A/N: Hello all! I'm in a good mood today...and that means HUMOR.....or a very poor attempt. I'm basing this story on events that have happened recently in my life and therefore...makes the story all the more humorous. FIRST, this is not cruelty to animals.....I can't help it if my cat is an idiot. SECOND, while this may seem mean, if you try it, you will be laughing your butt off. ^_^ Thanks all!BTW, I'm writing this with my friend Devil Grrl. ^_^ HAVE FUN! Disclaimer: I don't own "Harry Potter" that belongs to J.K. Rowling BUT I do own the laser pen that's being used in the story. We also own the antics of this stupid cat....as our own have done so. "The Adventures of Crookshanks and the Laser Pen" By: Angel Grrl and Devil Grrl Blue met amber. The eyes never seemed to move from one another. The amber eyes narrowed slowly as the blue seemed to be plotting something in their owner's devious mind. Then the silence was broken... "RON! What are you doing to my cat?!?!" "NOTHING..........yet." "WHAT?!?!?!" "Nothing......just saying something about trying to take him to the....VET is all." "Oh, ok." Ron smiled deviously. FINALLY, he pulled out his weapon. It was small and shiny. It looked like a small whistle...only there was a bulb on the end. He pointed it at the wall..... Crookshanks followed his every move. Then suddenly, a small red dot appeared on the wall..... and the HUNT WAS ON! 'I'll teach that little sod to go after my rat!' thought Ron as Crookshanks ran into the wall. (A/N: This is DURING Book 3. Ok?) CLUNK! Crookshanks got up woozily and looked around for the tiny little red thing that escaped him. He spotted it in the water bowl and ran over to attack it once more. Poor dumb unsuspecting cat.....all wet! He got up, shook himself off vigorously and went stalking his prey. His ears perked up as he heard Ron singing. "Splish splash. I was taking a bath.....doo doo doo doo" Hmm.....he shook himself somewhat dry and went back on the prowl. Looking around and still not seeing anything he started to stalk off towards the fire...and get in a cat nap. (A/N: I really HATE PUNS!) He then saw someting streak across the floor and go underneath him. Putting his head between his front paws he saw the annoying red dot sliding along the floor. Running towards the tiny dot he now saw that it had reappeared on the wall once more....and went running...and slid across the linoleum and smack into the wall. Meow. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- "Why no Hermione. I DON'T KNOW why his tail is bent that way." Hermione looked disbelieving. "I dunno Herm. I mean, if you look at it from this angle he looks like a mini-submarine.....periscope and all!" said Harry. Ron then chose this moment to start humming "Yellow Submarine". Hermione just glared....and Crookshanks walked by.....with his tail crooked just like a periscope. Side to side....left to right. Like some demented metronome. ^_^ (BAND NERDS UNITE!) THE END A/N: Stay tuned for next episode: The Adventures of Voldemort and the Laser Pen.