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After you talk to Cybil and Dahlia grab the goodies inside and save if you please. Run out the door Dahlia went out and countinue down the pathways dodging the monsters. Adventually you'll arrive at the lighthouse. Go in. Run up the stairs untill you get to the top. When you do you see Alessia. But she dissapears before you can talk to her. Run back down stairs. Save if you want and exit.

Yo'll transport back to the boathouse and you'll notice Cybil isn't back yet. Now you have to find her. Exit out of the boat house and take the pathways untill you get to W. Sandford street. Look at you map. Look for the pink dot above the "nd" in W. Sandford street. That's where you need to go. When you arrive at the location go into the sewer opening.

Now your in another sewer. This sewer is easy. Grab the map on the wall and look at it. There are no block offs or locked doors so it's easy. Head to the other ladder by using your map. When you get to it you'll see horses from a merry-go-round in the water. This must mean the amusement park is up there. Head up the Ladder.