A/N: Hi there! Well, we figured it was time to do something....violent! MWAHAH! Ok....we heard this poem..and figured it was time to share it with the rest of the world! ^_^ ENJOY! Flames will be used to roast marshmellows and those little weanies that come in a package of 100. Disclaimer: WE OWN SQUAT! THIS IS NOT OURS! Ok????? Here's to Osama Bin Laden, that towel-headed scum, may the US blast his ass to KINGDOM COME! He's a bagless wonder that lives in a cave, may Marines piss Budweiser on that COCKSUCKER's grave! Osama, being a chickenshit faggot, lives off camel turds with a topping of maggot. Osama thinks we don't have the guts, to come and blow off his Islamic nuts, but now America is done with his crap, so let's just NUKE the fuckers OFF THE MAP! So, here's to Osama, that son of a bitch, may his pecker fall off with a 7 year itch. And may they beat on his balls with a big brass hammer, till' his asshole whistles the STAR SPANGLED BANNER! REVIEW!! P.S. In case anyone was wondering, this is in NO WAY ours, and this is no way is against Muslims, or Middle Eastern peoples....ok?? We just hate Osama Bin Laden. Ok?? ^_^