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Welcome to our Indpendance Day celebration. Valahari has provided us with a fun little Yanky Doodle ditty Val style, and a Quote Quiz for your enjoyment. Kildareme has written us another wonderful poem. Please feel free to email both of the gals and let them know how much we enjoy and appreciate their work.
Valahari Kildareme

An Independence Day ditty
sung to the tune of Yankee Doodle Dandy.

The Caped Crusader leads the charge
with brains, good looks and humor,
Chris Knight follows close behind,
a "Real Genius" is the rumor.


Come on guys, keep it up,
your VAL-iance is quite dandy,
whether in a pinch or on the run

Ray and Jack search for the truth
all the while the mystery deepens,
Burns and Iceman take a stand
firm in what they believe in.


Come on guys, keep it up,
your VAL-iance is quite dandy,
whether in a pinch or on the run,

Shiherlis and Morrision, bad boys
raw energy exudes from them
Come on ladies get in line
For your chance to try and tame `em.


Come on guys, keep it up
your VAL-iance is quite dandy,
whether in a pinch or on the run,


Is That The Echo of Freedom

Is that the echo of Freedom
in the flag snap of a sultry breeze;
a tri-hued salute of remembrance?
But do we remember…
in our picnic of summer ease
of food and fun and families
surrounded by copious
hard purchased liberties…
do we remember?

Vector zero nine zero for bogie!
There’s a Mig on your tail, there’s a Mig on your tail!
He fired! Break right!

Is that the echo of Freedom
in bombs still bursting in air
In a faint reprise
of that fateful night
of uncertainty and fright?
And just as then, we ooh and aah
and lift babies high
and point into the rebellious fire lit sky…
but do we remember?

Got a bogie at 2 o’clock low!
You’ve got a pair of bogies 12 o’clock high,15 miles!
These bogies are all over me!

Is that the echo of Freedom;
the thunder of America’s best ?
A fly by at mach speed,
slicing through sky blue glory,
her young, her strong, her brave,
on the day of American pie,
as God sparks a fire
from Angel’s wings,
shouldn’t they be
in the missing man formation…
so we remember…



In star spangled salute to Val,
and the many roles he has brought to life,
see how many of the following quotes
you can match to these
"All American" characters.

1. Maybe I'm not meant to see.

2. For me the sun rises and sets with her, man.

3. I don't blend in at a family picnic.

4. Down by the creek, walking on water.

5. You think a cop gives a f*** about a pimp?
Listen, every pimp in the world got shot,
two in the back of the f*****' head,
cops would throw a party, man.

6. Normal??? What's not normal about getting
on an airplane with your man and go down to Rio
with 3 million bucks?

7. James Looks Twice, you're under arrest.
Shapeshift, you can have some milk.

8. Hatred is a very underestimated emotion.

9. You're everyone's problem. That's because every
time you go up in the air, you're unsafe.
I don't like you because you're dangerous.

10. It's yet another in a long series of diversions
in an attempt to avoid responsibility.

11. I'm not the first guy who fell in love with
a woman that he met at a restaurant who turned out
to be the daughter of a kidnapped scientist only to
lose her to her childhood lover whom she last saw on
a deserted island who then turned out fifteen years
later to be the leader of the French Underground.

A. J.T. Barker

B. Ray Levoi

C. Jim Morrision

D. Nick Rivers

E. Virgil Adamson

F. Batman

G. Chris Shiherlis

H. Chris Knight

I. Doc Holliday

J. Iceman

K. Mentor: True Romance