dude this is soooooooo sic. lit rules!!!

i don't really have much news to post...but just so there is some stuff here, i'll put some stuff down that everyone probably knows by now!


posted on august 7th:

okay everyone better get their asses over to their phone (1-888-somethin-somethin-somethin-somethin) or to mtv.com and vote for "over my head". well know it's a kick ass song, and an awesome video, probably one of their best yet. i believe that "my own worst enemy", "ziplock" and "miserable" all appeared on TRL at least once, and if i'm not mistaken, i haven't seen "over my head" on there yet. so get to work!!!

posted on august 7th:

okay um.....okay so i don't have anything else to say...not much news going on i guess except that the tour with no doubt is over...oh it's like a month and some days until jeremy, allen and ajay's birthdays, and like 6 months until kevin's birthday. but more about that when the time comes. okay i guess that i'll use this space to promote myself. you should click here to join my and my friend tucker's yahoo club about slipknot. but hey, if you don't like slipknot, it's all good. okay enough bogus news for now.