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After the attack you wake up in a restarunt. But your not alone, you meet Cybil Bennett. She is a cop from the next town over. She tells you that the T.V's, radios, and phones are out. Then she gives you a gun and leaves. Grab all of the stuff in the room. Examine the red radio and then head out the door. As you do you'll hear the radio going off. You'll walk over to it but from outside a Demon Bird breaks through the window! Equip your gun and take it out. Then grab the radio and head out the door.

As you walk out the door Harry Decides to head back to the alley. You'll see your map next and Harry will mark on it where to go. Head back over to the alley and if you get lost use your map by hitting the triangle button on your controller. When you get to the alley dodge the demon dogs and head through the gate and through the pathway. When you get to the end pick up the ammo and the pipe. Then look at the papers on the ground. "To School" you read. So the next place you going to try to get to is the school. Exit the pathway and out of the alley.

After you exit the alley head to the west end of Matheson Street. When you get there dodge the demon bird and examine the papers on the ground. "dog house" "levin St" it says. So there's your next clue. From Matheson Street head north and up Levin Street. Make sure to stay on the left side of Levin Street. You should see to a bloody doghouse. Eximine it and you'll get the house key. Use the key on the house behined the dog house and enter. Go around the house and pick up all of the items and save the game if you want. Then go to the door at the back of the house. You'll see that there are three locks. After your done looking at the door look at the map on the wall to the left. This will tell you where those three keys are. Head out the door and make your way to Finney street. Head east on it till you get to a dead end with a cop car. Go to the trunk of the car and get the key. After that run back the way you came and stay on the left side of the road untill you get to a alley. Turn into the alley and continue to run untill you get to a chain-link fence. Head inside there and pick up the key next to the dogs head and exit the basket ball court. Take the alley to Matheson Street. Head east from there till you get to Ellroy Street. Then head South from there. When you get to the dead end look on the right side of th street and you'll see a wodden plank. Use it to get the Scarecrow key in the mailbox. Now head back to the dog house, house on Levin Street. And use the keys on the door at the back of the house.

When You walk through the door it begins to get dark! your handy pocket light turns on though. Go to the Table and get the health drinks. Then head over to the gate in the yard. Exit into a alley behined the house. Run south till the end of the alley. Than make your way to Midwich Street. Head south untill you get to the front of the school and enter Midwich Elementary School...

(NOTE) Use your map a lot! It will help you the most with directions.

(NOTE)Dodge most enemys on the streets it will save you time, health, and ammo.