Things I Noticed in Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (that everybody else has failed to mention) 1. Elrond is SO supportive of his kids! 2. Ok...when Aragorn is talking to Eowyn, she asks him where he got the Evenstar necklace from. He says "Shes sailing to the grey havens." Eowyn knows this mysterious person is an Elf. However, later on, Legolas gives the Evenstar back to Aragorn...and she's watching. Now, noticing the expression on her face, and the two men's body language...what if she thought that Legolas was the one who gave him the necklace in the first place? SLASH MOMENT! 3. Does anybody else not agree that the song by War "Why Can't We Be Friends?" should have been playing at the battle of Helms Deep? 4. The two towers were reduced to Minas Tirith...and Saruman's puddle. 5. The whole scene with the effective would that be for a "Save the Rainforest" commercial? 6. Legolas should have his own theme song at the battle of Helms Deep...I'm thinking Christina Aguilera "Dirty" 7. Um...if there were these big-ass dragon looking birds flying around above MY city...I wouldn't have been just STANDING there looking like the newest member of the Betty Ford clinic. 8. Dwarf tossing is back in style! 9. of this moment, I will never again eat rabbit or a fish....EVER!! I am a vegetarian...Sir Ian McKellen better send me the newsletter. 10. Legolas stole that whole sliding down the stairs move from those dorks who jump onto the tiny-ass boogie boards in the pool. But at least he was more graceful. 11. Grima Wormtongue...being a villain is no excuse for poor hygeine! 12. ...and neither is being a king. Just...eww. 13. After sitting in a tree for that long a time...wouldn't your ass hurt?!