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Silent Hill/ bosses

LIZARD BOSS: The lizard boss it really easy it's just the timing that's the hard part. All you have to do is get in front of it and wait untill it opens it's mouth wide. that's when you shoot. If your too slow you die. If your fast enough you will beat the boss. Use the shotgun.

LARVA BOSS: To kill this boss just pull your shotgun out and cap it when it comes out. Slowly back up while you shoot. That should do it.

MOTH BOSS: Evolved form of Larva boss. Just back up and shoot at the same time with your shotgun. When you are hurt bad just heal yourself. That should do it.

ALESSIA BOSS: Sorry bout the pic. But she looks like a angel. Well the best thing to do is kill her with the Hunting Rifle. Just stand their and shoot at her. If she hits you with lighting just heal yourself. That should do it.

DEMON BOSS: This is the harder last boss. use the same tecnique to the demon boss as you do to the alessia boss but to doge the lighting bolts run in sharp circles. When it is charging for another bolt Shoot it with the hunting rifle. Heal yourself if you get hit. Or you could do the cheat on the boss. Click here to see cheat And that should do it.
