VA/N: Ok is the next chapter....everybody's a bit older... not by much and yes! Kenobi and Jinn still HATE one another. ^_^ Toodles Disclaimer: I own diddly except Sabine, and Shiko. A/N: I am sooooooooooooo sorry that I didn't do this in the last chapter. Special Thanks: Cavca: My very first review. I'm sorry that I violated the law leaving you hanging like that...hopefully I shall do it again and more often. Lady-Evenstar: I am sooooo glad that I got you hooked. I'm also very pleased that you like the two as enemies. Thank ya girlie! Nadra: **Dodges pointy objects** I enjoy being threatened in reviews...makes me want to write more. ^_^ siri: I am so glad that you like this so much, and I'm also glad that you like my Kenobi twist. Thanks girlie. Beth Kenobi: You are correct. Thanks also for making me write this in the first place...Jedi Mind trick worked girl! To answer your question the prologue is in Obi-Wan's POV. Dragon-Elf 86: THANKS FOR THE BIRTHDAY PROPS!! ^_^ b: Thanks for the support. That means a lot. I'm glad you like little mace and qui. I really enjoy those two's interactions...just love it! ^_^ Skade Darkshadow: Thanks ever so much for the review. and thanks for the kudos! much thanks. Celestia Verita: I'm really glad that I got you intrigued. Yes, you're is always the quiet ones. But, maybe that can be explained a little bit in the story. Stay tuned girlie! OK! All done.....just review my story and I shall have a little note for you in the next chapter! ^_^ "Purple Flames" All eyes were transfixed on the two young jedi holding the white-bladed lightsabers. Dark blue eyes were staring heatedly into his opponents dark brown ones. Neither one were dropping the others gaze. It was a duel between the two best swordsmen in the academy. Young Mace Windu and Young Qui-Gon Jinn. Practice made perfect after all, and these two practiced often...mostly with one another. Between the two, was Master Ki'Ari, one of the oldest jedi at the academy and also one of the bravest. His brave feat for the day was to be referee. He was holding his hand straight into the air, as if to magically hold the two apart. If either one felt truly eager, they could very easily go through the old Master. However, neither one was looking to kill the other...but if some accident did occur, there was a medical staff standing by. Glancing once more at the opponents, Ki'Ari dropped his hand and backed away from the two. The duel started as a dance, both jedi circling the other, each daring the other to make the first move and to drop his gaze. To drop one’s gaze meant a sign of weakness, and a sign of doubt in himself. The first jedi to go on the offensive was Mace Windu, he ducked down and swung at his friends legs in an attempt to knock off his balance, however the force had spoken and quick as can be, the young jedi jumped out of the way. Landing behind his friend, Qui-Gon swung his lightsaber and it met Mace's. Both pushed against the other trying to knock the other's focus off. Both were equal in skill and strength, thus making this lone movement rather difficult. It was not until they had successfully pushed the other off that they once more rushed at each other, weapons blazing bright. Lightning fast the movement was blocked, and both jedi ended up with lightsabers brushing the others ear. They were so still, like statues in a library, neither moving, neither daring to breath. The gentle hum of the two weapons rang loud in everyone’s ears, for the tension was so thick. Both students were staring into the others eyes, each wondering the others next move. The tension was broken, however by Master Ki’Ari clapping his hands together, signaling the end of the duel. Both students looked to him for the nod, that always came after the fight. After seeing it, the two looked back at one another and Qui-Gon’s face broke into a grin and soon after, Mace’s did as well. The two broke from their stances and seemed to compose themselves. The cheer that arose from the crowd signalled that the two had done well and that they had, once again, proven themselves to be the best. Qui-Gon looked towards one enthusiastic voice and smiled to himself. "Oh! Wonderful! Way to go, Qui-Gon!" cheered Shiko. 'He didn’t do that great," sneered Sabine. "Yes he did, Kenobi. You just didn’t see it. WOO HOO!" Sabine looked at Shiko in disgust. She hated being called Kenobi, and yet Shiko always called her that. She just never understood the girl! Looking back towards the two, she noted Qui-Gon sardonically grinning at her and waving that sarcastic wave. As if to say, "Neener neener neener!" She had the urge to slap him. ------------------------- "Come along padawan. We're going to miss our ship," "Yes, Master Kimeko," Mace turned from the man at the ramp and turned back to his friend. Smiling a half smile, the two boys embraced in a hug, silently bidding the other goodbye. It wasn't unnatural to be leaving your best friend when you were a jedi. The thought that you would once again see them again always made the parting easier, but nevertheless, it was never truly easy. Parting from one another, the padawan was jumped by Shiko and her death grip. Watching his friend with amusement, Qui-Gon decided to lend his services and pry the girl away from his friend. Mace struggled for air and once he found it, stood up once more. He looked questioningly around the ramp. "Sabine decided not to come didn't she?" Qui-Gon shrugged to himself, "She just doesn't like goodbyes," "The least she could have done was show up!" said Shiko. "Well, it was her decision. Besides, we'll all see each other again," "Let's make it sooner than later," said a smiling Qui-Gon. Agreeing with him, and bidding a final farewell, Mace Windu boarded his small craft. Settling himself in the seat, he once more looked towards the two jedi waving goodbye to him. Hearing the blast from the engine, he saw the ground begin to get farther and farther away from him. As they passed over the meditation gardens, Mace looked down and there, in the rocks sprawled out the message "Goodbye". to be continued.... A/N: I know this was short....but I have had soooooo many issues. Well, please read and review. Love you all!!!!! ^_^ my webpage was updated so, go visit that! Love and other squeaky Toys, Angel Grrl REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW!