A/N: Ok, this is stuff that I noticed in the "LOTR" movie, but apparently NOBODY else wants to mention it. How strange. Disclaimer: I'm not quite sure what I own in this fic. I guess my analogies to stuff. That stuff I own. Everything else, no. Stuff I noticed in the LOTR movie: 1. Gandalf is a serious chain-smoker 2. Frodo totally wore out the Jeri-Curl 3. Saruman is OVER-Compensating with that tower of his. 4. Galadriel puts a whole new meaning into PMS 5. Gollum is a strung-out junkie and needs to go to Betty Ford 6. That squid TOTALLY got to cop a feel on Frodo! 7. Legolas is SO taking botox-injections....because he's so beautiful but has no facial expressions 8. Frodo's theme song should be "Mighty Mouse" 9. When the Naz Gul charge into the shire, the "Lone Ranger" theme should've been playing 10. Does Saruman get HBO on his Palantir? 11. When the Nazgul are coming and the road expands....Frodo was totally rocking the gaunge! 12. Gimli seriously looks like a short ZZ Top 13. Elrond looked constipated. 14. Pippin and Merry are kleto-maniacs. 15. The Hobbits are all alcholics! A/N: Lemme know what else y'all noticed in the movie that I haven't. ^_^ Review!