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When you exit the hospital head over to the drawbridge. On the right side of the road you should see a control tower, Head up the stairs and into the control tower. Grab the map on the chair and/or save your game. Head over to the front of the room and use the drawbridge key on the control pannel. After that hit the swich. The drawbridge lowers. Head outside and across the drawbridge.

Now your in Part B of silent hill. There are Demon Apes here! Head over to the police station, east on Sagan Street. Head in the doors. Grab the ammo in the front room. Go into the side room. And over to the blackboard and look at it. It talks about a drug called White Claudia...What's That? Then read the yellow peice of paper on the desk. So now there is something with drugs going down in silent hill...What a messed up town. Save the game if you wish. Exit the Police Station.

After you exit head south to the corrner of Crichton and Koontz Streets. There you will see a big gate. Enter the gate. It's the Alchemilla Hospital. Go on inside the hospital.