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When your back into the town go to the rear of the mall and head right. When you get to Sagan Street head west till you get to the police station. Go in. When inside grab the items around and save if you wish then back out into the streets. Go over to Crichton street and head down it untill you get to the hospital. Enter the doors of the hospital and into the examination room where you meet Lisa Again. She tells you where the lake is. Exit the room and get preped for the moth boss, save at the front counter if you wish.

Exit the hospital and out of the front gates. Notice how all of the monsters are not around....Hmm...Go straight across the street and up the fire exit stairs of the building. When you get to the top the moth boss comes out.

When the boss approaches you, use your shotgun to take it out. Back away slowly and shoot. Thats how you dodge it's posion spit. Use health if nessesary.

When the boss is dead sirens can be heard and everything goes back to normal. Go down the ladder and into and start heading back to Silent Hill A; (the drawbridge to the first part of silent hill) When you cross the bridge it takes you right to the water works, saving you the trouble of all the running. Go over to the locked gate and examine it. Then use your, hammer/axe/pipe somthing that swings good, on the lock. As soon as it breaks go into the sewer entrance on the ground.

When in the Sewers go through the only opening. When you get to the branch in the walkway go left. Go down the walkway. On the right side of this way there is ammo/health get it. Then go over to the left side of the walkway and go through the door. In side continue going untill you get to a room. Grab the Sewer Map, and the sewer key. When done save if you wish and exit. Look at your map, see the two ladder signs? See the one at the bottom of the map? That's where you want to go. Head down there and use the key you got to open the door. On the oppisite side of the ladder grab the goodies and then use the ladder to exit.

When you get to the second floor look at your map again. Go down the first long hallway. Make a right when it cut's off at the end. Then make your way through the backway of the second long hallway. when you getr to the end of this hall there should be a sewer exit key covered in blood. Grab it. Dodge the monsters that come and head out the way you came in. Take the hall all the way to the locked door that says keep out. Use the key on the door and enter. Save if you like than climb up the ladder to exit.