He would live until he was 83 years old, have one child, and three grandchildren. He would also marry a woman named Reika. Reika's guardian was Endymion. Serenity hated Endymion.