Part 2.

Deified They Walked in the ways of Nisroch, The Eagle God Little Horns (They perverted themselves under Cain's Eagle Mark) Eagle Sons)

World's adulterous/ perverted worship of the Eagle (perverted to represent Satan; his ruling sons of Cain) that Yahovah gave Cain as a sign/seal/mark from His Throne, was worshipped before and after the flood. Apostle Shaul knew this ancient mystery: they corrupted the truth of the uncorruptible Yahovah and even themselves into images of birds'

(as the Eagle (Isayah 37:38, and Falcon God)! Because of this, Yahovah gave them up! (To many lusts of their flesh and sexual perversions, as it was before the flood. Notice fez-cap of this ancient Eagle son lion king has a 'Little Horn' on it.)

Apostle Shaul reinforced this, in saying that: WE ALL WALKED IN TIMES PAST WITH THE PRINCE OF THE POWER OF THE AIR …(Satan and his sons) who's spirit is now at work in the children of disobedience … Ephesians 2:2. (Trillions of Eagles are on everything in the U.S. And it is a major symbol of the patriots, and being an American! Who will give up the Eagle God?) The deceived want to argue that the earth is not under any curse, and like Romans and then Germans,they call it a Holy Empire! Yahovah never removed His curses, especially those He put upon earth 'BEFORE' the flood. To think of this cursed earth as Holy today, is against all of Scripture/Torah! "And he called his name Noah, concerning our 'work and toil of our hands', BECAUSE of the GROUND WHICH YAHOVAH HAS CURSED." KJ Genesis 5:29.

Enough about "flesh", and all those who worship it: "FLESH" is to now be greatly punished and then destroyed as written. They have their reward in mammon and shall receive a "double portion" of wrath from Yahovah for choosing it, and yes, loving it over Him and His Son, our Yahshua Messiah.

The first curse unto Adam and all of his future seed: "Unto Adam, He (Yahovah) said, because you have hearkened unto 'the voice of your wife', and have eaten of 'the tree' (Satan himself called a tree here) of which I commanded you, saying, you shall not eat of it:'cursed is the ground' (the whole earth) for your sake; in sorrow shall you eat of it all the days of your life; thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to you; and you shall eat the 'herb' of the field; in the sweat of your face 'shall you eat bread', until you return unto the ground; for out of it you were taken (made): for dust you are (flesh), and unto dust (cursed ground) shall you return." (Genesis 3:17,18,19). Patriotic Servants of the Eagle God

Here are Royalty Rulers of the Eagle God All common men and all soldiers…All the rich and famous and all Royalty… (Arlington Cemetery of Soldiers) (German Lion King George V of England)

All "FLESH" is under this specific "CURSE" as written. Yahovah did not make any exceptions, but many today try to ignore it, or get around it or prolong it as much as possible. Why? Their "FLESH" is all they have, and most of them know it! This is especially true for elite Cain and Esau's seed! Why do you think that Yahshua's example prayer to Yahovah our Father [Abba] in Heaven included:


Why do you think that everyone, everyday, at every meal, should ask Yahovah their Father Abba in Heaven to: give thanks to Yahovah "for your daily bread that you eat" and you receive that of which He alone provides, and then "ask Him to bless it", and to "remove his curse" from it, and then asking Yahovah through Yahshua Messiah, to give your body (your cursed flesh) THE NOURISHMENT THAT IT NEEDS FROM THESE FOODS (that is accursed without Yahovah's blessing). Few today ever give any thanks whatsoever for any food that is placed in front of them, let alone asking Yahovah through Yahshua to bless it before they quickly gorge themselves. Note: Over 50% of U.S. population is classified as obese and/or overweight. 25% younger ones in school today have a high percent of fat.

