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The town is evil as well...Scary huh? Dodge the monster around and stay near the left side of the street. You'll come across a big hole in a gate that leads into the Silent Hill Shopping Center. Head in the hole.

Go over and up the escalators. Right before you do the big T.V screens turn. It's Cheryl saying the same thing she said on the phone. Then Cheryl dissapers off the screen and is replaced by weird signs. Go up. When upstairs head over to the left walkway. Go into the Jewlery shop. Grab the items in here and save if you want. After exiting the shop continue walking down the hallway and head over to the dead body. Oh no! The floor caved in! You land in a sand pit and a giant mutant larva emerges from the ground!

Pull out your shotgun and shoot it while backing away slowly. When it goes underground move around to find out where it's gonna come from next. Don't worry this boss is very easy use health drinks when needed.

When you kill it go over to the walls and find a broken glass case with a huge looking gun hanging out of it. Grab it it's the hunting rifle. The Larva gets back up and breaks through a window follow it out and back into the town.