A/N: Here's the sequel.....like I promised! This one is also a songfic....don't worry: I WILL GET OUT OF THIS LOOP! Anywho...this is gonna be a three parter story. I told Hermione's POV, now I'm gonna tell Ron's. Don't worry there's yet another part....I'm sure you all can guess what it'll be. ON WITH THE STORY. THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH FOR ALL YOUR REVIEWS. The next part....the HAPPY part will be coming out very soon. Also, I'm in need of a beta reader.....if anybody would like the job. Please email me. ^_^ Thanks again! Disclaimer: I don't own "Harry Potter" that belongs to J.K. Rowling. I don't own "I'll be missing you" that's a song from the movie "Set it Off" "Though I'm Missing You" By: Angel Grrl It was the biggest party of the year.........the decade even! Voldemort was gone and this time he was gone for good. The entire wizarding world was celebrating......well, not the ENTIRE wizarding world. I wasn't. I couldn't find it in my heart to celebrate.........not now. Even though I was ecstatic that you-know-who was gone I still couldn't be happy. You see my best friend in the entire world had given his life for this cause......and nobody I thought really appreciated that. I knew Hermione was heartbroken, THAT I did know. He had promised Hermione that he would be back and now he wouldn't be. That wasn't the only promise he broke. He promised me that afterwards, we would be aurors together. I was looking forward to that. We had achieved enough O.W.L's and N.E.W.T.S to get into the Ministry anyway. But now......that would never happen. I remembered what he had said, right before he was getting ready to leave. "Ron......can I ask a favour?" "Sure." "If anything happens......I want you to do something for me." "What?" "Be happy." Though I'm missing you I'll find a way to get through Living without you 'Cause you were my brother, my strength and my pride Only God may know why, still I will get by I didn't know why he had said it then, but oh, I knew why now. He knew. I should've known that something was going to happen. Maybe I could've gone with him. Maybe we could've done it together and then he would still be alive, but it was not so. I was so angry at myself. 'WHY?!' I kept asking myself. 'Why didn't I do............something??' I sat down in a small corner and watched the festivities around me. I just didn't FEEL like celebrating at all. I felt an ache inside......like a dam was about to burst and flood a small town. I then realized that the dam had already broken and I felt moisture on my face. No one had really noticed and for that I was thankful. The words we had spoken earlier came back to my ears and I couldn't take any more of the "fun". I decided to go outside for some fresh air. While I was walking around I saw Hermione sitting by the lake. I didn't wonder why nor did I go and talk to her. This was her private moment and I wasn't going to interrupt. I would've known that you had to go But so suddenly, so bad How could it be, not a straight memory worth of All that we had made Now that you're gone, everyday I go on But life's just not the same I'm so empty inside and my tears I can't hide But I'll try, I'll try to face the pain I had never really gotten over what had happened all those years ago......but I had somehow, miraculously, gotten through it all. I was now in the Ministry and working as an "Unmentionable". I felt a little bit like......what did he always call it? I always forget......ah, yes! James Bond. (A/N: Forgive. I just finished watching it. ^_^ I love "Q".) Hermione also worked for the Ministry. She had actually become head of it. I had been so proud for her, I thought I would burst. I thought of how proud Harry would have been......and I missed him even more. Though I'm missing you I'll find a way to get through Living without you 'Cause you were my brother, my strength and my pride Only God may know why, still I will get by Poor Hermione......she was in danger of losing her job. The heads of some departments are asking her to step down. I actually don't think she minds. "It's not a total loss" she told me. "Head Mistress McGonnagall asked me to come and teach at Hogwarts." Wow! Professor McGonnagall was now Head Mistress. Times had certainly changed nowadays. I was an "Unmentionable" and Hermione was now a teacher......and it still didn't feel complete. Later that night, I was home lying in my bed and thinking about things. I went back once more in my mind. I thought of all the things the three of us could have done together. We had all the time in the world and nothing could stand in our way. I had tried to put on a brave facade for Hermione but somehow I think she knew that it was all an act. She knew that I was crying on the inside just like she was. I then did something that I hadn't done in a very long time. I cried......and smiled. I smiled because I felt something. I felt completeness. I knew what I had to do. Oh, there were so many things That we could have shared, uh-huh And time was on our side Ooh, yeah Now, that you're gone, I can still feel you near So I'll smile with every tear I cry When I arrived at Hogwarts it was exactly as I had remembered it. I looked at the lake and saw a long giant squid floating lazily on top of it. I saw the forbidden forest and saw that it still looked just as dark as it ever had. I shuddered as I remembered my first experience in there. Searching for something that was killing unicorns and later finding out that my teacher had you-know-who's head underneath his turban. ICK! Then I saw the Quidditch field... Though I'm missing you I'll find a way to get through Living without you 'Cause you were my brother, my strength and my pride Only God may know why, still I will get by I kept reliving all of our memories together that night. The first time we met, our many adventures, I remembered all of the teachers we had together. I remembered......everything. I took one last look at the Quidditch field. This is where WE were happiest. I then knew......I could face this. It was just another test......just another one that I knew that I could pass. I was filled with a sense of knowledge. And I knew that this wasn't the end. I knew we would be together once more. All three of us. How sweet, were the losses to spare? But I'll wait for the day When I'll see you again, see you again, Yeah Though I'm missing you I'll find a way to get through Living without you 'Cause you were my brother, my strength and my pride Only God may know why, still I will get by I looked up at the sky. "I'll try, Harry. I'll wait until we meet once more." I'm missing you A/N: PLEASE PLEASE REVIEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!