A/N: Here is the sequel! I decided to just put it under the Such a Simple Statement....just easier to me! Reviews are all welcome!!!!! I'm working on another ficcie! ^_^ Disclaimer: I own squat!!!!!!! "Those eyes..." By: Angel Grrl ----------------------- Goodbye's the saddest word I'll ever hear Goodbye's the last time I will hold you near Someday you'll say that word and I will cry It'll break my heart to hear you say goodbye ------------------------ Left! Left! Down! Turn!.....STOP!!!!!!!!!! The energy generator seperated us. I looked into my opponent's eyes...sensing his frustration and anger. I dared not lower my light-saber...no, not yet. Not while there was still a chance that he might strike....and I brought it back down. The energy wall would not let him pass, no, he could not strike yet. I sank to my knees then, and began to meditate. Trying to clear my mind of all thoughts and feel the moment and the forever flowing force. That was my philosophy you know. Feel, don't think. Live for the moment. It was what had kept me alive for all these years. If no one knows what you are thinking, then they cannot strike you. Your thoughts will not betray you. Behind me, I could sense my young padawan's frustration and anxiety. His urge to run and fight alongside his teacher. He reminded me of myself so much sometimes. So eager to be the best... FLASH! No time! I ran until towards my opponent...I ran until my veins pumped battery acid and my muscles burned...and then I ran harder. I was striking harder...and dodging slower. I could see out of the corner of my eye, that the generator had clicked on once more, trapping Obi-Wan safely within it. He was safe...that much was a relief to me. I could focus more on the battle. Turn! strike! My chin felt the hard butt of a double-edged lightsaber..and then pain.......... Was that my scream? No...it was Obi-Wan's...I could feel the hot energy inside....and oh...the pain... I slid to my knees...not quite believing and fell to the hard cool floor. I just lay there...trying so hard not to move. From my position on the floor, I could see Obi- Wan's anger directed towards the Sith...and his pain. The generator clicked once more and he flew. He flew towards the tattooed warrior with such a speed that I had not seen since my younger days when I was just a padawan myself. He had a grace about him whenever he fought...he moved so smoothly and so gracefully...just like Sha'ri. I succumbed to the darkness that was pulling at me...just to sleep....just to rest...no, Obi- Wan......rest............... It wasn't until I was being pulled up into a gentle embrace that I awoke. I looked into my padawan's face and saw his tears...oh, my precious Obi- Wan. How I wanted to tell him that everything would be alright and take his pain from him, but I could not. I made him promise me to train the boy...it was his destiny...Obi-Wan was an integral part of the prophecy...I knew that. He gave me his word that he would train Anakin...I smiled at him. As I gently touched his face, I stared into those eyes....those eyes that had haunted me for twenty-six years....those grey eyes...the same ones I fell in love with once....so long ago. Obi-Wan... Goodbye. A/N: Ok! I personally don't think it's AS good as the first...but hey! you tell me what YOU think! ENJOY!!!!!!!!!! ^_^ If you want me to elaborate on this then please please please let me know. Toodles!