The Fear of the Lord Restored

8/07/03  - 9th of Av

The Lord says:

Behold the day has arrived for the church to be restored to the Fear of the Lord.  There are only those that are for Me or those that are against Me.  It has always been the same.

What is going to confront those who claim My name and call Me 'LORD' is MY righteous judgement.  There is no more time for excuses or extensions of grace.  The time has come, the day has arrived, and I am the ultimate judge.

Those who are deaf have remained that way by choice, because for many years I have been calling and wooing My people to return to Me in repentance.  Today you stand where you are for a season of My determining.  To those that have chosen their own agendas and glory I will turn My back at their cries for mercy in the midst of their calamities.

Behold the day your false prophets told you would not come, the Day of Judgement, has arrived.  I have given your chosen delusion for you to live, because you do not love the truth.  I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.

Your boasting in your gifts and your egos will not save you.  Your idols of ministry and prosperity and prophecy and control will not save you.  Your false authority will not protect you any more.  Behold I have loosed your destruction if you are against Me.

To those that are called and chosen, I have imparted My truth.  You will only know them by their fruits, by the Scriptures.  Mine will be hated and hunted and persecuted and killed by those that believe in a lie and walk in darkness.

When you face My thunder and fire, you will know that I am the LORD of all.  Every knee will bow to me.  My authority is the highest, whether wielded by Me or My chosen servants.  You will recognize them, for  have made a distinction between the light and the darkness.

Wail and weep for the woes upon this people that claim My name, that I do not know.  Judgement begins in My house.  The Fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom.

In the Fear of the Lord,

Makkehelah & Seraphah
August 07, 2003