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When you get to the surface you find there's not that many monsters, thank god! Run around untill you find a ice cream parlor. Save the game if you want. After this find the merry-go-round. Enter the gates and get ready to fight....Cybil....

When fighting Cybil use your handgun. Run around her dodging her bullets. If you get hit use a health dirnk/kit as soon as possible. Shoot her untill she throws her gun down. When she does this you can either continue killing her...Or save her by using the plastic bottle with the red fluid on her, you know the one you found in the hosiptal...After one or the other you meet up with Allesia again. Dahilia comes in and you find out that Daliha is Alessia's mother. HUH!? You wake up in the hospital. WTF!? Lisa is there and she tells you she's going to the basement. Save if you want then exit the room. Wait this isin't the hospital!