A/N: Well, here it is! My first EVER "Star Wars" fic. I've been thinking about this story.....and well, it seems that it MIGHT fit....but I know that it probably doesn't. ^_^ Ok.....on with the fic! Disclaimer: I do not own "Star Wars" it belongs to George Lucas...that is all. "Such a Simple Statement" By: Angel Grrl "Qui-Gon's defiance I sense in you. Need that you do not..." Such a simple statement. Even so, I had been turning it over and over in my head for the last few years. I'm not even sure why, it just seemed to stick with me. What did master Yoda mean? My imagination began to tease my brain with unspeakable thoughts. I felt a small....a VERY small glimmer of hope that I was right. I saw a very quick, and yet very tiny, flash of light in the sky. It was only a passing meteor and yet I watched it intently until it blazed out of sight. That brought me back to reality. I was in Coruscant...and my padawan was practicing with the other Jedi-apprentices. When we had first arrived at the training grounds, I had been eagerly watching his movements....but as I watched him, I began to remember my days as an apprentice.....where we would steal into each other's rooms at night and tell stories of a past long-forgotten. A friend of mine said that he thought he was a prince from a far-off planet and had been discovered by the Jedi while on a routine mission. We all had entertained notions of that sort. I had very few memories of when I was a boy. I remembered a land that was green and lush....and a woman rocking me back and forth ever so gently. My mother.....I assumed. If I thought back hard enough....I could remember her face..............soft, grey eyes and auburn hair that turned copper in the sun. Her dress was a soft purple and her voice sounded like a songbird. *sigh* I never knew what had happened to that woman....and for some reason, I longed to know. I shifted my gaze back towards the city that encompassed the entire planet. The sunsets here really were quite beautiful. "Yes, they are," I turned around to see a Jedi that I knew quite well. His name was Mace Windu. He was a friend of Qui-Gon's and was also a member of the council. He stood very tall and was watching the sunset with the same intensity that I was. "Pardon?" He turned a kind face towards me and made a motion to sit down on the bench. "The sunsets. They are quite beautiful here," he said. We remained in a comfortable silence for quite some time......not saying anything and not looking at anyone or anything.....just sitting there.....in peace. "Why does your mind dwell on thoughts of the past?" A little take aback by this....I couldn't truly answer the Jedi master. My mind raced with answers...logical ones, ones that would impress the sleaziest business man on Tatooine....and yet none of them were the answer that I would give. Somehow I found my voice and answered.....as truthfully as I could. "Unanswered questions," "Oh?" I turned to look at him in astonishment, only to find him looking right back at me. Then, I froze. It wasn't what he had said that made me freeze, it was the knowledge in his eyes. As if he knew something that I didn't--no, COULDN'T know. But, oh, how I wanted to know. My mind raced with a THOUSAND questions. 'Where do I come from?' 'Who were my parents?' 'Why are you looking at me like that?' I found my resolve and was prepared to seek my answers. My eyes must have given away what I was thinking, because he began to stand up. I quickly moved to his eye level and as we both stood there looking at one another....he smiled and did something that became BURNED into my memory. He put his hand on my shoulder and said, "Your father would have been proud....." He left then......but I remained rooted to the spot. My eyes had drifted closed sometime after....and all the while, seeing nothing, hearing nothing, and feeling nothing.....I finally understood what master Yoda had let slip......and my questions were finally answered. THE END A/N: OK! If it sucked, tell me! If it didn't, PLEASE tell me!!!!!! If you want me to continue with this.....probably not, but HEY! Ya never know! Lemme know....and uh, sorry if it seems sappy or whatever. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE review!!!! thanks!!!!!!