A/N: Here it is!!!! The fourth and final chapter. YAY! ^_^ Be proud. Now, I actually wrote this before Part 3. ^_^ BUT Only because I wanted to make sure that it was just as good as the first part. HOPE HOPE HOPE! I'm still in need of a Beta Reader. Anybody interested????????????? PLEASE?!! I'm desperate! ANYWHO, this is once more in Hermione's POV. NOW, I have decided that this is the only way to make EVERYBODY happy with this story. SO......no arguing. Disclaimer: A statement made to save one's own ass. Just kidding. I don't own "Harry Potter" that's J.K. Rowling's and I don't own "Last Dance" that belongs to Donna Summers! One of my FAVOURITE singers of all time! AND A special song at the bottom. For mood music.........I actually suggest that you get ahold of Louis Armstrong "What A Wonderful World". TRUST ME! "What A Wonderful World" By: Angel Grrl "Please don't cry." I gasped. It couldn't be......could it? I was afraid to turn around......that I my illusion would be shattered. Turning around very slowly, I saw the one thing that was missing from my life for so long. It was him! He was here, and he was with me! He was so beautiful. Hair was still unruly as ever......and his eyes were like emerald green lightning......that ironically matched the thin scar on his forehead. My legs moved on their own accord and before I knew it I was in his arms......and for the first time in a very long while, I was safe. I was overjoyed and yet saddened at the same time.........because I knew! I knew that he wouldn't be able to stay with me. I knew that this was, in fact, goodbye. I see trees of green Red roses too I see them bloom for me and you And I think to myself What a wonderful world I could feel him stroking my hair and running it through his fingers and then the falling lightly back into place. I was feeling this feeling of intense joy and heartache at the same time. Somehow I knew that this wouldn't last for forever. It wasn't fair! It just wasn't fair!! He going to leave me again, and I couldn't bear my life alone. "Don't leave me," I begged. He didn't say anything for a long time......just held me. Then, I heard him speak. "I have to," he whispered. "No! You can't! I need you...beside me, to guide me, to hold me..." I choked through my tears...., "Don't go..." He just held me in the moonlight......and danced. I see skies of blue, and clouds of white The bright blessed day The dark sacred night And I think to myself What a wonderful world Ever so slowly......he started to pull away. I kept my grip on his arm firm and strong......and all the while I was looking directly into his eyes. They were full of sadness and love. Love......for me. He caressed my cheek ever so softly, and then he started to shimmer. A beautiful silver sparkle surrounded him and it made him look ethereal. "Be happy." And then he was gone. The End (A/N: JUST KIDDING! I wouldn't leave ya hanging like that! Although.........NAH! Just kidding! I told ya this was the happy part didn't I??? WELL..................KEEP GOING!) Not quite the end...... "Hermione?" I turned my head slowly towards the voice. The figure slowly came into view......it was Ron. 'What is he doing here?' I thought. He stopped short when he saw me, and for the first time, I saw him crying. I don't know what made me do it.........I don't think I'll EVER know...BUT the next thing I knew, was that I was in his arms and crying my heart out onto his shoulder. He just held me close......and whispered comfort to my ears, and for the rest of the night......we comforted each other. The colours of the rainbow So pretty in the sky Are also on the faces of people passing by I see friends shaking hands, asking "How do you do?" They're really saying "I love you" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Harry's POV There the two stood......holding each other in comfort......and I? Well, I was in the background watching them. I knew that I was going to miss Ron and Hermione. I knew that I would miss all of the adventures that we COULD have had, but that's how life goes. It isn't always fair, but it does go on. I found that out the hard way. I then, felt a presence next to mine, and looking over I saw my guardian. My guide, so to speak. "That was a very good thing you did, Harry," my guardian said. "Yeah......he'll take care of her.........right?" "Hmm......" he chuckled, "What do you think?" I looked back at them. "He will." I hear babies cry I watch them grow They'll learn much more Than I'll ever know And I think to myself What a wonderful world Yes, I think to myself What a wonderful world Then, upon the two of us departing, I thought to myself, 'What a wonderful world'. The End A/N: WELL?!?! Didja like it??? I hope so! I told ya I would make a happy ending...and I hope I made the parting bearable. ^_^ SO, this should please all H/H and R/H fanatics! ^_^ PLEASE REVIEW!!!!!! Thanx ever so much...and thanks for reviewing all the other chapters! You guys know who you are!! ^_^ Love and other Squeaky Toys, Angel Grrl P.S. PLEASE REVIEW!!!!!