A/N: Hey all! My second fic....and it's another songfic. What's the matter with me??? Oh, welz....just my muse. ^_^ I have to feed my muse everyday or they get cranky...and then no more stories...but no big loss! ANYWHO....here's my story. It's an H/H fic...so hope ya likes!! Disclaimer: I don't own "Harry Potter"......J.K.Rowling owns him. I don't own "This Used To Be My Playground" that's Madonna's and it comes from "League of Their Own". GOOD MOVIE! "This Used To Be My Playground" By: Angel Grrl It was a cold, clear night. The air was crisp and the moon was bright and the stars were shining brightly. All of this was grand in its own right...but I hardly noticed it. I wrapped my robes around me trying to block out the cold as the wind soon picked up. My teeth chattered a little as I tried to warm myself back up. I could hear bouts of laughter coming from the castle...but I ignored it. It was ironic......I, Hermione Granger, Head Girl of Hogwarts, was sitting out here in the cold...next to the lake...sitting in our--my old spot......our private place-where no one could find us......no annoying reporters, no Colin taking pictures every minute...and especially no one. But no more. It was no longer OUR spot because.........the one person that I COULD share it with was no longer here. He was taken from me.........taken by Voldemort. This used to be my playground This used to be my childhood dream This used to be the place I ran to Whenever I was in need Of a friend Why did it have to end And why do they always say Ron keeps telling me to cheer up. I still couldn't...not even after five years. Five years of longing......no longer being held...or touched...or kissed. I felt myself wishing that I could have been the one who faced down Voldemort and didn't come back, instead of the other way around. He could have been able to survive without me....but I don't think that I can survive...WITHOUT him. I surveyed the table of wizards in front of me....the heads of the departments in the Ministry. Yes...I, Hermione Granger, had become the new Ministry of Magic. I suppose I got the job because I was the best at all of my studies at Hogwarts...but a tiny part of my brain said that it was because they felt pity for me. So, I kept a straight face and cried my heart out in my dark bedroom. Don't look back Keep your head held high Don't ask them why Because life is short And before you know You're feeling old And your heart is breaking Don't hold on to the past Well that's too much to ask I can still remember his laugh....the way his untidy hair would fall into his eyes all of the time...and how I had (more often than not) brushed it lovingly out of the way. I remember the way Ron had teased us before we had realised these feelings that we had for each other. He had told me that I was in love with him...but I just didn't know it at the time. God, how foolish I was back then. If I had just gotten off of my high horse then we could have had more time to spend together. Why was this so unfair? And yet I still couldn't let go. Live and learn Well the years they flew And we never knew We were foolish then We would never tire And that little fire Is still alive in me It will never go away Can't say goodbye to yesterday Now, I've come back to Hogwarts. I'm taking over the Defense Against the Dark Arts job. Apparently, some of the heads of the departments had thought that the job was getting to me and POLITELY asked me to step down. It's actually kind of funny that I didn't mind at all, because apparently Proffessor-I mean Head Mistress McGonnagall had heard about it and sent me an owl asking me to come and teach. I gladly accepted the position. As I was walking through the grounds I saw a very familiar place next to the lake. I slowly walked over to it and sat down. I had no regrets. I looked up at the moon. 'Oh Harry...'I thought. "I never got to tell you that I love you. I'll never forget you. You know that. I'll always remember you....." No regrets But I wish that you Were here with me Well then there's hope yet I can see your face In our secret place You're not just a memory Say goodbye to yesterday Those are words I'll never say "Do you remember this place, Harry? Do you remember how we used to come here when no one else was awake....and we'd just talk? I felt so safe just knowing you were with me...and now you're not. I wish you were here with me again, my love." Just then....a cool breeze swept across my forehead...and I was filled with a sense of....KNOWING. This used to be our great escape This used to be the place we ran to This used to be our secret hiding place This used to be our playground [used to be] This used to be our childhood dream This used to be the place we ran to The best things in life are always free Wishing you were here with me I slowly got up and brushed the grass off of my robes. I looked back at the lake once more. "Perhaps we'll meet again...." THE END A/N: REVIEW!!! Please!!!!!