Ok, here is chapter 1. Please enjoy it...and please don't flame me but criticize me. ^_^ Disclaimer: I own squat. I own the Kenobi chick. Purple Flames - Chapter 1 8 year old Mace Windu was sitting quietly at his desk, waiting for his best friend to arrive. Of course, knowing him, he would be late and probably would have blood on him somewhere, more often than not, it was his own. Hearing the door slide open, awoke him from his thoughts and standing there before him was Master Yoda, ready to teach the young jedi about the force. Sensing his seering gaze, Mace willed his friend to get his backside back there as soon as possible. No such luck of course. "Missing your friend is, Mace. Curious I am, as to his whereabouts," I am Mace's cold sweat. "I'm sorry Master, I have no idea where he is at this current moment of time, but I'm certain that he is trying ever so diligently to make it here on time and I'm certainly sure that he, without a doubt, is in tip-top condition," 'There!' he thought, 'That should give Qui just a little bit of time...and I sounded pretty convincing myself,' Yoda merely gave him a questioning look and hobbled slowly to his desk at the front of the room. Peering out at the twenty-eight young students, he readied himself for the day. Wait! Twenty-eight????? "Missing, someone else is. Know this student, any of you?" A loud crash sounded the answer to Master Yoda's question. Looking towards heaven, and praying to whatever holy persona was listening Mace asked that it not be Qui-Gon. A faint 'You jerk!' was heard from the hallway, followed by another crash. Ah, yes...here were the two missing jedi students...come to class at last. Mace wasn't quite sure which was going to be worse, seeing Qui-Gon get a lecture from Master Yoda about control or seeing Master Yoda lecture BOTH of the two jedi's about controlling their fights. Mace was betting on the latter. Yoda hobbled out of the room and towards the sliding door. What greeted him on the other side were two young students wrestling with one another and objects were being hurtled towards him and the many other innocent bystanders in the hallway. Oh yeah, this was definately going to be about controlling your emotions, especially with the force involved. A vase flew into the classroom and crashed against the wall closest to Mace. Some decided to peer out and find out what the fight was about this time, but most of them didn't care. This was far too common for them and they had a feeling they already knew what it was about anyway. Someone once said that adults are not interested in justice between young students, but how they want QUIET! Mace supposed that this old cliche was accurate as the two were lifted from the floor by Master Yoda. As they were being lifted, they were still fighting at one another. "Qui-Gon Jinn! Sabine Kenobi! What is it this time???" Both students pointed at the other. "S/He started it!" I am Mace's complete lack of surprise. To Be Continued....