And, why do you think there are so many widespread sicknesses in the multi-millions, and numerous "body cancers", blood diseases, and major problems of the health of "FLESH" with processed foods; even all types of bread, cookies, and cakes that most now eat without once asking Yahovah's blessings upon or over any of it? January 8, 1992, Yahovah withdrew His " HIDDEN BLESSINGS" from this double "CURSED EARTH" and especially His many blessings on both the just and unjust "CURSED FLESH"! Only those now in Yahovah and Yahshua Messiah shall get any blessings whatsoever!

Did not Yahshua's Apostles say that food you ask in Yahovah's Name to bless, only then does it become fitting that you can eat of it? Still, there are 'unclean' foods Yahovah specifically said for "His people" (All Israelites/Jews) not to eat whatsoever, and He listed them to totally avoid: they are unclean (all taboo) for the body and some are even "ABOMINATIONS" to this day! (ie. The earth's scavengers that eat mostly 'waste' and dead things can be extremely harmful or fatal. Look at the risk today of sickness and death from eating raw oysters, clams, shrimp etc. on Yahovah's unclean list.)

(Americans eat mountains of bacon, sausage, ham, and pork chops!) Sacrifical animal for Zeus Apollo (Iesus, Son of Zeus) and Ashtaroth

Where can you find in Scripture that Yahshua Messiah ever ate the Gentile's swine (pigs, boars, hogs)? One of the first things a doctor will take a person off of with internal health problems in the stomach/ intestines, is pork: takes 18-21 days to be digested. (No sweat glands: it is the Non-Kosher "Other White Meat")

Yahovah through Yahshua Messiah can bless any food prepared on a table set in front of you, as to not offend a host Gentile who serves it, but it is written that all the Israelites/Jews must obey their Abba's Word first: this includes what He commanded for us to keep concerning food: when we eat among ourselves, or simply, politely refusing that which is unclean. Apostle Paul covered many things about eating, and especially about avoiding eating foods that are "sacrificed to idols" (dedicating them first to Satan and his graven images on earth, as the swine to Zu-Zeus). Did Apostle Paul (Shaul) not ask, "should he thus approve of you eating at the tables of demons" and asking Yah's speed on them? And then did he not answer his own question put to you by clearly saying: "YAHOVAH FORBID!"

Did he also not say that when in doubt (not knowing if food has been dedicated to idols), then for your conscience sake, purchase food from an "open market" (many still in Israel and across U.S.) fresh bread, cakes, fish, fruits, nuts, and many vegetables placed out on tables for public sale?

Did not Yahshua say the same in Revelation that many Israelite/Jews were 'caused to stumble' by "EATING FOODS SACRIFICED to IDOLS"? (as today's McDonald's 666 Golden Arches) One of the largest FOOD SACRIFICES to SATAN and SON in the world! McDonald's was founded by a Mason, and Masons even have a "GOLDEN ARCH" degree. Their famous trade "Mark" is a real documented ancient 4,000+ yr. old Ur-Chaldean-Babylonian Aryan Hittite Arch Covenant Seal of Death and Nisroch (Eagle) Mark of Satan and his deified Little Horn Eagle son! The Masons know this, and they love eating at their dedicated restaurants. Will you have a specially prepared "HAPPY MEAL" of DEATH under "SATAN'S GOLDEN ARCH", with over '99' billion served today?" (Mc = Son of Death, from the word Macabre, and Don = God, ald = old = Son of Death of the God of old!)

And, did not the prophet Daniel and his three Israelite companions become healthier than "ALL THE REST" by eating only the very basic and simple clean foods Yahovah approved of and He blessed?

A 'Baal' of Zu-Babel Nebo' = Prophet; 'Nazir' = Eagle Deified Eagle King Daniel's friends are delivered!

Did not Yahovah thus give their bodies full and better nourishment, more than all the others as written? Did not they totally set their hearts to avoid all "unclean foods" devoted to Nisroch (Isayah 37:38) Ur Eagle God and other idols of King Nebochadnazir *? Did they not intentionally avoid Nebochadnazir's food that they not defile themselves? How few would ever avoid McDonald's that they not defile themselves today? This is one of Satan and son's huge worldwide 'hidden traps'.