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Heather's Proile

Name: Heather Douglas
Age:20 <21 in November>
Religion: well I believe in God...(Somtimes , enter lighting bolt from sky)
Place of Origin:Hell
School: CCTC
Major: Nursing
Current Location: South Carolina
Current Occupation: Making the lives around me miserable
Current car: trash can on wheels
Pets: meow!
Interesting fact about myself: I have Sixth toe..
Role model: Tracy Lords
Favourite Quote: Two tears in bucket..mutherfuck it

Miscellaneous Stuff
Favourite Flower: Lily
Favourite colour: black
Favourite car: anything that runs and doesn't leave me stranded on side of road..
Favourite meal: mexican
Favourite drink: vodka and orange juice
Favourite snack food: chocolate
Favourite breed of dog: shitsue
Favourite land animal: penis
Favourite Marine Animal: sperm
Favourite Bird: not brad
Favourite Boy Name: blaze
Favourite Girl Name:Favourite Author: Hustler
Favourite Book: Playboy
Favourite TV Show: Anything MTV
Favourite Movie: Deep inside Rachel Ashley
Favourite Comedy Movie: Tommyboy
Favourite Sci-Fi Movie: The Matrix
Favourite Romance Movie: That Night
Favourite Horror Movie: Striptease
Favourite chill spot: the corner
Favourite Stuffed Animal: My Beaver
Favourite Song: Fighter
Favourite Cartoon Character: Tinkerbell
Favourite television pet: Spongebob
Favourite Fast-Food place: McDonalds
Favourite music group: TLC