A/N: Here it is! The third chapter and the next to last one. The final one is already written and it's pending revision. Plus, I'll send it out more quickly if I get enough feedback! ^_^ My own private little thingy that I learned from my friend. ANYWHO, new POV. Guess who.... Next is the final one and it'll be romance. PROMISE! Disclaimer: A statement made to save one's own ass. I don't own "Harry Potter" that's J.K. Rowling's and I don't own the song. It's Bette Midler's. "Did You Ever Know?" By: Angel Grrl I could see him standing near the Quidditch field and I could hear his words. They sounded so distant to my ears that I was straining to hear them. Watching him....standing there all alone I started to remember our days at school. We were always together....if we weren't the infamous trio of Hogwarts then we were the dynamic duo....or something like that. Ron and me....together all the time. If we weren't faking our divination homework, it was going on another adventure that would threaten certain detention and Snape's wrath. Hmm....those were the good days. I found myself looking back more and more these days...I had found that I had never told Ron some things that needed to be said, and I didn't think that I would ever be able to tell him.... It must have been cold there, in my shadow To never have sunlight on your face You've been content to let me shine You always walked a step behind The last time that Ron and I had spoken was when I was preparing to fight. He had wanted to come and I strictly forbid it. I was already putting myself into mortal danger and I couldn't risk having him die. I had already lost Cedric and my parents to Voldemort...and I wasn't going to lose anybody else....not ever! I had told him that if anything happened to me that I wanted him to be happy. He didn't say much after that. I don't know if he understood or not. I wasn't doing this for glory or for recognition....I was doing it because it had to be done. I remembered during the Triwizard Tournament that we had had a fight. Hermione had said that Ron was jealous because I was always getting the recognition and he was just " Harry Potter's Friend". I had NEVER thought of him that way...and I was so scared that he thought I ever thought that. Didn't he know what he really was to me? I was the one with all the glory While you were the one with all the strength Only a face without a name And I never once heard you complain He had always stuck by me through everything that had happened. A true friend to the end...and never once doubted me. Well, except maybe once or twice but Hey! Nobody's perfect......even me. There were times...that I had caught myself envying Ron. I wanted to be him many times. I envied him for his family, for the love that surrounded him, and for never doubting himself. He was.....in every sense of the word.....a hero. MY hero. Did he know that? Did he know that he was my hero? I may have been a hero to the world when I defeated Voldemort but that didn't matter. I wish that I could have told him before..... Did you ever know that you're my hero? And everything I'd like to be I can fly higher than an eagle When you are the wind beneath my wings I saw him shifting his weight from foot to foot. That meant that he was getting restless and was about to leave. I couldn't let him leave yet! Not yet! Not when I was so close to having my old life back again.....only better than before. I felt that feeling in my middle that meant that I was about to become visible. It was feeling that made you feel like vomiting and sleeping at the same time. I don't recommend it at all. When I finally did appear, I gave myself the once over before I went to him. He was about to turn around when I put my hand on his shoulder. He stiffened and then relaxed. "I knew you would come." "There is much I have to tell you." He turned to me and I could see the tears in his eyes. Something in him was finally being released after all these years....and I could see his old self return. His smiling, carefree nature. It might have appeared to go unnoticed I've got it all here in my heart Want you to know, I know the truth I would be nothing without you We talked for a while....I don't recall how long but long enough. I told him what happened to me and I told him that soon everything was going to be perfect once more. The smile on his face reached his eyes and he looked to be in pain. I had never known Ron to be in pain when he smiled before....but he was. I actually don't think he cared in the slightest. I asked him about his life now and he told me that he was an Unforgivable....and I then called him a regular James Bond. He chuckled at this a litle. I asked him if he ever forgave me. He looked somewhat startled at this question. "What do you mean?" "Do you hate me? For leaving you out of the adventure?" For a long time his eyes did not meet mine. Then he looked at me with a confident air about him. "No. I don't hate you. I'm just not that kind of a person. I'm not the hero type." "Yes, you are." He smiled. Did you ever know that you're my hero? And everything I'd like to be I can fly higher than an eagle Because you are the wind beneath my wings I asked about Hermione.....he told me that she had never forgotten me after all these years. That she was still grieving for me. It was going to be all right I told him. She wouldn't grieve any longer after this night. He looked puzzled but I just gave him a reassuring wink. I then went off into the night....and went looking for my beacon of hope. Thank you, thank you Thank God for you The wind beneath my wings 'Hermione......I'm coming.' A/N: REVIEW!!!!!!!!! or you don't get the next part.