A/n: Ok folks! Here is my first essay attempt in English 101. I was to give a topic sentence and then come up with a paragraph of 150 words based around it! I think its rather humorous and so I present to you.....*dramatic drum roll* MY true life story of...*DUN DUN DUN*... "Adventures in Babysitting" By: Angel Grrl Disclaimer: I OWN EVERYTHING!!!!!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAH! *sigh* It's so nice to say that. One should never give a 3 year old a bucket of candy. First of all, the child in question will slowly start to resemble a monkey on acid. He/she will be into EVERYTHING and by some stroke of genius on their part, will decide that whatever is over a hundred dollars and was purchased at Radio Shack is the ENEMY and it must be destroyed IMMEDIATELY. Therefore, the offending and mind you, expensive piece of equipment will become just tiny shards of plastic in the carpet. But, wait! it gets better. Sometime during this carnage festival of electronic equipment, the child will abandon all natural sanity and start running through the house, whilst carrying the main part of the new DVD player, arms flailing and screaming at the top of their lungs. Now, it is almost a guarantee that during this kiddie destructo-fest the child will just fall over and go to sleep, acting as if nothing is wrong in the world. However, when the "reliable" babysitter awakes from his/her nap, somewhere in the back of her mind is Chopin's "death March" slowly playing on a lone piano...by the decapitated Barbie sitting nearby. Please read and please review. And tell me whatcha think! BTw, It's ALL TRUE!!!!! EVERY LAST WORD!