A/N: Hello all...here is my new SW ficcie.....not the one I promised y'all....true! But still it's one that's been hiding in the back of my mind for a while....and hey! here it is! This is kinda the back story to the whole "Such a Simple Statement" thingy.....everyone told me to elaborate on the story....and I was trying to be vague and be very subtle.....but this is ok too. Disclaimer: I own nothing except Castor. "Purple Flames" By: Angel Grrl Dedicated to Theed...who was the first to tell me to tell the story. This is for you girlie...haven't forgotten you! ^_^ Castor. More commonly referred to as Hell for that's what it was. It was a planet of volcanoes, heated rock and steam...far too close to the sun for life to live and yet was livable. It was where the slaves were sent...slaves and prisoners. How I ended up on that miserable god-forsaken planet, I only know from Master Windu. You see, I had been born there...my life began as an adventure. I'm getting ahead of myself far too soon...I do that sometimes. I talk and let my actions take over, more often than not not thinking ahead. My master was always drilling that into my head. Feel, don't think...but remember to have your damn common sense about you ALL THE TIME!!! I suppose I should start at the beginning of the story...way back when all was hunky-dory. Master Windu's words...not my own. When he was a young jedi and in training....he and my master both. So, I shall tell you my story now, for there have been many...but as far as I know, this is the only story of myself that I was not apart of and yet was. How I came to be born on Hell will soon be revealed to you. It is ironic how my life started out as an adventure...I can only wonder if it will end the same way.